Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.: Rariteitenkabinetten / Cabinet of Curiosities / Kunstkammer
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 Bass, Marisa Anne &  Anne Goldgar & Hanneke Grootenboer & Claudia Swan:, Conchophilia: Shells, Art, and Curiosity in Early Modern Europe.
Bass, Marisa Anne & Anne Goldgar & Hanneke Grootenboer & Claudia Swan:
Conchophilia: Shells, Art, and Curiosity in Early Modern Europe.
09 2021, (20 x 26,1 cm), 224 pp. English, 85 colour ills., hardcover. Among nature's most artful creations, shells have long inspired the curiosity and passion of artisans, artists, collectors, and thinkers. Conchophilia delves into the intimate relationship between shells and people, offering an unprecedented account of the early modern era, when the influx of exotic shells to Europe fueled their study and representation as never before. From elaborate nautilus cups and shell-encrusted grottoes to delicate miniatures, this richly illustrated book reveals how the love of shells intersected not only with the rise of natural history and global trade but also with philosophical inquiry, issues of race and gender, and the ascent of art-historical connoisseurship. Shells circulated at the nexus of commerce and intellectual pursuit, suggesting new ways of thinking about relationships between Europe and the rest of the world. The authors focus on northern Europe, where the interest and trade in shells had its greatest impact on the visual arts. They consider how shells were perceived as exotic objects, the role of shells in courtly collections, their place in still-life tableaus, and the connections between their forms and those of the human body. They examine how artists gilded, carved, etched, and inked shells to evoke the permeable boundary between art and nature. These interactions with shells shaped the ways that early modern individuals perceived their relation to the natural world, and their endeavors in art and the acquisition of knowledge. Spanning painting and print to architecture and the decorative arts, Conchophilia uncovers the fascinating ways that shells were circulated, depicted, collected, and valued during a time of remarkable global change.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7913
€  56.95 [Appr.: US$ 62.56 | £UK 48 | JP¥ 9264]

 Becker, Marcel & Eva Dolezel & Meike Knitte; & Diana Stört, et al:, The Berlin Kunstkammer. Collection History in Object Biographies from the 16th to the 21th Century.
Becker, Marcel & Eva Dolezel & Meike Knitte; & Diana Stört, et al:
The Berlin Kunstkammer. Collection History in Object Biographies from the 16th to the 21th Century.
2023, (22 x 28 cm), 280 pp. English text, 364 colour- and 30 b/w ills., hardcover. The Berlin Kunstkammer as such never existed. In the course of its long history, the electoral and then royal institution underwent continuous change. In dealing with the collection, the protagonists constantly reinvented the Brandenburg-Prussian Kunstkammer. This book takes an innovative approach to the multiple meanings of the history of the collection by examining the biographies of its objects. Like prisms, these holdings refract the history of the Kunstkammer from its beginnings around 1600 to the present day, showing the kaleidoscopic meanings attributed to artefacts and natural objects. The texts, written by authors from a variety of disciplines, trace the early history of Berlin's modern museum landscape and the differing paths that brought objects into the collections. The contributions present the results of a joint research project by the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, and the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 8494
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 49.43 | £UK 38 | JP¥ 7320]

 Dettmann, Ingrid & Agnes Strehlau (Bearb.):, Die herzogliche Kunstkammer in Gotha
Dettmann, Ingrid & Agnes Strehlau (Bearb.):
Die herzogliche Kunstkammer in Gotha
2022,( 24 _ 30 cm), 2 vols. ca. 608 pp. German, ca. 800 ills., hardcovers. Die vielfältigen Sammlungen der Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein Gotha haben ihren Ursprung in der barocken Kunstkammer, die Herzog Ernst I. von Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg (1601-1675) Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts im Westturm von Schloss Friedenstein einrichten lie§. Seitdem erfolgte eine stetige Erweiterung der Bestände, die bis 1764 in verschiedenen Kunstkammer Inventaren Niederschlag fand. Die erhaltenen Kunstkammerinventare beschreiben sehr anschaulich die Gestalt der Objekte und ihre Anordnung in der herzoglichen Kunstkammer auf Schloss Friedenstein. Band 1 enthält die transkribierten Kunstkammerinventare von 1657, 1717 und 1764 sowie ein Inventar der 1656 in der Kunstkammer aufbewahrten Münzen, das 1692 verfasste Inventar eines Augsburger Kabinettschrankes und das Inventar der Mineraliensammlung von 1764. Band 2 ist ein bebilderter Katalog der anhand der historischen Inventare identifizierten Kunstkammerobjekte.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7681
€  115.00 [Appr.: US$ 126.33 | £UK 96.5 | JP¥ 18708]

 Heide, Gerhard & Ulf Kempe & Michael Wagner & Marius Winzeler:, É die Schönhet der ganzen Welt.  Heinrich Taddel und sein Steinkabinett im  Grünen Gewölbe.
Heide, Gerhard & Ulf Kempe & Michael Wagner & Marius Winzeler:
É die Schönhet der ganzen Welt. Heinrich Taddel und sein Steinkabinett im Grünen Gewölbe.
06 2023, (21 x 28 cm), 256 pp. German, 470 colour ills., softcover. Zu den gro§en Unbekannten in der Geschichte des Grünen Gewölbes gehört der Goldschmied und Geheime Kämmerer Heinrich Taddel (1714-1794). Erstmals wird ihm eine Publikation gewidmet, die die neuesten Forschungen vorstellt - ausgehend von seinem Schlüssel
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 8482
€  35.00 [Appr.: US$ 38.45 | £UK 29.5 | JP¥ 5694]

 Kugel, Alexis & Rahul Kulka:, Amber. Treasures from the Baltic Sea, 16th - 18th century.
Kugel, Alexis & Rahul Kulka:
Amber. Treasures from the Baltic Sea, 16th - 18th century.
2024, (21,2 x 30 cm), 368 pp. English, ca. 600 ills., hardcover. From Roman times to the 18th century, many recognised the inherent value of amber and hypothesised its origin, some assuming it to be whale sperm, others, solidified lynx urine. Its mystery endowed it with medicinal virtues. Amber was recommended as a powder to cure melancholy, toothache, and epilepsy, among other ailments, and as a love filter. The occasional inclusions of insects and small animals found trapped in amber have also made it a symbol of immortality. Pliny the Elder was the first to unveil its nature as the result of plant resin, but it wasn't until 1757 that the Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonossov determined its true origin. Amber is a fossilised resin originating, in the case of the objects exhibited, from a prehistoric forest dating back to some 30 to 40 million years, located under the Baltic Sea, between the towns of Danzig (today Gdansk in Poland) and Königsberg (today Kaliningrad in Russia), then, in East Prussia. In the 16th century, Grand Master Albert of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1490-1568) converted to Protestantism and transformed the territories of the Order of the Teutonic Knights in the Duchy of Prussia. This marked the beginning of a tremendous expansion in the trade and production of amber works of art. They became Prussia's diplomatic gifts par excellence and were sought after to adorn the 'Kunstkammern' of Europe's sovereigns and princes.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 8533
€  97.50 [Appr.: US$ 107.11 | £UK 82 | JP¥ 15861]

 Laue, Georg &  Virginie Spenlé:, Edition I: The Kunstkammer: Wonders are  collectable.
Laue, Georg & Virginie Spenlé:
Edition I: The Kunstkammer: Wonders are collectable.
2016, (23 x 28,5 cm), 144 pp. English text, full colour ills., paperback This is the first volume of a new publication series by the Kunstkammer Georg Laue: Kunstkammer Edition. From the preface of the editor Georg Laue: 'The Kunstkammer Edition allows me the opportunity to publish academic articles on particular artists or objects alongside my existing catalogue series, which in contrast focuses on specific themes surrounding the Kunst- und Wunderkamer. I have deliberately decided to dedicate the first volume of the Kunstkammer Edition to the world of the Kunst- und Wunderkammer in general. It should give all Kunstkammer enthusiasts and experts the possibility to place the objects from the Kunstkammer Georg Laue within the context of this theme and to inspire the creation of their own collections.'
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7523
€  27.25 [Appr.: US$ 29.94 | £UK 23 | JP¥ 4433]

 Laue, Georg &  Virginie Spenlé:, Edition II: Wenzel Jamnitzer.  Ein Renaisance Mörser / A Renaissance Mortar.
Laue, Georg & Virginie Spenlé:
Edition II: Wenzel Jamnitzer. Ein Renaisance Mörser / A Renaissance Mortar.
2016, (23 x 28,cm), 64 pp. / German & English text, full colour ills., paperback. Volume 2 of the Kunstkammer Edition series describes five known bronze mortars by the famous goldsmith Wenzel Jamnitzer. Four of them can be found in museums. The fifth one is presented by Georg Laue in this fabulous volume.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7524
€  17.50 [Appr.: US$ 19.22 | £UK 14.75 | JP¥ 2847]

 Laue, Georg &  Virginie Spenlé:, Edition III: Leonard Kern,  Der Deutsche Giambologna / The German Giambologna.
Laue, Georg & Virginie Spenlé:
Edition III: Leonard Kern, Der Deutsche Giambologna / The German Giambologna.
2016, (23 x 28,cm), 80 pp. / German & English text, full colour ills., paperback. Volume 3 of the Kunstkammer Edition series describes three alabaster reliefs from the early work of Leonhard Kern, made between 1614 and 1620. In her essay, Dr. Virginie Spenlé has researched the early years of Leonhard Kern's artistic career, as well as classified and discussed the reliefs. The artistic abilities of Leonhard Kern have their origin in his early travels, which took him as far as Northern Africa. During his stay in Italy, he had the opportunity to get to know the works of Giambologna, and back in Germany, he began his career as sculptor with this 'artistic advantage', which would eventually make him a sought-after and treasured artist even during his lifetime.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7525
€  16.35 [Appr.: US$ 17.96 | £UK 13.75 | JP¥ 2660]

 Laue, Georg &  Virginie Spenlé:, Edition V: Der Meister der Sebastiansmartyrien /  The Master of the St. Sebastian's Martyrdoms. New discoveries and catalogue raisonné.
Laue, Georg & Virginie Spenlé:
Edition V: Der Meister der Sebastiansmartyrien / The Master of the St. Sebastian's Martyrdoms. New discoveries and catalogue raisonné.
2018, (23 x 28,cm), 94 pp. / German & English text, full colour ills., paperback. Little is known about the Master of the St Sebastian's Martyrdoms except that he worked in Vienna for the emperor Ferdinand III (r. 1637-1657) and that he was one of the most influential artists specialised in small-scale sculptures of ivory and wood in the mid-17th century. His identity being unknown to this day, he was named after two ivory reliefs showing the Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian that are on display at the Kunstkammer of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna and at the Oberösterreichisches Museum in Linz and that were obviously executed by the same artist.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7526
€  27.25 [Appr.: US$ 29.94 | £UK 23 | JP¥ 4433]

 Laue, Georg &  Virginie Spenlé & Almudena Pérez de Tudela:, Edition VI: Der Madrider Kabinetschrank / The Madrid Cabinet.
Laue, Georg & Virginie Spenlé & Almudena Pérez de Tudela:
Edition VI: Der Madrider Kabinetschrank / The Madrid Cabinet.
2019, (23 x 28,cm), 152 pp. / German & English text, full colour ills., hardbound. Beautiful designed and illustrated volume published by Kunstkammer Georg Laue. From the preface: The present Kunstkammer Edition is devoted to a gem of Augsburg cabinet-making that was commissioned by Bartholomeus Weisshaupt for the Spanish court ca. 1569: The Madrid Cabinet. Worked with consummate mastery, this ornate piece of intarsia furniture is exceptionally fine, teeming with a menagery of exotic animals whose habitat is a fantastic landscape with ruins. Formerly in a Spanish private collection, the Madrid Cabinet is matched in size and quality by only the Wrangelschrank in the LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur in Münster and the Milan Cabinet in the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein. In her essay dr. Virginie Spenlé describes the Madrid Cabinet in detail, and has been able through exhaustive and meticulous research and comparison to attribute it conclusively tot he Augsburg master Bartholomeus Weisshaupt. The essay by Almudena Pérez de Tudela, curator at the Real Monasterio de El Escorial, Madrid, sheds light on the export of fine Augsburg cabinets to the Spanish court in the second half of the sixteenth century. Based on proofs of purchase and commission, royal decrees and prolific correspondence, historic documents that are first published and reproduced here, her research reveals the brisk and extensive exchange of luxury goods and ideas between Augsburg and Madrid in a way that is both easy to follow and exciting to read.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7527
€  38.15 [Appr.: US$ 41.91 | £UK 32.25 | JP¥ 6206]

 Laue, Georg &  Virginie Spenlé:, Edition VII: Die Fratzenkanne von Nikolaus Pfaff. / Grimacing Goblet by Nikolaus Pfaff.
Laue, Georg & Virginie Spenlé:
Edition VII: Die Fratzenkanne von Nikolaus Pfaff. / Grimacing Goblet by Nikolaus Pfaff.
2022, (23 x 28,5 cm), 120 pp. English text, over 100 full colour ills., hardcover.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 8102
€  29.00 [Appr.: US$ 31.86 | £UK 24.5 | JP¥ 4718]

 Laue, Georg &  Virginie Spenlé:, Edition VIII: Der Wundermann von Schwabisch Hall aus der Dresdner Kunstkammer.  /  The Wounderous Man of Schwabisch Hall from the dresden Kunstkammer.
Laue, Georg & Virginie Spenlé:
Edition VIII: Der Wundermann von Schwabisch Hall aus der Dresdner Kunstkammer. / The Wounderous Man of Schwabisch Hall from the dresden Kunstkammer.
2022, (23 x 28,5 cm), 96 pp. German/ English text, over 70 full colour ills., hardcover.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 8103
€  29.00 [Appr.: US$ 31.86 | £UK 24.5 | JP¥ 4718]

 Laue, Georg & Antje Schermer & Virginie Spenlé:, Edition IX. Silberne Trinkspiele an den Höfen Europas. / Drinking Games in Silver at European Courts.
Laue, Georg & Antje Schermer & Virginie Spenlé:
Edition IX. Silberne Trinkspiele an den Höfen Europas. / Drinking Games in Silver at European Courts.
2023, (23 x 28,5 cm), 84 pp. German/ English text, over 100 full colour ills., hardcover.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 8329
€  29.95 [Appr.: US$ 32.9 | £UK 25.25 | JP¥ 4872]

 Laue, Georg & Philippe Bastian & Virginie Spenlé:, Edition X. Der Rothschild Olifant / The Rothschild Oliphant.
Laue, Georg & Philippe Bastian & Virginie Spenlé:
Edition X. Der Rothschild Olifant / The Rothschild Oliphant.
2023, (23 x 28,5 cm), 140 pp. German/ English text, over 190 full colour ills., hardcover.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 8330
€  29.95 [Appr.: US$ 32.9 | £UK 25.25 | JP¥ 4872]

 Laue, Georg &  Dieter Alfter & Barbara Mundt & Annettte Schommers & Virginie Spenlé & Christiane Zeiller:, Kunstkammer Georg Laue Band VII:  Möbel für die Kunstkammern Europas. Kabinettschränke und Prunkkassetten /  Furniture for European Kunstkammer. Collector's Cabinets and Caskets.
Laue, Georg & Dieter Alfter & Barbara Mundt & Annettte Schommers & Virginie Spenlé & Christiane Zeiller:
Kunstkammer Georg Laue Band VII: Möbel für die Kunstkammern Europas. Kabinettschränke und Prunkkassetten / Furniture for European Kunstkammer. Collector's Cabinets and Caskets.
2008, (28 x 23,cm), Oblong, 302 pp. / German & English text, full colour ills., hardbound. In this 7th volume by Kunstkammer Georg Laue 46 outstanding products of courtly artisan carpentry from the Renaissance and the Baroque are documented, made using precious materials such as ivory, tortoiseshell, exotic woods, silver, gold and amber. They were not only used as containers for precious items, but were also designed as small art chambers. In the 17th century they were an essential part of encyclopedic collections.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7528
€  76.95 [Appr.: US$ 84.53 | £UK 64.75 | JP¥ 12518]

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