A Book for all Reasons, ibooknet & PBFA: WW2 - Holocaust and War Crimes
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 Aharoni, Zvi and Dietl, Wilhelm,, OPERATION EICHMANN - Pursuit and Capture.
Aharoni, Zvi and Dietl, Wilhelm,
OPERATION EICHMANN - Pursuit and Capture.
Cassell, London, 1999, 1st in imprint, trade paperback, 192pp, 12 pp half tone photo ills., photo pictorial montage upper wrapper, an account of Adolf Eichmann's invilvement with the 'final solution, his escape from Germany at the end of WW2, the search to find him until he was discovered living in Argentina, and of the operation leading to his kidnap and transport to Israel for trial, sl. slant to spine, light vertical creasing at spine and upper hinge, rubbed at extrems.,edges tanned, good,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 35734
GBP 6.00 [Appr.: EURO 7.25 US$ 7.46 | JP¥ 1132]
Keywords: war ww2 holocaust

 Bethell, Nicholas,, THE LAST SECRET.
Bethell, Nicholas,
Futura, London, 1976, reprint, paperback, 287pp, 8pp half tone photo ills., photo pictorial wrappers (unattrib.), the account of Stalin's revenge on the Cossacks who returned to USSR from Nazi Germany 1944-47, faint vertical crease in spine, lighjtly rubbed at extrems., edges tanned, very good,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 34678
GBP 6.00 [Appr.: EURO 7.25 US$ 7.46 | JP¥ 1132]
Keywords: war ww2 crime stalin russia cossack yalta

 Bethell, Nicholas,, THE LAST SECRET.
Bethell, Nicholas,
Futura, London, 1976, reprint, paperback, 287pp, 8pp half tone photo ills., pictorial design wrappers, the account of Stalin's revenge on the Cossacks who returned from Nazi Germany after WW2, slant and roll to spine, rubbed at extrems., edges tanned, ink name half title, good plus,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 41684
GBP 5.50 [Appr.: EURO 6.75 US$ 6.84 | JP¥ 1038]
Keywords: war ww2 crime stalin russia cossack yalta

 Bethell, Nicholas,, THE LAST SECRET.
Bethell, Nicholas,
Futura, London, 1976, 1st in imprint, paperback, 287pp, 8pp half tone photo ills., photo pictorial wrappers (unattrib.), the account of Stalin's revenge on the Cossacks who returned from Nazi Germany after WW2, sl creasing to spine, a little rubbed at extrems., edges tanned and foxed, ink name on title, good plus,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 41685
GBP 5.50 [Appr.: EURO 6.75 US$ 6.84 | JP¥ 1038]
Keywords: war ww2 crime stalin russia cossack yalta

 Bower, Tom,, KLAUS BARBIE - Butcher of Lyons.
Bower, Tom,
KLAUS BARBIE - Butcher of Lyons.
Michael Joseph, London, 1984, 1st edn., 255pp, 16pp half tone photo ills., maps in text, black cloth lettered in silver at spine, decorated dustwrapper, the story of SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Klaus Barbie, the Nazi torturer and mass murderer nicknamed the 'Butcher of Lyons', his recruitment by the US Counter Intelligence Corps who arranged his passage to Bolivia where he lived for many years before he was finally brought back to France in 1983, based on years of investigation by the BBC Panorama producer Tom Bower, lightly rubbed at tips, dustwrapper: lightly rubbed at tips, a few fox marks to flaps, very good plus in a very good plus dustwrapper,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 35890
GBP 15.50 [Appr.: EURO 18.75 US$ 19.26 | JP¥ 2925]
Keywords: war ww2 france jew holocaust crime lyons

 Browning, Christopher R.,, REMEMBERING SURVIVAL - Inside a Nazi Slave-Labor Camp.
Browning, Christopher R.,
REMEMBERING SURVIVAL - Inside a Nazi Slave-Labor Camp.
W. W. Norton, New York, 2010, 1st edn. US, xxii inc. 3 maps, 375pp, 8pp half tone photo ills., cream cloth covered boards backed with mid brown cloth lettered in gilt at spine, decorative head and tail bands, half tone photo pictorial dustwrapper, In 1972, the Hamburg State Court acquitted the German chief of police in the Polish city of Starachowice of war crimes committed against Jews. Thirty years before, he had been responsible for liquidating the nearby Jewish ghetto, sending nearly 4,000 Jews to their deaths at Treblinka and 1,600 to slave-labour in the local munitions factories. This shocking acquittal, delivered despite the incriminating eyewitness testimony of survivors, drives Christopher R. Browning's inquiry into the circumstances of survival for three hundred Jews, where the camps, even under dire conditions, were an anomoly in the systematic killing and offered their best chances of survival, edges tanned, dustwrapper: lightly rubbed at tips, near fine in a near fine dustwrapper,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 41470
GBP 15.00 [Appr.: EURO 18 US$ 18.64 | JP¥ 2831]
Keywords: war ww2 holocaust pows slave labour labor labour camp occupation jews munitions factory poland

 Clarke, Comer,, THE SAVAGE TRUTH.
Clarke, Comer,
Consul, London, 1961, 4th imp., paperback, 192pp, 8pp half tone phoyo ills., half tone photo pictorial upper wrapper, the story of Karl Adolf Eichmann, an Austrian born in 1906 who joined the Austrian Nazi Party in 1931 and the SS 1934, studied the language and customs of the Jews and and became close to Heidrich, who entrusted him with the thinking on the solution to the Jewish problem and charged him with assessing the Jewish population of each country of the Greater German Reich and to refine the means by which the Final Solution could be implemented, resulting in the establishment of the death camps, lightly rubbed at extrems., slight slant and crease to spine, edges tanned, very good,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 44402
GBP 8.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 US$ 9.94 | JP¥ 1510]
Keywords: war ww2 eichmann holocaust

 David, Janina,, A SQUARE OF SKY - Memoirs of a Wartime Childhood (first published as two books : A Square of Sky and A Touch of Earth).
David, Janina,
A SQUARE OF SKY - Memoirs of a Wartime Childhood (first published as two books : A Square of Sky and A Touch of Earth).
Eland, London, 1992, 1st thus, trade paperback, 430pp inc. 4pp half tone photo ills., [xiii] ads., coloured lettered wrappers, an unabridged amalgamation of two previous books describing the childhood of a young Jewish girl in Poland during WW2, slight roll and slant to spine, rubbed at extrems., light creasing to wrappers, cnrs. inclined to curl, good,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 42356
GBP 8.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 US$ 9.94 | JP¥ 1510]
Keywords: war ww2 poland warsaw ghetto holocaust

 Dobschiner, Johanna-Ruth,, SELECTED TO LIVE.
Dobschiner, Johanna-Ruth,
Pickering and Inglis, London, 1980, 15th imp., paperback, 256pp, pictorial montage upper wrapper (unattrib.), account of the experiences of a Dutch Jewish girl, resident of Berlin where her family had been since 1884 they left for Amsterdam in 1935 to escape the persecution of the Jews only for politics to catch up with them in May 1940 with the German occupation of Holland, she then became a fugutive, a little rubbed at extrems., light creasing at hinges, edges tanned, very good,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 41958
GBP 6.00 [Appr.: EURO 7.25 US$ 7.46 | JP¥ 1132]
Keywords: war ww2 occupation holland nazis holocaust

 Durlacher, Gerhard (trans. Susan Massotty),, THE SEARCH.
Durlacher, Gerhard (trans. Susan Massotty),
Serpent's Tail, London, 1998, 1st edn. UK, trade paperback original, [vi], 183pp, pictorial montage wrappers, a German Jew who had previously fled Hitler's regime into Holland, the author thought himself the sole survivor of a group of 89 boys sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1944 but found he was not alone and tracks down the survivors, light crease upper wrapper, very good,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 35282
GBP 6.00 [Appr.: EURO 7.25 US$ 7.46 | JP¥ 1132]
Keywords: war ww2 holland auschwitz birkenau

 Fairweather, Jack,, THE VOLUNTEER - One Man, an Underground Army and the Secret Mission to Destroy Auschwitz.
Fairweather, Jack,
THE VOLUNTEER - One Man, an Underground Army and the Secret Mission to Destroy Auschwitz.
WH Allen, London, 2020, 1st in imprint, paperback, xvix, 505pp, half tone photo ills., maps, diagrams and facsimiles in text, large format (7.5 x 5") approx., picttorial upper wrapper, account of a member of thwe Polish underground, Witold Pilecki, who undertook to infiltrate the detainees of Auschwitz to record and report back to the Allies on what the Nazi plans were for the Jews, at the same time raising a secret army to sabotage the German facilities and find a way of escaping with the evidence, lightly rubbed at tips, slight roll and slant to spine, edges tanned, very good,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 45772
GBP 8.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 US$ 9.94 | JP¥ 1510]
Keywords: war ww2 poland warsaw concentration camp auschwitz holocaust

 Felton, Mark,, THE FINAL BETRAYAL - Mountbatten, MacArthur and the Tragedy of Japanese POWS.
Felton, Mark,
THE FINAL BETRAYAL - Mountbatten, MacArthur and the Tragedy of Japanese POWS.
Pen and Sword, Barnsley, 2010, 1st edn., 192pp, 8pp half tone photo ills., black cloth lettered in gilt at spine, coloured pictorial montage dustwrapper, an examination of General Douglas MacArthur's command to delay the liberation of Japanese occupied territories until he had received their formal surrender on 2nd September, against the protests of Vice Admiral Mountbatten, a policy that would mean the death of hundreds of sick and starving British and Commonwealth POW's while US POW's were being liberated freely in the Philippines, and the destruction of vast quantities of documentary evidence of war crimes, all to try to sideline any British presence in Asia, fine in a fine dustwrapper,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 41476
GBP 10.50 [Appr.: EURO 12.75 US$ 13.05 | JP¥ 1982]
Keywords: war ww2 japanese pows mountbatten macarthur war crime

 Fitzgibbon, Louis (Foreword by the Rt. Hon. The Lord George -Brown, PC, intro. by Constantine Fitzgibbon),, KATYN MASSACRE.
Fitzgibbon, Louis (Foreword by the Rt. Hon. The Lord George -Brown, PC, intro. by Constantine Fitzgibbon),
Corgi, London, 1977, 1st edn., paperback original, 253pp, 8pp half tone photo ills., in text map and diagram, [iii] ads., wraparound pictorial wrappers, an investigation into the Katyn massacre when, in 1943, German soldiers discovered the bodies of thousands of Polish officers in a series of mass graves, their hands bound behind their backs and each with a bullet entry wound in the base of the skull, parts of this book previously published as 'Katyn - a crime without parallel' and 'The Katyn cover-up', included here with additional material, light sunning to spine, edges tanned, near fine,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 44225
GBP 6.00 [Appr.: EURO 7.25 US$ 7.46 | JP¥ 1132]
Keywords: war ww2 poland russia katyn massacre war crime

 Frank, Anne (ed. by Otto H. Frank and Mirjam Pressler, trans. by Susan Massotty),, ANNE FRANK : THE DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRL - The Definitive Edition.
Frank, Anne (ed. by Otto H. Frank and Mirjam Pressler, trans. by Susan Massotty),
ANNE FRANK : THE DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRL - The Definitive Edition.
Penguin, Harmondsworth, ND, reprint, paperback, ix, 339pp, 8pp half tone photo ills., diagram in text, [i] ads., photo pictorial wrappers, the story of the Jewish girl Anne Frank and her family, hiding in secret rooms in Amsterdam for over 2 years until discovered in August 1944 by the Dutch police and despatched to concentration camps, a version of 'The Diary of a Young Girl', originally edited by her father but with much of the original text of the diaries restored and in a new translation, light creasing upper wrapper, several cnrs. turned, very good,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 33631
GBP 7.00 [Appr.: EURO 8.5 US$ 8.7 | JP¥ 1321]
Keywords: autobiography ww2 occupation netherland holland gestapo nazi holocaust anne frank

 Frank, Anne (intro Eleanor Roosevelt, preface George Stevens),, ANNE FRANK : The Diary of a Young Girl.
Frank, Anne (intro Eleanor Roosevelt, preface George Stevens),
ANNE FRANK : The Diary of a Young Girl.
Pocket Books, New York, 1971, paperback, 258pp, photo pictorial wrappers, edges coloured, the story of the Jewish girl Anne Frank and her family, hiding in secret rooms in Amsterdam for over 2 years until discovered in August 1944 by the Dutch police and despatched to concentration camps, slight roll and slant to spine with vertical crease at spine and upper hinge, a little rubbed at extrems. with small surface chip top cnr. upper wrapper, good plus,
A Book for all ReasonsProfessional seller
Book number: 41728
GBP 5.50 [Appr.: EURO 6.75 US$ 6.84 | JP¥ 1038]
Keywords: autobiography ww2 occupation netherland holland gestapo nazi holocaust anne frank

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