Pallas Books - Antiquarian Booksellers: Art history
trouvé: 669 livres sur 45 pages. Ceci est page 2
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Aikema, Bernard; Bakker, Boudewijn
Schilders van Venetië. Oorsprong en bloei van de Venetiaanse Vedute.
Den Haag, Gary Schwartz/SDU, 1990, paperbound, 4to oblong, 270 pp., 50 colour plates, num. ills., tentoonstellingscatalogus Rijksmuseum Amsterdam; inleiding; Carlevarijs, Canaletto, Bellotto, Guardi; De Heusch en Van Wittel; architectuurschilders; VG condition. . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 6474
€  7.00 | CHF 7]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Venetië, schilderkunst, Vedute

Alderse Baas-Budwilowitz, Peggy J.; Alderse Baas, Willem; Schram, Dick
Blijvend in verbeelding. De verwerking van de Tweede Wereldoorlog in de beeldende kunst.
Amsterdam, Stichting Literatuur en Kunst, 1997, paperbound, 8vo, 196 pp., ca. 40 ills., werk van ca. 30 kunstenaars; begeleidende tekst; zeer goede conditie. . ISBN: 9080356417.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 24713
€  5.00 | CHF 5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: kunst, oorlog, verwerking

Alechinsky, Pierre
Le bureau du titre dans une organisation de Pierre Faucheux [Pierre Alechinsky].
Paris, Éditions Fata morgana, 1983, broché, 8vo, 95 pp., ills., COMME NEUF (non-coupé). . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 27058
€  20.00 | CHF 19]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: alechinsky

Alechinsky, Pierre; Claus, Hugo
Pierre Alechinsky. De andere hand. Verhalen van een schilder. Vertaald door Hugo Claus en Freddy de Vree [Ceder Editie].
Amsterdam, Meulenhoff / Leuven, Kritak, 1987, paperbound, flaps, 8vo, 116 pp., eerste Nederlandse bundel met representatief overzicht van het poëtische proza van Alechinsky; zeer goede conditie. . ISBN: 9029024194.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 24934
€  10.00 | CHF 9.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Alechinsky, proza, teksten

Alechinsky, Pierre
Pierre Alechinsky. Ting's Studio, New York (Projections de Ting) [Vol. Quatorze Coll. Les Poquettes volantes Daily-Bul].
La Louvière, Daily-Bul, 1967, brochure, 12mo, 24 pp., ills., textes et illustrations; no. 174 du tirage limité à 1.000 exemplaires; bon état / good condition (back chaved/loose). . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 27053
€  20.00 | CHF 19]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Alechinsky, Ting

Alpatow, Michail W.
Studien zur Geschichte der westeuropäischen Kunst.
Köln, Verlag M. Dumont Schauberg, 1974, paperbound, 12mo, 325 pp., 72 ills., aus der Reihe Dumont Kunst-Taschenbücher; good condition. . ISBN: 3770106407.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 24404
€  5.00 | CHF 5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Kunst, Kunstgeschichte, Europa

Amaya, Mario
Tiffany Glass (Collectors´Blue Books).
London, Studio Vista, 1967, cloth, dustj, 8vo, 84 pp., ± 50 ills. (2 in colour), guide for collector of this manifestation of the Art Nouveau period; techniques used; experiments; Favrile Glass; VG condition. . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 6388
€  4.00 | CHF 4]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Tiffany, glass

Andel, Joraslav
Avant-garde design 1900-1950.
New York, Delano Greenidge Editions, 2002, cloth, dustj, large 4to, 388 pp., 463 ills in colour, precursors and pioneers; in search of the primal; the liberated sign; words-in-freedom; Dada; brave construction; photography; cinema; LIKE NEW condition. . ISBN: 0929445090.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 10859
€  30.00 | CHF 28.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: design, avant garde

Apollonio, Umbro
Mondrian und die Abstrakten [Galerie Schuler].
München, Schuler Verlagsgesellschaft, 1973, cloth, dustjacket, 4to, 98 pp., 60 fullpage colourplates, very good condition (almost unused). . ISBN: 3779650096.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 26417
€  3.00 | CHF 3]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Mondrian, abstrakt

Appasamy, Jaya
Indian Paintings on Glass.
New Delhi, Indian Council for Cultural relations, 1980, cloth, dustjacket, 4to, 38 pp. text, 86 ills. outside text, paintings on glass constitute a minor art form that flourished in India for approx. 150 years; RARE; LIKE NEW condition. . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 24899
€  75.00 | CHF 71]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: glass, painting, India

Appel, Karel; Alechinsky, Pierre; Claus, Hugo; Dotremont, Christian
Appel & Alechinsky. Two-brush paintings. Their poems by Hugo Claus [Christian Dotremont: foreword].
Paris, Yves rivière, 1980, brochure, 4to, 28 pp., ills., poems and paintings; very good condition. . ISBN: 9789993021254.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 26510
€  40.00 | CHF 38]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Appel, Claus, Alechinsky, Dotremont

Arceneaux, Edgar; Stewart, Lorelei
The Alchemy of Comedy … Stupid. Starrin David Alan Grier.
Chicago, Whitewalls, 2006, paperbound, 8vo, 95 pp., ca. 100 ills., this book documents Los Angeles-based artist Edgar Arceneaux's multichannel video installation of the samen name, which was exhibited by Gallery 400; very good condition. . ISBN: 9780945323112.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 25789
€  5.00 | CHF 5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Edgar Arceneaux, David Alan Grier, Los Angeles

Ark, Frank van
100 mooiste musea.
Lisse, Remainder Books, 2013, hardbound, 4to oblong, 156 pp., ca. 300 ills., 100 bijzondere musea over de gehele wereld; ALS NIEUW. . ISBN: 9789039626115.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 20798
€  5.00 | CHF 5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: museum, musea

Armstrong, Carol
Manet Manette.
New Haven, Yale University Press, 2002, cloth, dustjacket, small 4to, xviii+389 pp., 173 ills., in-depth and original study of Manet's work and methods of self-presentation; relationships with his models; exhibition strategies; contemporary writings; LIKE NEW condition. . ISBN: 9780300096583.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 26949
€  75.00 | CHF 71]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Manet

Arnold, Karl; Guratzsch, Herwig; Roters, Eberhard
Karl Arnold. Typen und Figuren der zwanziger Jahre.
Stuttgart, Verlag Gerd Hatje, 1989, clth, dustj, 4to, 163 pp., ca. 150 ills., WIE NEU; die Zeichnungen der zwanziger Jahre, Biographie. . ISBN: 3775702725.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 21932
€  10.00 | CHF 9.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Karl Arnold, Berlin, Deutschland

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