Ausgegrabenes Buch. Schlau, schläuer, am schläusten. Aegyptische Humoreske. Niedergeschrieben und abgemalt 1315 Jahre vor Christi Geburt von C.M. Seyppel. Hofmaler und Poet seiner Majestät des Königs Rhampsinit III. Memphis, Mumienstrasse No. 35, 3. Etage, 4 x Klingeln.
Düsseldorf, Felix Bagel/ Mumiendruck F. Rangette & Söhne, (1882). Original illustrated cloth-backed boards. (4), (2), 40 p. The very first, fully illustrated "Mummy printed" romantic novelette, in fact an early comic book. First edition. Spine a bit worn at the foot, but the covers are in unusually excellent condition, binding inside strengthened with neat strips of grey paper. Those funny Pharaos with their preposterous Pyramids! This book purports to be an original grave find by Scottish archeologists in Gizeh, 1882, after being buried for 3000 years in the sands of Egypt. It has been printed on thick drab paper resembling papyrus (covered between beautifully lithographed stiff covers) and tells a romantic story about a fictitious pharao of the 20th dynasty, inspired by Herodotus's story about the Masterthief. Dedicated in print to Wilhelm Schliemann in a 4-p. introduction. An amusing German book if ever there was one!
Boeknummer: 265200
€ 90.00