Gianelli, Ida; gili, Elena; Cherubini, Laura
Sipario / Staged Art. Balla, De Chirico, Savinio, Picasso, Paolini, Cucchi. Casello di Rivoli / Museo d'Arte Contemporanea (English / Italian).
Milano, Edizione Charta, 1997, paperbound, stiff boards, large 4to, 282 pp., ca. 400 ills., in-depth book about stage paintings by famous aertists like Picasso, futurist painter Balla and others; richly illustrated; text in English and Italian. . ISBN: 9788881581122.

Pallas Books
Vendeur professionnelN° du livre: 21884
€ 20.00 | CHF 19.5]
Mots-clés: stge art, sipario