Rothwell & Dunworth Ltd: Classics
found: 299 books on 20 pages. This is page 19
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 SCOTT Russell T., BRUNO Vincent J., Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome Cosa IV the Houses Volume XXXVIII
SCOTT Russell T., BRUNO Vincent J.
Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome Cosa IV the Houses Volume XXXVIII
University of Pennsylvania Press [&] The American Academy in Rome, 1993. 9780271007823. 1st edn. Tall 8vo. Original gilt lettered dark grey cloth (Fine), dustwrapper (VG). Pp. xxii + 211, illus with b&w photos, plans and drawings (previous owner's inscription on front free end paper). .
Rothwell & Dunworth LtdProfessional seller
Book number: 165654
GBP 15.00 [Appr.: EURO 18 US$ 18.87 | JP¥ 2875]
Catalogue: Classics
Keywords: Classics

 TACITUS, RITTER Franciscus, Cornelii Taciti Opera Annales Ad Codices Antiquos Exacti Et Emendati Commentario Critico Et Exegetico Illustrati
Cornelii Taciti Opera Annales Ad Codices Antiquos Exacti Et Emendati Commentario Critico Et Exegetico Illustrati
Cambridge & London: J. & J.J. Deighton [&] J.W. Parker, 1848. 4 vols in 2. 8vo (9 x 6 ins). Contemporary half calf on marbled paper-laid boards, spines elaborately gilt tooled with gilt lettered labels (vol II with small spilt at edge of spine; both vols rather scuffed and worn at edges). Pp. [iv] + lxxii + 366 + [ii] + [iv] + 348 + [4] blank [&] [viii] + 411 + [1] + xx + 378 + [4] blank (pages lightly spotted; engraved armorial bookplate on front paste-downs; previous owner's inscription on front free endpapers and light pencil annotations in margins). .
Rothwell & Dunworth LtdProfessional seller
Book number: 139177
GBP 120.00 [Appr.: EURO 144 US$ 150.97 | JP¥ 23002]
Catalogue: Classics

 TACITUS, ANDERSON J.G.C. [Editor], Cornelii Taciti de Origine Et Situ Germanorum
Cornelii Taciti de Origine Et Situ Germanorum
Clarendon Press Oxford University Press, 1938. 1st edn. 8vo. Original gilt lettered blue cloth (VG), dustwrapper (light wear at edges - in protective cover, price clipped). Pp. lxiv + 230, illus with b&w plates and folding maps (previous owner's neat inscription on front endpaper). [Latin text with English introduction and notes]. .
Rothwell & Dunworth LtdProfessional seller
Book number: 186841
GBP 15.00 [Appr.: EURO 18 US$ 18.87 | JP¥ 2875]
Catalogue: Classics

 TACITUS, HUTTON M., PETERSON W., et al., Tacitus I Agricola, Germania, Dialogus
Tacitus I Agricola, Germania, Dialogus
Harvard University Press, 2000. Loeb Classical Library 35. 12mo. Original gilt lettered red cloth (Fine), dustwrapper (VG). Pp. xv + 357, illus with b&w maps (no inscriptions). [Parallel Latin and English text]. .
Rothwell & Dunworth LtdProfessional seller
Book number: 187200
GBP 15.00 [Appr.: EURO 18 US$ 18.87 | JP¥ 2875]
Catalogue: Classics

 TERENCE, SLOMAN A., Terence Phormio
Terence Phormio
Chicago: Bolchazy-Carducci, 1982. 8vo. Original pictorial card covers (softback) (top edge of upper cover tanned - otherwise VG). Pp. 176, illus with b&w frontispiece (no inscriptions; Latin and English text). .
Rothwell & Dunworth LtdProfessional seller
Book number: 160599
GBP 15.00 [Appr.: EURO 18 US$ 18.87 | JP¥ 2875]
Catalogue: Classics
Keywords: Classics

 RAJAK Tessa, Josephus the Historian and His Society
Josephus the Historian and His Society
Gerald Duckworth & Co. 1983. 8vo. Original pictorial card covers (softback) (VG). Pp. 245, illus with b&w map (publisher's neat pencil inscription on front endpaper). .
Rothwell & Dunworth LtdProfessional seller
Book number: 157258
GBP 7.50 [Appr.: EURO 9 US$ 9.44 | JP¥ 1438]
Catalogue: Classics

 VAN NORTWICK Thomas, Somewhere I Have Never Travelled the Second Self and the Hero's Journey in Ancient Epic
Somewhere I Have Never Travelled the Second Self and the Hero's Journey in Ancient Epic
Oxford University Press, 1992. 1st edn 1st printing. 8vo. Original black lettered brown/cream cloth (VG), dustwrapper (faded at edges and small crease at top edge of upper cover - otherwise VG in protective wrapper). Pp. xiii + 204 (previous owner's black ink annotations throughout). .
Rothwell & Dunworth LtdProfessional seller
Book number: 187342
GBP 12.00 [Appr.: EURO 14.5 US$ 15.1 | JP¥ 2300]
Catalogue: Classics

 OPPER Thorsten, Nero the Man Behind the Myth
OPPER Thorsten
Nero the Man Behind the Myth
British Museum Press, 2021. 4to. Original pictorial card covers (softback) (VG). Pp. 304, illus with coloured plates and coloured and b&w photos (no inscriptions). .
Rothwell & Dunworth LtdProfessional seller
Book number: 165639
GBP 12.00 [Appr.: EURO 14.5 US$ 15.1 | JP¥ 2300]
Catalogue: Classics
Keywords: Classics

 STOVER Tim, Epic and Empire in Vespasianic Rome a New Reading of Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica
Epic and Empire in Vespasianic Rome a New Reading of Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica
Oxford University Press, 2012. 9780199644087. 1st edn 1st printing. 8vo. Original gilt lettered blue cloth (Fine), dustwrapper (Fine in protective cover). Pp. x + 244 (no inscriptions). .
Rothwell & Dunworth LtdProfessional seller
Book number: 184909
GBP 50.00 [Appr.: EURO 60 US$ 62.9 | JP¥ 9584]
Catalogue: Classics

 CICERO Marcus Tullius, BENNETT Charles E., Cicero on Old Age (de Senectute)
CICERO Marcus Tullius, BENNETT Charles E.
Cicero on Old Age (de Senectute)
Chicago: Bolchazy-Carducci, 1981. 8vo. Original pictorial card covers (softback) (VG). Pp. 120-446 (no inscriptions; English and Latin text). .
Rothwell & Dunworth LtdProfessional seller
Book number: 160487
GBP 9.50 [Appr.: EURO 11.5 US$ 11.95 | JP¥ 1821]
Catalogue: Classics
Keywords: Classics

 GOMEZ Luis Unceta, BERGER Lukasz, Politeness in Ancient Greek and Latin
GOMEZ Luis Unceta, BERGER Lukasz
Politeness in Ancient Greek and Latin
Cambridge University Press, 2022. 9781009123037. 1st edn. 8vo. Original laminated pictorial boards (Fine). Pp. xv + 408 (no inscriptions). .
Rothwell & Dunworth LtdProfessional seller
Book number: 176620
GBP 25.00 [Appr.: EURO 30 US$ 31.45 | JP¥ 4792]
Catalogue: Classics

 SANTVOORD Seymour van, The House of Caesar and the Imperial Disease
SANTVOORD Seymour van
The House of Caesar and the Imperial Disease
Troy New York: Pafraets Book Co. 1902. 1st edn. 8vo. Rebound in gilt lettered quarter calf on green cloth sides, top edge gilt, new endpapers (small accession number sticker at tail of spine - otherwise VG). Pp. xxiii + 397, illus with b&w plates (some pages with small nicks at edges; ex school library with bookplate on front pastedown and usual stamps and markings). .
Rothwell & Dunworth LtdProfessional seller
Book number: 115015
GBP 8.00 [Appr.: EURO 9.75 US$ 10.06 | JP¥ 1533]
Catalogue: Classics

Aeneid IV
Bristol Classical Press [&] Macmillan, 1981. New edn. 8vo. Original pictorial card covers (softback) (VG). Pp. 148 (previous owner's light pencil marks in margins). .
Rothwell & Dunworth LtdProfessional seller
Book number: 91011
GBP 5.00 [Appr.: EURO 6 US$ 6.29 | JP¥ 958]
Catalogue: Classics

 THADDEUS Victor, Julius Caesar and the Grandeur That Was Rome
Julius Caesar and the Grandeur That Was Rome
Brentano's, 1928. 1st edn. 8vo. Original gilt lettered purple cloth (spine and boards rather faded), no dustwrapper. Pp. 321, illus with b&w plates by W.D. White (no inscriptions). .
Rothwell & Dunworth LtdProfessional seller
Book number: 170122
GBP 12.00 [Appr.: EURO 14.5 US$ 15.1 | JP¥ 2300]
Catalogue: Classics

 VIRGIL, CLAUSEN W.V., GOODYEAR F.R.D., KENNEY E.J., RICHMOND J.A., Appendix Vergiliana Recognovervent Et Adnotatione Critica Instrvxervnt
Appendix Vergiliana Recognovervent Et Adnotatione Critica Instrvxervnt
Clarendon Press Oxford University Press, c. 1998. Oxford Classical Texts Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis series. 8vo. Original gilt lettered blue cloth (Fine), dustwrapper (Fine). Pp. vii + 185 (previous owner's neat inscription on front paste-down). [Latin text]. .
Rothwell & Dunworth LtdProfessional seller
Book number: 178112
GBP 20.00 [Appr.: EURO 24 US$ 25.16 | JP¥ 3834]
Catalogue: Classics

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