Nineteen Eighty-Four. The facsimile of the extant manuscript
Amsterdam, De Arbeiderspers. 1984. Hard Cover, 33,5x25,5cm. 382p.. Ill.: David Quay (jacket design). Red cloth, gilt decorated, each page of the original manuscript (with corrections) is published on the right page, on the left page the text is in typoprint (with corrections). Edited by Peter Davison. Preface by Daniel G. Siegel. This edition is published by arrangement with Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd, London and M&S Press Inc. Weston Massachusetts. Good copy/Original Jacket.
De Tweede Lezer
Professionelle VerkäuferBuchzahl: 005779
€ 75.00 | CHF 70.5]
Sonstige Stichworte: Manuscript David Quay (Jacket Design)