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found: 83 books on 6 pages. This is page 6
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"Verhoef, Esther"
"Op de bonnefooi door Frankrijk / & een spannend Frankrijk-verhaal"
Ambo|Anthos, "2022, paperback, mooi exemplaar". ISBN: 9789026361982.
Boekhandel Louis TinnerProfessional seller
Book number: 224185619
€  6.00 [Appr.: US$ 6.18 | £UK 5.25 | JP¥ 939]

"Verhoef, Esther"
"Op de bonnefooi door Frankrijk / & een spannend Frankrijk-verhaal"
Ambo|Anthos, "2022, paperback, mooi exemplaar". ISBN: 9789026361982.
Boekhandel Louis TinnerProfessional seller
Book number: 232239373
€  6.00 [Appr.: US$ 6.18 | £UK 5.25 | JP¥ 939]

"Waagmeester, Lucas"
"Op drift / De ontwrichting van Turkije"
"De Arbeiderspers", "2020, paperback, mooi exemplaar". ISBN: 9789029541497.
Boekhandel Louis TinnerProfessional seller
Book number: 225652119
€  7.00 [Appr.: US$ 7.21 | £UK 6 | JP¥ 1096]

"West, Martin Elgar"
"Abantu: An introduction to the black people of South Africa"
Struik, "1984, hardcover with dust jacket, good copy". ISBN: 9780869770573.
Boekhandel Louis TinnerProfessional seller
Book number: 216771494
€  6.00 [Appr.: US$ 6.18 | £UK 5.25 | JP¥ 939]

"Edward Wilson"
"South Pole odyssey / Selections from the Antarctic Diaries of Edward Wilson"
Blandford, "1982, paperback, goed exemplaar". ISBN: 9780713712063.
Boekhandel Louis TinnerProfessional seller
Book number: 209407644
€  6.50 [Appr.: US$ 6.7 | £UK 5.5 | JP¥ 1018]

"Winn, Raynor"
"Het zoutpad / Over oude wegen naar een nieuw begin"
"Balans, Uitgeverij", "2020, paperback, goed exemplaar". ISBN: 9789463821056.
Boekhandel Louis TinnerProfessional seller
Book number: 225705151
€  5.00 [Appr.: US$ 5.15 | £UK 4.25 | JP¥ 783]

"Gavin Young"
"Worlds Apart / Travels in war and peace"
Hutchinson, "1987, hardcover with dust jacket, good copy". ISBN: 9780091682200.
Boekhandel Louis TinnerProfessional seller
Book number: 214894462
€  6.50 [Appr.: US$ 6.7 | £UK 5.5 | JP¥ 1018]

"Hou Ren-Zhi e.a."
"The Walls and Gates of Beijing in Ming and Qing Dynasty"
"Hebei Education Publishing", "2003, Paperback, good copy". ISBN: 9787543449213.
Boekhandel Louis TinnerProfessional seller
Book number: 227214787
€  75.00 [Appr.: US$ 77.27 | £UK 62.75 | JP¥ 11741]

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