Pallas Books - Antiquarian Booksellers: Art history
trouvé: 669 livres sur 45 pages. Ceci est page 8
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Honderd jaar Rijksmuseum 1885-1985.
Weesp, Van Holkema & Warendorf, 1985, cloth, dustjacket, 4to, 196 pp., 554 ills., rijk geïllustreerd; goede conditie (stofomslag met lichte sporen van gebruik). . ISBN: 9026944756.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 28293
€  3.00 | CHF 3]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Rijksmuseum, jubileum, 100 jaar

Brand, Jan; Donker Duyvis, Paul; Sanders, Willem
Ateliers Arnhem.
Arnhem, Ateliers Arnhem, 1002, hardbound, square 4to, n.p. (ca 80 pp); num ills, initiatief van Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Arnhem; werk van Sef Berkers, Geert, Twan Janssen, Jacqueline van Meurs, Rob de Ron, Andr's van Rooijen, Daniëlle Sterrenburg, Jolande Traa; VG condition. . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 11616
€  7.00 | CHF 7]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Ateliers, Arnhem

Brandt, Rutger J.B.; Tanja, Sacha; Ansenk, Emily
40 jaar Realisten in Galerie Mokum.
Amsterdam, Art Revisited, 2002, hardbound, pictorial boards, 4to, 216 pp., ca. 200 ills., alfabetisch overzicht van kunstenaars die gedurende 40 jaar in Galerie Mokum hebben geëxposeerd; conditie ALS NIEUW. . ISBN: 9072736176.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 21261
€  10.00 | CHF 9.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Mokum, Galerie, realisme, kunst

Breicha, Otto; Urbach, Reinhard
Österreich. Literatur, bildende Kunst, Film und Musik seit 1968.
Salzburg, Residenz Verlag, 1982, cloth, dustj, large 8vo, 470 pp., ca. 100 ills., Entwickungen in der Kunst seit das unruhiges Jahr 1968; good condition. . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 20090
€  10.00 | CHF 9.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Kunst, 1968, Literatur, Kunst, Film, Österreich

Bremmer, H.P.
Een inleiding tot het zien van beeldende kunst.
Amsterdam, W. Versluys, 1914, tweede druk, halfcloth, 8vo, 224 pp., 32 uitvouwbare platen buiten de tekst, klassieker in de kunstgeschiedenis; leren kijken naar kunst aan de hand van 14 concrete voorbeelden; goede conditie (schoon, zonder aantekeningen). . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 32827
€  10.00 | CHF 9.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Bremmer, kunstgeschiedenis

Briganti, Giuliano
Glanzvolles Europa. Berühmte Veduten und Reiseberichte des 18. Jahrhunderts.
München, Verlag Gerog D.W. Callwey, 1969, cloth, dustj, square 4to, 331 pp., 255 ills., Vedutenmalerei; Canaletto; Van Wittel; Bellotto; Rom, Neapel, Venedig, Verona, Bologna; good condition. . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 21749
€  8.00 | CHF 8]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Veduten, Vedurenmalerei

Brion, Marcel
Art abstrait.
Paris, Éditions Albin Michel, 1956, broché avec couverture, 8vo (stiff boards with dustjacket), 315 pp., 17 colour plates, 42 ills. Hors-texte, classic study; Kandinsky, Klee, Delaunay, De Staël, Geer van Velde, Bazaine, Malevitch, Calder, Poliakoff and many others; très bon état. . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 18957
€  20.00 | CHF 19]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: art, abstrait

Bröhan, Torsten; Berg, Thomas
Avantgarde Design 1880-1830.
Köln, Benedikt Taschen Verlag, 1994, paperbound, flaps, 4to, `176 pp., ca. 250 ills, new concepts for a new century; the Werkbund; Bauhaus; Burg Giebichstein; Kunstschulreform; International Style; texts in English, German and Franch; richly illustrated; LIKE NEW condition. . ISBN: 3822889385.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 19143
€  15.00 | CHF 14.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: design, avantgarde, Bauhaus, Werkbund

Avantgarde Design 1880-1830.
Köln, Benedikt Taschen Verlag, 1994, paperbound, flaps, 4to, `176 pp., ca. 250 ills, new concepts for a new century; the Werkbund; Bauhaus; Burg Giebichstein; Kunstschulreform; International Style; texts in English, German and Franch; richly illustrated; LIKE NEW condition. . ISBN: 9783822889381.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 25036
€  10.00 | CHF 9.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: design, avantgarde, Bauhaus, Werkbund

Brooks, John A.
Glass. 100 Masterpieces of Crystal and colour (The Sampson Low Collectors´Library).
Maidenhaed, Sampson Low, 1975, cloth, dustj, 4to, 80 pp., ± 150 ills. b/w and colour, Egypt, Rome, Middle-East, Islam, Seine-Rhine, Venice, Spain, China, Britain, Ireland, Germany, Bohemia, Holland, France, America; VG condition. . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 5699
€  5.00 | CHF 5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: glass, glas, Glaskunst

Antoon van Dyck 1599-1641.
Gent, Ludion, 1999, cloth, or dustj, large 4to, 359 pp., 70 ills. and 105 fullpage colour plates, 6 essays and exhibition catalogue (London and Antwerp) on the occasion of the 400th birthday of the famous Antwerp painter Antoon van Dyck, court-painter to James I and Charles I; excellent fullcolour reproductions; in Dutch, bibliography; LIKE NEW conditio. . ISBN: 9789055442669.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 23313
€  25.00 | CHF 24]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Van Dyck, painting

Brown, Robert K.; Weinstein, Iris
Art Deco Internationale.
New York, Quick Fox, 1977, paperbound, 4to, 93 pp., ca. 100 ills., art, architecture, glass, book design, furniture, typography; very good condition. . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 25018
€  5.00 | CHF 5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: art deco

Brown, Claudia; Rabiner, Donald
Chinese Glass of the Qing Dynasty 1644-1911. The Robert H. Clague Collection.
Phoenix (AZ), Phoenix Art Museum, 1987, paperbound, 4to, 96 pp., ca. 100 ills, text; bibliography; Qing glass, collection; VG condition. . ISBN: 0910407207.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 14495
€  15.00 | CHF 14.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Qing, glass, Clague

Chinese Glass of the Qing Dynasty 1644-1911. The Robert H. Clague Collection.
Phoenix (AZ), Phoenix Art Museum, 1987, paperbound, 4to, 96 pp., ca. 100 ills, text; bibliography; Qing glass, collection; VG condition. . ISBN: 0910407207.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 14543
€  15.00 | CHF 14.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Qing, glass, Clague

Brunhammer, Yvonne
Art Deco Style.
London, Academy Editions, 1983, paperbound, 4to, 176 pp., 384 ills., origins of art deco; art deco in France; architecture; furniture; floor and wall decoration; applied arts; very good condition. . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 19404
€  10.00 | CHF 9.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: art deco, applied, furniture, architecture

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