Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.: Modern Design / Modern Design
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 AALTO-  Stritzler-Levine, Nina & Irma Boom (design):, Artek and the Aaltos. Creating a Modern World.
AALTO- Stritzler-Levine, Nina & Irma Boom (design):
Artek and the Aaltos. Creating a Modern World.
05 2022, newly revised edition (19 x 26 cm), 696 pp. English text, 350 colour and 75 b/w. ills., paperback. Bard Graduate Center: Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture Book design Irma Boom, The first English-language survey to focus on the Finnish Modernist design company Artek and its founders, Alvar and Aino Aalto The Finnish design firm Artek is best known as the producer and distributor of Modernist bentwood furniture designed by Alvar Aalto (1898-1976). However, its mission was more complex and multifaceted, grounded in the notion that art and design could enhance everyday life. Artek and the Aaltos showcases more than three hundred objects, including furniture, glassware, lighting, design sketches, drawings, textile swatches, and photographs. Most of the material is published here for the first time. It contextualizes the contributions of Artek, and those of its founders, Alvar and his wife, Aino Marsio Aalto (1894-1949), providing evidence for their close professional partnership as well as critical interpretations of their major projects. It also considers individuals such as Maija Heikenheimo, whose career at Artek spanned three decades. In addition, this book examines the Aaltos' advocacy for the use of standardized forms and shows how modern designers continue to work with the Artek product line and within the parameters of the company's mission. Fully indexed appendices present new scholarship, including an inventory of the Artek product line (furniture, textiles, and glass), and a list of public and private commissions. This book is the first English-language publication on the topic, as well as the most comprehensive, with chapters authored by leading scholars of design history and architecture
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 6657
€  69.95 [Appr.: US$ 76.84 | £UK 58.75 | JP¥ 11379]

 Allen, Jennifer & Gert Staal:, Ted Noten Ubiqist.
Allen, Jennifer & Gert Staal:
Ted Noten Ubiqist.
June 2015, (22 x 29 cm), 240 pp. Dutch text, nuemerous colour ills., hardcover. Ted Noten behoort tot de meest eigenzinnige en radicale ontwerpers van dit moment. Wereldwijd hebben zijn doorschijnende acryllaat tassen - waarin soms een dier, juwelen of cocaïne en dan weer wapens zijn ingesloten - verzamelaars verleid, autoriteiten verward, collega's geïnspireerd en studenten uitgedaagd. Schoonheid en geweld, perfectie en verval: het zijn thema's die nooit uit zijn werk zijn verdwenen sinds hij het beroemde collier maakte waarin een muis met parelketting was gevat. Met zijn projecten bespeelt Noten even makkelijk de commerciële ruimte als het domein van de kunst. Hij mengt de taal van de straat met de strenge marsorde van de catwalk. Noten weet ze in zijn oeuvre te verbinden, waarbij hij zowel de aantrekkingskracht als de hypocrisie van het museum, de mode of de burgerlijke moraal weet bloot te leggen. Dit boek toont de genadeloze precisie van elk afzonderlijk ontwerp. Tegelijk documenteert het hoe groot het speelveld is waarop Noten zich beweegt. En het reist hem achterna naar internationale musea en duistere villa's, symposia en werkplaatsen, wereldkranten en videoclips, academies en prostitutiepanden. Door het oog van fotograaf Johannes Schwartz werpt het boek een blik in de intimiteit van zijn atelier.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 6466
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 49.43 | £UK 38 | JP¥ 7320]

 Antione, Delphine:, Yves Gastou antiquaire du futur
Antione, Delphine:
Yves Gastou antiquaire du futur
2010, (23 x 31 cm), 300 pp. French text, numerous ills., flexicover Dit aanstekelijk boek volgt de voetsporen van de Franse antiquair en verzamelaar Yves Gastou: een ontdekkingstocht door de 20ste eeuwse decoratieve kunsten vanaf de jaren 1930. Gastou, al vroeg promotor van ontwerpers uit de jaren '80, combineert in zijn Parijse galerie alle decoratieve stijlen uit de 20ste eeuw. Het antiek van de toekomst. // Marchand et collectionneur, Yves Gastou a exploré les courants marquants des arts décoratifs du xxe siècle au fil de découvertes et de redécouvertes. Sa carrière débute en province où il remet à l'honneur l'Art nouveau et l'Art déco, puis découvre en 1972, à Toulouse, André Arbus. Ce grand ébéniste des années 40 demeure en quelque sorte la charnière qui déplace son goût vers la seconde moitié du xxe siècle. Dès son installation à Paris, Yves Gastou se tourne vers les années 40, 50 puis 70, sans oublier le design des années 80, dont il demeure le promoteur contemporain. En décembre 1985, il ouvre sa galerie parisienne, rue Bonaparte, accolée à l'École des beaux-arts, en plein cÏur de Saint-Germain-des-Prés avec une façade réalisée en terrazzo noir et blanc par Ettore Sottsass. Il sera en effet le premier marchand à Paris à oser le mélange entre arts décoratifs et design contemporain, à l'aube des années 80.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 5286
€  80.00 [Appr.: US$ 87.88 | £UK 67.25 | JP¥ 13014]

 Böhan, Torsten & Christoph Janik & Susanne Engelhard:, Stahlrohrrevolution !  Kalman Lengyelm, Marcel Breuer, Anton Lorenz und das  Neue Möbel,
Böhan, Torsten & Christoph Janik & Susanne Engelhard:
Stahlrohrrevolution ! Kalman Lengyelm, Marcel Breuer, Anton Lorenz und das Neue Möbel,
2023, (21 x 27,4 cm, 360 pp. German text, 700 ills., hardcover. Die Stahlrohrmöbel von Marcel Breuer (1902-1981) gelten als herausragende Designobjekte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Weitgehend unbekannt ist jedoch die Entwicklung vom ersten Prototypen zur frühen Serienproduktion. Eine wichtige Rolle spielte dabei Breuers Landsmann Kálmán Lengyel (1900-1945), dem diese umfassende Publikation gewidmet ist. Zusammen gründeten sie 1927 die Firma Standard Möbel, um die serielle Produktion und den Vertrieb der Stahlrohrmöbel zu organisieren. Die Entwicklung des Unternehmens und das Wirken von Breuer, Lengyel und dem späteren Geschäftsführer Anton Lorenz werden anhand von bislang unpubliziertem Archivmaterial ausführlich dargestellt. Als bedeutender Möbeldesigner und Architekt gründete Lengyel zudem seine eigene Möbelmarke Ka-Le-Möbel, er wirkte als Innenarchitekt in Paris und baute in Berlin, Szeged und Budapest. Diese Publikation erweitert das Wissen über die frühen Stahlrohrmöbel und beleuchtet Leben und Werk der beteiligten Protagonisten.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 8490
€  52.50 [Appr.: US$ 57.67 | £UK 44.25 | JP¥ 8541]

 Barsac, Jacques:, Charlotte Perriand. Complete Works Volume 4: 1969-1999.
Barsac, Jacques:
Charlotte Perriand. Complete Works Volume 4: 1969-1999.
10 2019, (23 x 30,5 cm), 528 pp English, 446 colour & 204 b/w ills., hardcover. The concluding fourth volume of this definitive monograph on Charlotte Perriand (1903-1999) covers the last three decades of her long career. At the core is the Les Arcs skiing resort in the French Alps, where Perriand played a key role in the project development. A pioneer of bioclimatic architecture, she oversaw the architectural and urban design of Arc 1600 and Arc 1800 and created the interiors and entire outfitting down to cutlery and china for the more than 4,500 apartments. Les Arcs, an extraordinary undertaking both in sheer size and the extent of Perriand's contribution, marks the culmination of her research on alpine housing in unison with nature. The book also features a number of projects - housing and art spaces - between Paris and Tokyo, in which she aimed once more to push the borders of a specific modern, cultivated way of living. It also offers a comprehensive appraisal of seven decades' work that manifests the creative force and vision of this extraordinary woman, one of the most eminent protagonists of modern architecture and design.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7096
€  135.00 [Appr.: US$ 148.3 | £UK 113.5 | JP¥ 21961]

 Bartolucco, M. & C. Lang Ho:, American Contemporary Furniture.
Bartolucco, M. & C. Lang Ho:
American Contemporary Furniture.
London 2000, 210 pp. English text, numerous ills., paperback. The most visually stimulating, cutting-edge presentation of contemporary furniture design in America ever published, this book presents in unprecedented graphic detail the work of the most promising American furniture designers of today and beyond. Here, as you view the extraordinary work of Portland, Maine's Angela Adams, New York City's Harry Allen and Karim Rashid, Minneapolis's Blu Dot Design, San Francisco's Jeff Covey-- and more than 70 others-- you'll discover why Americans have advanced to the forefront of the world's contemporary furniture design community. A sourcebook of great utility for the trade, it also serves as a tremendously informative guide for style-conscious consumers and students of design.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 2670
€  47.35 [Appr.: US$ 52.02 | £UK 39.75 | JP¥ 7703]

 GISPEN -  Berens, H. & B. Aaron:, Gispen in Rotterdam. Nieuwe verbeelding van het Moderne.
GISPEN - Berens, H. & B. Aaron:
Gispen in Rotterdam. Nieuwe verbeelding van het Moderne.
2006 (20 x 25 cm), 112 pp. Dutch text, , ills . in colour and b/w., paperback. In deze publicatie t.g.v. de tentoonstelling ter ere van het 90-jarige jubileum van Gispen, staan zwart-wit foto's, catalogi en affiches uit de jaren '20 en '30 centraal. In een uitgebreid essay wordt met name de Rotterdamse periode van de firma Gispen belicht. Aaron Betsky plaatst Gispen in een internationaal perspectief. Rijk geïllustreerd.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 3698
€  12.50 [Appr.: US$ 13.73 | £UK 10.5 | JP¥ 2033]

 Bergvelt, Ellioor & Frans van Burkom & Karin Gaillard:, Van Neorenaissance tot postmodernisme. From Neo-Renaissance to Post- Modernism.
Bergvelt, Ellioor & Frans van Burkom & Karin Gaillard:
Van Neorenaissance tot postmodernisme. From Neo-Renaissance to Post- Modernism.
1996, (24,8 x 29,2 cm),376 pp. Dutch/ English, numerous ill., hardcover and dust-jacket. Deze rijk geïllustreerde uitgave biedt voor het eerst een uitgebreid overzicht van het Nederlandse interieur vanaf het einde van de negentiende eeuw tot heden. Een team van gespecialiseerde auteurs heeft een samenhangend en kritisch-historisch standaardwerk samengesteld over de opmerkelijke ontwikkelingen van het Nederlandse interieur. Aanvankelijk worden de interieurs gekenmerkt door neostijlen en ecleticisme met als coryfee de architect van Rijksmuseum en Centraal Station, P.J.H. Cuypers. Omstreeks de eeuwwisseling zijn het architecten als Berlage, Lauweriks, Kromhout en De Bazel die tot nieuwe ruimteopvattingen komen. Daarnaast zijn ontwerpers actief als Nieuwenhuis, Lion Cachet en Dijsselhof, en de Arts and Craftsgroepering rond Wegerif en Thorn Prikker. De periode tot de Tweede Wereldoorlog wordt gekenmerkt door een breed scala uiteenlopende stromingen als de Amsterdamse School met Michel de Klerk, De stijl met Gerrit Rietveld, de Haagse School. het Nieuwe Bouwen, Groep '32 en het Traditionalisme. Na de oorlog is er sprake van emancipatie van het beroep van binnenhuis architect met de opkomst van Goed Wonen.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 8368
€  75.00 [Appr.: US$ 82.39 | £UK 63 | JP¥ 12201]

 Binroth, J.A. et al.:, Bauhausleuchten ? Kademlicht ! / Bauhaus Lighting ? Kandem Light !
Binroth, J.A. et al.:
Bauhausleuchten ? Kademlicht ! / Bauhaus Lighting ? Kandem Light !
Stuttgart 2002, (25 x 29 cm), 160 pp. English/German text, some ills. (150 in colour), clothb./d-jacket. The aim of co-operating with partners from industry, first postulated by Walter Gropius, was a central concept of the Bauhaus in Dessau. One of the rare successes were several KANDEM lights produced by Körting & Mathiesen in Leipzig. Co-operation with the Bauhaus provided the industrial business with a creative partner for the design of its lights, while the Bauhaus artists (Marianne Brandt, Hin Bredendieck and others) found a wealthy realizer for their design ideas. Models like the Kandem desk lights and Kandem bedside lights sold well and were a financial success. This publication for the first time brings together all known Kandem lights that were designed and produced in co-operation with the Bauhaus in Dessau. Contributions by noted experts present a comprehensive history based on many previously unknown sources and documents, as well as biographies of the artists and industrialists involved and a survey of marks. An exciting chapter of early product design at the Bauhaus!
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 3062
€  125.00 [Appr.: US$ 137.32 | £UK 105 | JP¥ 20335]

 Blaisse, Lionel & Delphine Jacob & Aurélien Jeauneau:, Pierre Guariche. Luminaires -  Mobilier - Architecture d'interieur
Blaisse, Lionel & Delphine Jacob & Aurélien Jeauneau:
Pierre Guariche. Luminaires - Mobilier - Architecture d'interieur
10 2020, (25,3 x 31,2 cm), 336 pp. French / English text, hardcover The first monograph on French mid-century modern designer Pierre Guariche, whose innovative lighting and furniture is still popular today Pierre Guariche (1926-1995) was a leading interior architect, furniture, and lighting designer in postwar France. He created a prolific body of work during what is known as the Thirty Glorious Years (1945-1975), a period of economic prosperity and high growth in France. He was an early adopter of industrial materials and production techniques that emerged during the 1950s, and is known for his remarkable lighting fixtures and simple, elegant furniture designs that could be manufactured on a large scale. He worked with innovative companies like Airborne, Steiner, and Pierre Disderot; he co-founded a design collective (Atelier de Recherche Plastique- ARP); and was the artistic director for the Meurop furniture company in Belgium. In advance of Charlotte Perriand in Les Arcs and Marcel Breuer in Flaine, he worked with the architect Michel Bezançon on the creation of La Plagne, the first comprehensive winter sports resort in France. Making use of unpublished archives, this book looks back on a rich itinerary of over 200 interior architecture and design projects, almost as many pieces of furniture, and a series of remarkable lighting fixtures (reissued today by Sammode) which shed light on the modernity and timeless elegance of this remarkable creator.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7710
€  69.95 [Appr.: US$ 76.84 | £UK 58.75 | JP¥ 11379]

 Bony, A.:, Furniture & interiors of the 1960's
Bony, A.:
Furniture & interiors of the 1960's
Paris 2004 (24,5 x 31 cm) 224 pp. English text, ± 300 ills. (colour & b/w.), clothbound/d-jacket . De zestiger jaren waren een decennium van uitbundige experimenten en overdaad, ook wat de meubelontwerpen, stofontwerpen en accesoires betreft. In de meubelindustrie werden kunststoffen grootschalig toegepast en nieuwe vormen onstonden. Furniture & interiors of the 1960's is een prachtboek dat een hommage brengt aan de levendige en opgewekte energie die de internationale designtrends van die tijd, waarin alles mogelijk leek, uitstraalden. Ruim 300 sleutelwerken en iconen uit de zestiger jaren komen aan bod. Terence Conran, Isamu Kenmochi, Roger Tallon, Gio Ponti, Robin Day, Charles Eames, Jansen, Quaser, Knoll, Harry Bertoïa, Poul Kjearholm, George Nelson, Gae Aulenti, Arne Jacobsen, Marc Held, Marcel Gascoin, Eero Saarinen, Claude Parent, Pierre Guariche, Ettore Sottsass, Joseph-André Motte, Le Corbusier, François Mathey, Verner Paton, Roy Lichtenstein, Jacques Dumond, David Hicks, Maxime Old, Joe Colombo, Sori Yanagi, Michel Mortier, Archizoom, Bauhaus, Bacou, Piotr Kowalski, Pierre Restany, Herman Miller, Pierre Paulin, Claude Courtecuisse, Yves Klein, Achille Castiglioni, Richard Hamilton, Olivier Mourgue, Bernard Quentin.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 3345
€  78.65 [Appr.: US$ 86.4 | £UK 66 | JP¥ 12795]

 Bradbury, Dominic:, Mid-century Modern. A Complete sourcebook
Bradbury, Dominic:
Mid-century Modern. A Complete sourcebook
2020 (reprint) (20,4 x 26,2 cm) 544 pp. English text, numerous ills., softcover with flaps The definitive survey of one of the most popular, collectable and dynamic periods of international design. With over 1,000 illustrations, this is a must-have for any design aficionado, collector or reader seeking inspiration for their home. Mid-Century Modern offers a comprehensive overview of all aspects of the subject - furniture, lighting, glass, ceramics, textiles, product design, industrial design, graphics and posters, as well as architecture and interior design, use of innovative and affordable materials and forms of mass manufacture, and newly developed precepts of 'good design'. Nearly 100 major and influential creators of the mid-century period are highlighted from Scandinavia, Western Europe, America, Japan, Brazil and Australia. They include icons such as Saul Bass, Robin Day, Charles and Ray Eames, Marimekko, Isamu Noguchi, Dieter Rams, Lucie Rie and Paolo Venini, as well as architects Alvar Aalto, Philip Johnson, Richard Neutra and Oscar Niemeyer. An additional illustrated dictionary features hundreds more key mid-century designers and manufacturers as well as important organizations, schools and movements. The book showcases classic designs as well as little-seen rarities, and unusual objets d'art as well as mass-produced items and includes thirteen specially commissioned essays by renowned experts.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 5960
€  48.95 [Appr.: US$ 53.77 | £UK 41.25 | JP¥ 7963]

 Braeuniger, Thomas:, O-LUCE di Giuseppe Ostuni. Ein Werkverzeichnis / A catalogue raisonné.
Braeuniger, Thomas:
O-LUCE di Giuseppe Ostuni. Ein Werkverzeichnis / A catalogue raisonné.
March & July 2021 (volume 2), (29,5 x 29,5 cm), 2 volumes. Volume 1, 480 pp. and 642 ills., (colour and b/w.). Volume 2, 604 pp., 735 ills., in colour & b/w. Halflinen hardcover. Founded in 1945 by Giuseppe Ostuni (1907-1994), O-luce is the oldest Italian design company still operating in the lighting world, a unique production excellence which translates passionate aesthetic and technological research into the potential of light into actual form. Over the years, O-luce has succeeded in building a collection structured like a tale, rich and multifaceted, inhabited by products that transcend fashion to become Italian design icons. This catalogue raisonne will consist in two volumes, Volume 1 is the story of Giuseppe Ostuni and his designers, the history of the company and the lightings produced (480 pages & 642 illustrations.). This volume will provide a lot of new information not only on the lighting but further more on the designers involved, in particular Joe Colombo, which will open a completely new chapter on him. Also featured Franco Buzzi, Tito Agnoli, Marcello Minale, Antonello Vincenti. Volume 2 is the actual catalogue raisonné of the lighting units (563 items), short biographies of the designers, references, chronology of published O-Luce lighting units, bibliography and index of names. OLUCE O LUCE O-LUCE
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7436
€  295.00 [Appr.: US$ 324.07 | £UK 247.75 | JP¥ 47990]

 Braeuniger, Thomas:, O-LUCE di Giuseppe Ostuni. Volume 1 - Monograph | Monographie
Braeuniger, Thomas:
O-LUCE di Giuseppe Ostuni. Volume 1 - Monograph | Monographie
Volume 1 March 2021, (29,5 x 29,5 cm), 480 pp. and 642 ills., (colour and b/w.). Halflinen hardcover. Founded in 1945 by Giuseppe Ostuni (1907-1994), O-luce is the oldest Italian design company still operating in the lighting world, a unique production excellence which translates passionate aesthetic and technological research into the potential of light into actual form. Over the years, O-luce has succeeded in building a collection structured like a tale, rich and multifaceted, inhabited by products that transcend fashion to become Italian design icons. Volume 1 is the story of Giuseppe Ostuni and his designers, the history of the company and the lightings produced (480 pages & 642 illustrations.). This volume will provide a lot of new information not only on the lighting but further more on the designers involved, in particular Joe Colombo, which will open a completely new chapter on him. Also featured Franco Buzzi, Tito Agnoli, Marcello Minale, Antonello Vincenti.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7870
€  131.60 [Appr.: US$ 144.57 | £UK 110.5 | JP¥ 21408]

 Brauniger, Thomas:, O-LUCE di Giuseppe Ostuni. Volume 2 - Ein Werkverzeichnis / A Catalogie Raisonné.
Brauniger, Thomas:
O-LUCE di Giuseppe Ostuni. Volume 2 - Ein Werkverzeichnis / A Catalogie Raisonné.
Volume 2 July 2021, (29,5 x 29,5 cm), 2 Volume 2, 604 pp., 735 ills., in colour & b/w. Halflinen hardcover. Founded in 1945 by Giuseppe Ostuni (1907-1994), O-luce is the oldest Italian design company still operating in the lighting world, a unique production excellence which translates passionate aesthetic and technological research into the potential of light into actual form. Over the years, O-luce has succeeded in building a collection structured like a tale, rich and multifaceted, inhabited by products that transcend fashion to become Italian design icons. This catalogue raisonne consists of two volumes. Volume 2 is the actual catalogue raisonné of the lighting units (563 items), short biographies of the designers, references, chronology of published O-Luce lighting units, bibliography and index of names. The designers involved are Joe Colombo, Franco Buzzi, Tito Agnoli, Marcello Minale, Antonello Vincenti.
Scriptum Art Books v.o.f.Professional seller
Book number: 7871
€  164.00 [Appr.: US$ 180.16 | £UK 137.75 | JP¥ 26679]

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