Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis (ILAB/NVVA): LGBTQ - LHBT - Gay Homosexuality
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 1733. NOORDKERK, Hermannus, 1733. De matrimoniis, ob turpe facinus, quod peccatum sodomiticum vocant, jure solvendis, dissertatio.
1733. NOORDKERK, Hermannus
1733. De matrimoniis, ob turpe facinus, quod peccatum sodomiticum vocant, jure solvendis, dissertatio.
Amsterdam, Janssonius van Waesberge, 1733. Later three-quarter vellum. (12), 116 p. First edition. Handwritten spine ticket with shelf number. The Latin title means ‘About marriages dissolved by right, because of the disgusting crime that is called the sodomitic sin’. Noordkerk (1702-1771) was an outstanding lawyer, famous as a counselor at law. In 1730 he was approached by a woman who wanted to separate from her husband, who had left his house and work in May, 1730 and was severely suspected to have committed the sodomitic sin. This extensive plea in Latin builds a show of dozens of authors from the poet Horace and the emperor Justinian to Dutch lawyers De Damhouder, Voet and Van Leeuwen, not to mention the Bible citations, all damning that heinous peccatum.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 283466
€  750.00

 1585. WIERIX, Hieronymus, Portrait of King Henry III of France.
1585. WIERIX, Hieronymus
Portrait of King Henry III of France.
Copper engraving. 35.4 x 25.1 cm. Clipped just over the edge of the decorative border. Some irregularities in the ink, little stains, partly in the ink and partly in the paper. Traces of mounting on verso. Hollstein 2093. BM 1858,0417.1379. After a painting that was ascribed to a.o. Étienne Dumonstier, of the monarch 'with a Polish hat' (Henry had been king of Poland for a short time), several engravings were made. This one is signed in the plate 'Hieronymus W. fc' and is thought to have been engraved between 1580 and 1589. It shows the young king with fine clothing, rings and a large pearl in his ear, a feathered hat and immaculately combed and trimmed, but his low-lidded, haunting gaze betrays his image as the 'king of the mignons' that his opponents emphasized, a tried and tested strategy to smear a man in the eyes of sixteenth- to eighteenth-century audiences by portraying him as a sodomite. Whether he was, is a matter of debate. The flattering couplet under the portrait translates: 'Painter, so that your art may imitate Nature/ In the picture of this King whose honor touches the Heavens/ Paint Pallas on his head, Mercury on his lips/ Mars on his face, and Love in his eyes.'
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 283917
€  500.00

 (WILDE, Oscar), The Shame of Oscar Wilde. From the Shorthand Reports.
(WILDE, Oscar)
The Shame of Oscar Wilde. From the Shorthand Reports.
"Paris, Privately Printed, 1906" = uncredited photographic reprint, c.1960. 21 x 14 cm. Original folding wrappers. (50), 138 p. Publisher's ads at the end. Cover slightly discolored.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 278395
€  22.00

1763. PEIFFERS, Wilhelmus
Sodoms ongerechtigheit en straffe, weleer, op 's Heren uitdrukkelyk bevel, door zynen knecht Ezechiël, (by afwezen, waarschynlyk in geschrifte,) aan Jerusalem ten spiegel voorgestelt, volgens Ezechiël XVI: 49, 50. Nu, met uitvoeriger Verklaringe en Toepassinge, (bij gebrek van uitspraak, ook in geschrifte,) aan de Gemeente van Amsterdam, ter gelegenheit van den algemenen Dank- Vast- en Bededag, op den 2 Maart 1763. Door haren Dienaar in 't Euangelium Wilhelmus Peiffers. Met aantekeningen, over den oorsprong van de dode Zee, over de hedendaagsche wereldsche levenswijze enz. en over enige woordenverschillen in 't stuk van de Rechtvaardigmakinge enz. door Denzelven. Als mede nog ene uitbreidinge en gebruikmakinge van Act. XXIV:24, 25. Door den heer Doddridge.
Amsterdam, Hendrik Vieroot, 1763. Marbled wrappers. XII, 116 p. Uncut. Edges a bit worn. The complex and expansive title summarized: 'Sodom's iniquity and punishment, formerly, at the Lord's express command, by his servant Ezekiel, (in absence, probably in writing,) presented as a mirror to Jerusalem. Now, with more extensive Explanation and Application, (in absence of pronouncement, also in writing,) to the Community of Amsterdam, on the occasion of the general Day of Thanksgiving, Fasting and Prayer, on March 2, 1763. With notes, about the origin of the Dead Sea, about the present worldly way of life, etc., and concerning some differences of words in the Justification, etc., by the same. And another enlargement and use of Act. XXIV:24, 25. By Mr. Doddridge.' Extended sermon from the elderly years of Peiffers (1705-1779), an Amsterdam pastor, motivated by the second wave of persecutions of sodomites in 1763-1765.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 271736
€  850.00

 1578. (SODOMY IN BRUGES AND GHENT). HOGENBERG, Frans, Two engravings depicting monks punished for sodomy, 1578.
Two engravings depicting monks punished for sodomy, 1578.
Taken from a collection of 'Geschichtsblätter', Leaves of History. 1. Wie zween munch in einer predig gefangen zu Brug im Flandern haben sodomitigische gottlosigkeit des Closters, der Obrigkheitt angegeben. With caption text in German doggerel (14 lines) under the picture. Dated Anno Dni MDLXXVIII 18 Meij. Oblong 210 x 271 mm. 2. Execution uber sodomitigsche Buben binnen der Statt Gendt. With caption text in German doggerel (10 lines) under the picture. Dated Anno Dni MDLXXVIII XXVIII Junij. Oblong 207 x 279 mm. Each engraving pasted in a larger passepartout leaf of much later, yellowed paper, folded to paste on a stub in a book. Some brown staining and creasing. Marginal written numbers. Dramatical depiction of the arrest and execution of monks in monasteries in Bruges (May 18, 1578) and Ghent (June 28, 1578) by the foremost topographical engraver of his day, Frans Hogenberg (c. 1535-1590), who also in his lively way depicted contemporary history in his 'Geschichtsblätter'. The Bruges picture shows at least a dozen monks being forcibly escorted from a monastery by a large number of soldiers. The Ghent picture shows graphically five monks burning at the stake (four Franciscans and an Augustine) and the flogging of three others amidst a mass of onlookers. According to the rhyming caption, the four mendicant ecclesiastical orders were banished from the town afterwards. Two of the very earliest depictions of punishing homosexuality. From the sodomy collection of Haarlem historian and antiquarian Ab van der Steur, with his penciled numbers.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 273877
€  850.00

 ALBERTS, Joh.C.P., Liefde is geen regeringszaak. Sexualiteit en overheid. (Vroege LHBT-uitgave).
Liefde is geen regeringszaak. Sexualiteit en overheid. (Vroege LHBT-uitgave).
Den Haag, De Waterman (= eigen beheer), 1952. Geniet. 8 p. 1e druk. Vroege brochure over homoseksualiteit, waarin de veelschrijver Johan Alberts met originele inzichten komt - 69 jaar geleden.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 20816
€  25.00

Verderfelijke propaganda (naar aanleiding van het jaarverslag 1936 van het Nederl. Wetenschappelijk Humanitair Komitee).
Heemstede, Comité van Katholieke Actie "Voor God", 1937. Geniet. 16 p. 1e druk. Vlekjes in laatste pagina's en achterzijde omslag. Anti-homoseksueel pamflet. De katholieke pater Bender, geïrriteerd door Jhr. Schorers jaarverslag van het N.W.H.K. over 1936, verzette zich sterk tegen homoseksualiteit en de manier waarop Schorer zijn jaarverslag verspreidde: door het aan alle studenten toe te sturen. In zijn jaarverslag van 1938 reageerde Schorer geringschattend op dit pamflet.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 268066
€  90.00

 BEURDELEY, Cecile, L'Amour Bleu. Translated from the French by Michael Taylor.
L'Amour Bleu. Translated from the French by Michael Taylor.
New York, Rizzoli, 1978. 35 x 25 cm. Linnen met fraai stofomslag, in kartonnen foedraal. 304 p. 1e Engelstalige druk. Omslag heeft een enkel kreukje. Mooi exemplaar. Zeer rijk geïllustreerde geschiedenis van de homoseksualiteit in de kunst, in salontafelformaat. De oorspronkelijke Franse uitgave verscheen in 1977 onder de titel Beau petit ami. 'Een boek vol teksten en illustraties, en van zó'n formaat dat je er eenvoudig iemand mee kan doodslaan. 't Mag dus in geen enkel homoseksueel huishouden ontbreken.' Gerrit Komrij: Averechts, p. 221-228. ISBN 0847801292.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 202830
€  65.00

BIRCH, Lionel
Pyramid. A Novel.
(London), Philip Allen, 1931. Pale red cloth. (12), 308 p. 1st edition. Spine and upper edge discolored. Remains of a bookplate. Novel about life at a boy's school, touching on friendship and love.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 280844
€  75.00

BOUTENS, P.C. Als: Andries de HOGHE
Strofen uit de nalatenschap van Andries de Hoghe. Naar het handschrift uitgegeven door P.C. Boutens.
Bussum, Van Dishoeck, 1919. Ingenaaid. 76 p. (= 72 p.). Op geschept papier. 1e druk. Rug iets gevlekt en verkleurd. Naam voorin met datum '8 dec. 1919'. De eerste uitgave van homo-erotische gedichten van Boutens, onder pseudoniem geschreven. Bij de benarde gemeenschap van homo's anno 1919 moet deze dichtbundel als een bom zijn ingeslagen, een bom van herkenning: 'éen wrange jeugd van onvervuld verlangen', 'Wij hebben nooit uw bonten dans gestoord: wij spelen enkel met wie tot ons komt', 'Daar is niet éen die eenzaam gaat als ik'. Rijkse 2.55.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 25566
€  15.00

BOUTENS, P.C. Als: Andries de HOGHE
Strofen uit de nalatenschap van Andries de Hoghe. Naar het handschrift uitgegeven door P.C. Boutens.
Bussum, Van Dishoeck, 1919. Original wrappers. 76 p. (= 72 p.). Printed on laid paper. 1st edition. Backstrip a bit browned, some wear. "Verses from the estate of Andries de Hoghe. Edited from the manuscript by P.C. Boutens". First edition of the impressive, veiled poems by Boutens (1870-1943) about gay love, written in a complicated pseudonymous way. In Dutch, never translated, not studied outside the Netherlands.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 261108
€  15.00

[CRIPPS, Richard Vere, as:] A Boy
Eight to Nine. The Preteens by a Boy.
London, Fortune Press, [1952]. Cloth-backed boards with dust jacket. 164 p. 1st edition. Mylar-covered typographical dust jacket browned and a bit worn at spine and edges. Bookplate, otherwise fine. 'Autobiography' of a precocious boy, the prequel of the Aubrey Fowkes series, of which the parts Twelve to Nineteen are mentioned on page 2.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 283903
€  90.00

 BROOKE, Jocelyn, Six Poems.
BROOKE, Jocelyn
Six Poems.
Portsmouth, Callum James Books, 2009. 25 x 18 cm. Original green wrappers with title ticket. 12 p. Printed in 50 numbered copies. Fine copy. Gay poetry. The first edition dates from 1928 and was also printed in 50 numbered copies.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 279524
€  65.00

00330 een adembenemend gedicht zonder einde.
Amsterdam, Words Unlimited, 1998. Origineel omslag. 10 p. Geïllustreerd. 1e druk. Homoërotische poëzie (aan de illustraties te oordelen). Niet in de NCC.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 272676
€  20.00

BURNIER, Andreas
Bijna onzichtbaar.
[Amsterdam], Stichting Arent van Santhorst, 1992. Ingenaaid met omslag. 8 p. & uitklappagina. Met de hand gezet en gedrukt door Rob Cox [= De Veerpers] in een oplage van 150 genummerde exemplaren. Ongenummerd exemplaar. Zeer fraaie bibliofiele uitgave.
-- Antiquariaat Fokas Holthuis - PaulbooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 19436
€  15.00

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