1772. SWIETEN, Johan Fredrik van
De Juichende Gevangenis van Johan Fredrik van Swieten, Burger en Inwoner der Stad' Rotterdam, en Lidmaat der Hervormde Kerk' aldaar: door hemzelf' in het licht gegeven. (&) Krouwzel, voor de Jeukende Eerzucht van Johan Fredrik van Swieten: De Verlichtste Lidmaat; Getrouwste der Adelborsten; Manhaftigste der Burgeren; Wichtigste der Bakkeren; en Tweede Erasmus, der Stad Rotterdam. Dienende tot Antwoord op zyn Werkje genaamt, de Juichende Gevangenis.
Rotterdam, Joost vander Laan, 1772. Contemporary marbled wrappers. 30 p. 1st edition. Some brown staining splashes (like tea). Traces of use. (&) No place, publisher or year [1772]. No wrappers. 20 p. Loose and a bit creased, partly browned. 'The Jubilant Prison of Johan Fredrik van Swieten, Citizen and Inhabitant of the City of Rotterdam, and Member of the Reformed Church there: given into the light by himself. (&) Scratching, for the Itching Ambition of Johan Fredrik van Swieten: The Most Enlightened Member; Most Faithful of the Midshipmen; Most Manly of the Citizens; Most Important of the Bakers; and Second Erasmus, of the City of Rotterdam. Serving as an Answer to his Work called, the Jubilant Prison.' J.F. van Swieten, an esteemed baker in Rotterdam, was accused and soon acquitted of sodomy, after he had proven his innocence, citing numerous Bible passages. The second pamphlet, a long rhyming poem, is directed against him. The 'Krouwzel' pokes fun at Van Swieten's jubilant, biblical thunder and satirizes his self-righteousness. The first pamphlet is rare (2 copies in Dutch libraries), the second virtually unknown (no copies in the libraries), the text not published elsewhere.
Boeknummer: 271760
€ 1200.00