Pallas Books - Antiquarian Booksellers: Art history
trouvé: 669 livres sur 45 pages. Ceci est page 14
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Das offene Kunstwerk (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft 222).
Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp Verlag, 1977, paperbound, small 8vo, 442 pp., 9 Essays über Kunst, Kunstheorie; Kommunikation; Ästhetik; Joyce, Finnegans Wake; very good condition. . ISBN: 3518078224.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 27989
€  5.00 | CHF 5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Umberto Eco

Ede, Charles
The Art of the Book. Some Record of Work Carried out in Europe and the U.S.A. 1939-1950.
London, The Studio Publications, 1951, cloth, dustj, 4to, x+214 pp., 215 ills, type design and lettering; printing the text; illustration and graphic reproduction; binding; contributions form many countries; good condition (dustjacket frayed, binding and interior perfect). . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 18256
€  7.00 | CHF 7]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: book history, typography, printing

The Art of the Book. Some Record of Work Carried out in Europe and the U.S.A. 1939-1950.
London, The Studio Publications, 1951, cloth, 4to, x+214 pp., 215 ills, type design and lettering; printing the text; illustration and graphic reproduction; binding; contributions form many countries; good condition (top and bottom of spine sl. Frayed; interior perfect). . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 19222
€  8.00 | CHF 8]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: book history, typography, printing

Edwardes, Ernest L.
The Grandfather Clock. An Archaeological and Descriptive Essay on the Long-Case Clock.
Altrincham, John Sherratt and Son, 1949, first edition, cloth, small 4to, 165 pp., 22 plates outside text, mechanical devices; dials and hands; cases; eminent makers; glossary of technical terms; good condition (spine faded, binding undamaged, interior clean). . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 25054
€  10.00 | CHF 9.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: long-case clock

Ehrlich, Doreen
The Bauhaus.
Wigston, Magna Books, 1991, cloth, dustjacket, large 4to, 176 pp., ca. 200 ills., copiously illustrated book; stages of development of the Bauhaus; fullpae plates of famous designs, photographs, documents; chronology; texts; LIKE NEW condition. . ISBN: 1854221337.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 23078
€  30.00 | CHF 28.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Bauhaus, Weimar, Dessau, Gropius

Eijkhout, eveline; Bergvelt, Ellinoor
80 jaar wonen in het stedelijk (Catalogus SM 684).
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 1981, paperbound, 4to, 52 pp., num ills, overzicht van 80 jaar tentoonstellingen over interieurs, meubels en women in het Stedelijk; met vele foto's van tentoongestelde interieurs en beschrijving van meubels, ontwerpers etc.; good condition (lijmrug los, onbeschadigd). . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 18039
€  8.00 | CHF 8]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Stedelijk, meubel, interieur, design

Den Haag rond 1900. Een bloeiend kunstleven.
Blaricum, V+K Publishing, 1998, paperbound, 4to, 56 pp., num ills, tentoonstellingscatalogus Museum Het Paleis Den Haag (Gemeentemuseum); het mondaine Den Haag rond 1900; Israëls, Toorop, Mesdag, Weissenbruch; Haagse School; plateelbakkerij Rozenburg; Scheveningen; zeer goede conditie. . ISBN: 9066119713.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 31727
€  4.00 | CHF 4]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Den Haag, Scheveningen

Elliott, David
New Worlds. Russian Art and Society 1900-1937.
New York, Rizzoli, 1986, cloth, dustj, 4to, 160 pp., 323 ills, a kaleidoscopic panorama fo the creations and innovations of the period starting and ending with the Russian pavillions at the Paris World Exhibitions of 1900 and 1937; VG condition. . ISBN: 0847807363.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 12866
€  15.00 | CHF 14.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Russia, art, revolution

New Worlds. Russian Art and Society 1900-1937.
New York, Rizzoli, 1986, cloth, dustj, 4to, 160 pp., 323 ills, a kaleidoscopic panorama fo the creations and innovations of the period starting and ending with the Russian pavillions at the Paris World Exhibitions of 1900 and 1937; VG condition. . ISBN: 0847807363.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 20077
€  15.00 | CHF 14.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Russia, art, revolution

Eluard, Paul; Chagall, Marc
Le dur désir de durer. Illustré par Marc Chagall [complete with losely inserted coloured lithograph] [exemplaire numéroté 201].
Paris, Bordas, 1950, paperbound, transparant dustjacket, 4to, 60 pp., 24 ills., loosely inserted frontispiece in colour, Avec le texte intégral en langue française. Le frontispice en couleurs reproduit a la main dans les Ateliers de Daniel Jacomet sous le controle de Marc Chagall. Il a été tiré du présent ouvrage: 15 exemplaires sur velin pur chiffon BFK de Rives + 1000 exemplaires sur vélin bouffant d'Alfa Achevé d'imprimer par l'Imprimerie Union a Paris; bon état (dustjacket damaged, binding good, interior clean, no stamps or written annotations). . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 28623
€  250.00 | CHF 236.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Eluard, Chagall

Kunsthistorische opstellen 1+2 (Verzameld werk deel 3+4).
Amsterdam, G.A. Van Oorschot, 1981, cloth, dustj, 8vo, 2 vols, 209, 233 pp, onderwerpen betreffen veelal de 16e en 17e eeuw; Rembrandt, Goltzius, Velasquez, Dou, etc.; very good condition (stofomslag met minimale gebruikssporen). . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 16813
€  15.00 | CHF 14.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: kunstgeschiedenis

Escher, Konrad
Malerei der Renaissance in Italien. Die Malerei des 14. Bis 16. Jahrhundert in Mittel- und Unteritalien, 2 Banden (Handbuch der Kunstwissenschaft I).
Berlin, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion, 1922, halfcloth, gold print, 4to, 2 vols, 320 pp., 282 ills, Standardwerk; extensive text; VG condition. . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 8898
€  5.00 | CHF 5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Renaissance, Italien, Malerei

Etherington-Smith, Meredith
Dali. A Biography.
London, Sinclair-Stevenson, 1992, cloth, dustj, 8vo, xx+553 pp., 45 ills outside text, with a preface by Robert Descharnes; much praised biography; very good condition (clean, almost unsued). . ISBN: 1856191648.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 19132
€  15.00 | CHF 14.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Dali, biography

Wiener Werkstätte / Werkstaette 1903-1932 (HARDCOVER ENGLISH EDITION).
Köln, Taschen, 2008, hardbound, pictorial boards, dustj., 4to, 240 pp., num. ills., ca. 350 ills., many fullpage colour plates, overview of fine art and applied art of this unique art movement; design, objects; fine illustrations; biographies of artists; VG condition. . ISBN: 3822837733.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 19999
€  20.00 | CHF 19]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Wiener Werkstätte, Werkstaette, art, interior design

Wiener Werkstätte / Werkstaette 1903-1932 (HARDCOVER FRENCH EDITION).
Köln, Taschen, 1995, clth, large 4to, 240 pp., num. ills., ca. 350 ills., many fullpage colour plates, overview of fine art and applied art of this unique art movement; design, objects; fine illustrations; biographies of artists; nearfine condition (unused). . ISBN: 3822892769.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 21253
€  30.00 | CHF 28.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Wiener Werkstätte, Werkstaette, art, interior design

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