Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis (ILAB/NVVA): Latin
gevonden: 8 boeken

 1648. IUVENALIS, D. IUNIUS, & Aulus PERSIUS FLACCUS, Satyrae cum veteris scholiastae & variorum commentariis. Accurante Cornelio Schrevelio.
Satyrae cum veteris scholiastae & variorum commentariis. Accurante Cornelio Schrevelio.
Leiden, Franciscus Hackius, 1648. Contemporary vellum. Marbled endpapers and matching marbled edge decoration. (16), 641, (41) p. Engraved title. All text in Latin. 1st edition. Spine darkened. Binding slightly worn and with various spots. 18th century? name on title: ‘F. ab Heerdt’. A few inked crosses in the margin. A compact yet complete Latin Juvenal and Persius edition with remarks and annotations on every page, printed in small type. Edited by the famous Leiden philologist Cornelius Schrevelius. Probably the Dutch translators used this excellent text for their interpretations. It was reprinted several times in the 17th century.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 283792
€  250.00
Catalogus: Latin

 1650-1713. IUVENALIS, D. IUNIUS, & Aulus PERSIUS FLACCUS, Six Juvenal editions in Latin and translated into Dutch and English.
Six Juvenal editions in Latin and translated into Dutch and English.
1. 1650. IUVENALIS, D. IUNIUS, & Aulus PERSIUS FLACCUS Satyrae. Cum annotat. Th. Farnabii. Amsterdam, Ioannes Blaeu, 1650. 14 x 8 cm. Vellum. 190 p. With title engraving. All text in Latin. First endpaper repaired. Title pencilled on the spine. Inscriptions by John Morison(e) from 1713 and 1716, and an ‘M’ plus scribble at the bottom of the title.
¶ Convenient pocket edition of Thomas Farnaby’s Juvenal edition. The Latin text is set in fine, tiny italics (the picture is a close-up), surrounded by the commentary in easy-to-read minuscule Roman, with a few equally small Greek words in between. The engraving shows a satyr and a jester standing around a sphere with musicians and a dazed dancer. (Picture of this title-print in our essay ‘’Juvenal's Bad Figs'). 2. 1684. IUVENALIS, D. IUNIUS, & Aulus PERSIUS FLACCUS Satyrae cum veteris scholiastae & variorum commentariis. Editio nova. Qua quid praestitum sit, praefatio ad Lectorem docebit. Amsterdam, Henricus Wetstenius, 1684. 19th century vellum with 5 ribs and leather title ticket. Marbled endpapers and matching marbled edge decoration (see the picture!). (48), 525, (110); 112, 22 p. With title engraving. Reprint edition (first: 1648). All text in Latin. Upper joint cracked. Save for this fault a handsome book! * A compact yet complete Latin Juvenal and Persius edition with small-type remarks and annotations on every page. Edited by the famous Leiden philologist Cornelius Schrevelius. Probably the Dutch translators used this excellent text for their interpretations. It was reprinted several times in the 17th century. 3. 1700. JUVENALIS Satyra X, of Tiende Berispdicht. In Nederduitsche Vaerzen vertaald, én met Aantekeningen vermeerdert. De twede Druk overzien, en van veele misslagen gezuivert. Amsterdam, Nil Volentibus Arduum, 1700. 18th century marbled paper cover. (16), 48 p. With engraved frontispiece and etched title page by Gerard de Lairesse. With dedication signed in writing under the preface by ‘Y.V.’ alias Ysbrand Vincent (1641-1718), paper manufacturer and secretary of the theatre company Nil Volentibus Arduum. Uncut. 2nd revised edition. * ‘Satyra X, or Tenth Poem of Reproof. Translated into Dutch Verses and augmented with Notes. The second edition reviewed and corrected of many errors’. Bilingual edition in Latin and Dutch. Extensive introduction about the life of Juvenal. With footnotes. It appears from the preface that ‘in order to avoid offence, the Poet has deliberately not been followed exactly in a few places’. 4. 1709. JUVENALIS, Decius Junius, & Aulus Persius FLACCUS Alle de schimpdigten van Decius Junius Juvenalis en A. Persius Flaccus door verscheide Dichteren in Nederduitse vaarzen overgebracht. Haarlem, Wilhelmus van Kessel, 1709. Leather-backed boards. 2 parts in 1 volume. (38), 330; (20), 66 p. Masterly engraved frontispiece by J. Goeree. 1st edition. Some colouring of the frontispiece and a few other little stains. * ‘All the satirical poems of Decius Junius Juvenalis and A. Persius Flaccus translated into Dutch verse by various poets.’ Dedicated in print to the young and gifted poet and translator Lukas Schermer (1688-1712), who was already terminally ill and doomed to die. Nevertheless, Schermer produced a large body of work in his brief lifetime, including numerous translations from Greek and Latin. Several of Juvenal’s satirical works that feature homosexual parts have been translated into Dutch by various poets and included in this anthology. Comparing gives us an idea of how certain Dutchmen perceived the enigmatic, damning phenomenon of homosexuality in the 17th century. 5. 1713. JUVENALIS, Decius Junius, & Aulus Persius FLACCUS The satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis and of Aulus Persius Flaccus. Translated into English verse by Mr. Dryden, and other eminent hands. Together with the Satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus. Made into English by Mr. Dryden. With explanatory notes at the end of each satire. To which is prefix’d a discourse concerning the original and progress of satire. London, Jacob Tonson, 1713. 13.5 x 8 cm. Contemporary calf. (162) [misnumbered for (142), 2], 372 p. Frontispiece, 22 plates (one for each poem) and 2 portraits. Separate title page for Persius’s ‘Satyrs’. Contemporary calf, a bit rubbed, corners worn, hinges starting. Some foxing and browning. With inscriptions: page numbers pointing to marked passages, and two owner’s signatures, of Henry Blackwall and Daniel Astle[y]. * Complete translation of the satires of Juvenal and Persius with notes at the end, by several authors, first published in 1693. Adorned with plates. This is a nice and compact little volume that you could carry in your breast pocket, getting you pleasant smirks when traveling. These ‘Satyrs’ do not conceal anything, but rather reveal in a light-hearted manner. Ownership inscriptions of Henry Blackwall (1699-1728), a Cambridge alumnus in 1717. And Daniel Astle[y], 1777 and 1778 of the 46th Regiment. During the American War of Independence, this unit (officially known as the 46th (South Devonshire) unit of Foot) was fighting in the British Philadelphia Campaign. 6. Added: De Satiren. Vertaald door M. d'Hane-Scheltema. A translation into modern Dutch, 2006.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 284041
€  1500.00
Catalogus: Latin

 CICERO, Marcus Tullius, Epistolarum ad Atticum libri XVI. Eiusdem epistolarum ad Q. fratrem, libri III. Incerti Auctoris epistola ad Octavium, non est enim Ciceronis. T. Pomponius Attici vita, per Cornelium Nepotem. Ex emendatione D. Lambini. (1579).
CICERO, Marcus Tullius
Epistolarum ad Atticum libri XVI. Eiusdem epistolarum ad Q. fratrem, libri III. Incerti Auctoris epistola ad Octavium, non est enim Ciceronis. T. Pomponius Attici vita, per Cornelium Nepotem. Ex emendatione D. Lambini. (1579).
Venice, no publisher mentioned, 1579. Marbled and polished calf (17th-18th century) with four ribs and title on the spine. (4), 744, (4) p. Beautiful wood-carved printer's mark. Binding somewhat worn, the ropes are visible in the joints. On the back a cup has left a stain in earlier centuries. A few 18th- or 19th-century numbers refer to old libraries. Name of a former owner on the title in pale red ink ('Lohier'). In the same colour ink, all pages, from 1-744, are provided with neatly drawn frames that separate the text block from the comments and the surrounding white areas and headers! Paper slightly browned at the beginning and end. Here and there a wormhole in the margin. Letters from Cicero to his friend and publisher Titus Pomponius Atticus, with the biography of Cicero by Atticus, edited by the French scholar Dionysius Lambinus (Denys Lambin, 1520-1572), in a typographical gem. The printer's mark without indication of a publisher, but with the motto 'Concordia' refers to a temporary collaboration of publishers.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 276569
€  375.00

 MARTIALIS, Epigram 58. (Met een vertaling door Anno Lampe).
Epigram 58. (Met een vertaling door Anno Lampe).
Zonder plaats, (Nederlandsche Vereeniging voor Druk- en Boekkunst), [2003]. Vouwblad. Met de hand gezet uit de Spectrum en gedrukt op 145 grams Zerkall-Bütten elfenbein in rood en zwart in een beperkte oplage. Jaarwisselingsgeschenk 2003/2004.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 31462
€  15.00
Catalogus: Latin

 VALERIUS MAXIMUS, Dictorum factorumque memorabilium libri IX. Cum I. Lipsii notis et indice uberrimo.
Dictorum factorumque memorabilium libri IX. Cum I. Lipsii notis et indice uberrimo.
Leiden, Franciscus Hegerus, 1640. 13,5 x 8 cm. Perkament. (12), 525, (21) p. Gegraveerde titelpagina. Schutbladen present. Nette band met wat slijtsporen. Enkele oudtijdse inscripties, o.m. een prijs 'Const. 15 st[uivers]', 'Atte Portman [?] 1822', 'J. Lipsius 1641' (maar Lipsius had geen kinderen of andere familieleden die voor identificatie in aanmerking komen, wel bestond er een Katwijkse familie Lipsius in de 17e eeuw), 'M. van der Heyden 1880'. Op de titelpagina is een hoekje aangevezeld, zonder tekstverlies. Elegante uitgave van deze immens populaire en door Justus Lipsius geannoteerde verzameling Latijnse citaten en redewendingen ten behoeve van redenaars en andere sprekers. Het boek werd in 9 hoofdstukken uitgegeven omstreeks het jaar 30 AD tijdens de regering van keizer Tiberius. Een zakboekje in heel kleine, fijne letter gedrukt, in gebruikte, maar zeer goede staat, een echt product van de gouden eeuw.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 283706
€  160.00
Catalogus: Latin

(HORATIUS FLACCUS, Quintus). OMMEREN, Richeus van
Quintus Horatius Flaccus beschouwd als mensch. (&) Quintus Horatius Flaccus beschouwd als burger van Rome.
Rotterdam, P.D. Hengst, 1789. Ingenaaid met grijs omslag. vi, 218 p. Niet afgesneden. Gegraveerde titelpagina. 1e druk. Rug versleten. Flinke watervlek. Twee redevoeringen met vele geleerde aantekeningen. Van Ommeren (1757-1796) was rector van het Gymnasium te Amsterdam. Dit is zijn enige niet in het Latijn geschreven boek.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 256642
€  25.00
Catalogus: Latin

Tibull's Elegien lateinisch und deutsch von Friedrich Karl von Strombeck.
Göttingen, Johann Christian Dieterich, 1799. Pappband. 200 S. Erstausgabe von Strombecks Überträgung. Ziemlich abgenützt. Exlibris Dr. Heinrich Löwenthal. Papierstreifen von Vorsatz abgeschnitten (2 x 11,5 cm.). Vorsätze braunfleckig.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 203523
€  25.00
Catalogus: Latin

 VERGILIUS, Opera. In tres tomos divisa, cum integris notis Servii, Philargyrii, nec non J. Pierii variis lectionibus, & selectissimis plerisque commentariis Donati, Probi, Nannii, Sabini, Germani, Cerdae, Taubmanni, & aliorum. Quibus accedunt observationes Jacobi Emmenessii. Cum indice Erythraei.
Opera. In tres tomos divisa, cum integris notis Servii, Philargyrii, nec non J. Pierii variis lectionibus, & selectissimis plerisque commentariis Donati, Probi, Nannii, Sabini, Germani, Cerdae, Taubmanni, & aliorum. Quibus accedunt observationes Jacobi Emmenessii. Cum indice Erythraei.
Leiden, Jacobus Hackius-Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1680. 18 x 11 cm. Drie delen. Oud kalfsleer met donkerblauwe stijfselversiering op alle sneden. (400), 704; (4), 1124; 982 p. Met resp. 4, 6 en 6 gravures van G. Appelmans. Alle drie de delen met schaafplekjes aan de banden, rug deel 2 en 3 behoorlijk beschadigd, boekblokken wat flodderig in de band, laatste blad deel 2 ligt los en er ontbreekt een hoek aan (met enig tekstverlies), onderaan de rug van deel 3 hangt een stukje los. Naamstempel op titels. Flink bestudeerd exemplaar met her en der contemporaine aantekeningen in de marge. Voorin alle drie delen een stempel van het instituut Noorthey, de bekende kostschool in Veur, later Voorschoten, die bestond van 1820-1907. Gegraveerde titelpagina, drie paginagrote gravures en enkele kleine afbeeldingen in de tekst in deel 1, zes paginagrote gravures en twee tekstgravures in deel 2 en zes paginagrote gravures en diverse tekstplaatjes in deel 3. Deel 1 wordt voorafgegaan door het uitvoerige register van Bassus en Erythraeus uit de 16e eeuw. Doorwrochte en goed gebruikte complete Virgilius-editie met zeer uitgebreide commentaren, gezet uit heldere en goed leesbare kleine lettertypen. De drie boeken zijn samen 16 cm dik! == Complete Virgil with extensive comments, well used and worn.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 280869
€  145.00
Catalogus: Latin

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