Pallas Books - Antiquarian Booksellers: Art history
trouvé: 669 livres sur 45 pages. Ceci est page 10
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Cabra, Raul; Nelson, Katherine
New Scandinavian Design.
San Francisco, Chronicle Books, 2004, hardbound, pictorial boards, plastic dustj, 4to, 272 pp., ca. 300 ills., exensive text and 100s of examples with description; very good condition. . ISBN: 9780811840408.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 21760
€  10.00 | CHF 9.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: design, Scandinavia

Camphuis-Haakman, C.Y.A.
De Glascollectie van het Waterschap Ijsselmonde. Nederlands gegraveerd glas uit de 18e, 19e en 20e eeuw.
Barendrecht, St. Documentatie Cultuurhistorisch Bezit Waterschap Ijsselmonde, 1992, cloth, dustjacket, 4to, 150 pp., ca. 90 plates, 45 glazen groot afgebeeld en beschreven; goede conditie. . ISBN: 9080067814.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 32134
€  4.00 | CHF 4]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: glas, glascollectie

Casciani, Stefano; Sandber, Tom; Fuksas, Massimili
Desgin in Italia. Dietro le quinte dell'industria. The Making of an Industry.
Milano, 5 Continents Editions, 2008, hardbound, pictorial boards, 4to oblong, 239 pp., ca. 200 ills., ext in italian and english; designers, manufacturers; fifties, sixties, sevenies; 3rd millenium; biographies; richly illustrated; LIKE NEW condition. . ISBN: 9788874394418.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 21918
€  30.00 | CHF 28.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: design, Italy

Castéra, Jean-Marc; Rafif, Ahmed-Chaouki; Kerbrat, Marie-Pierre
Arabesques. Decorative Art in Morocco. Photographs by Françoise Peuriot and Philippe Ploquin [translated from the French by Kirk McElhearn].
Paris, ACR Édition Internationale, 1999, cloth, dustjacket, large square 4to, slipcase, 480 pp., ca. 1000 ills., monumental and in-depth sutdy of decoration in islamic art; geometric, floral; calligraphy; standard work; LIKE NEW condition. . ISBN: 9782867701245.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 25757
€  200.00 | CHF 188.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: arabesque, islamic, calligraphy, symmetry

Celebonivic, Aleksa
Dierbare Schilders. Het burgerlijk realisme in de negentiende eeuw.
Amsterdam, Arbeiderspers, 1974, cloth, dustj, large 4to, 200 pp., ca. 150 ills, salonschilderkunst; religieuze thema's; mythologie en klassieke oudheid; legende en geschiedenis; oriëntalisme; vele kunstenaars worden behandeld; VG condition. . ISBN: 9029512520.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 11931
€  12.00 | CHF 11.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: salonschilderkunst, realisme

Chambers, D.S.
The Imperial Age of Venice 1380-1580 [Library of European Civilization].
London, Thames and Hudson, 1970, paperbound, 8vo, 216 pp., 131 ills., good condition (some neat annotation in pencil on ca. 50 pages). . ISBN: 0500330204.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 26333
€  5.00 | CHF 5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Venice, renaissance, art

Masterpieces of Glass. A World History from the Corning Museum of Glass.
New York, Harry N. Abrams Publishers, 1990, revised edition, cloth, dustj, folio, 256 pp., 110 full colour plates, overview of the glass maker´s art , the civilizations that fostered it, including treasures form Egypt and Rome, from Islam, Venice, Spain, Bohemia, England, Scandinavia and the US; very good condition. . ISBN: 0810924641.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 31519
€  10.00 | CHF 9.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: glass, art

Chevalier, Ann
Le verre quotidien. Glass in daily life. Glas voor alledag.
Liège, Pierre Mardaga, 1990, cloth, dustj, square 4to, 191 pp., ca. 200 ills, published with support of IBM Belgium; ca. 150 examples of glass object for daily use, with description; gechiedenis van het gebruiksglas; VG condition. . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 9572
€  8.00 | CHF 8]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: glass, verre, glas, kunstnijverheid

Chia, Sandro
Mönchengladbach Journal.
Mönchengladbach, Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, 1983, japanische Bindung, 8vo, 56 pp. Ills., ediert anlässlich der Ausstellung 'Arbeiten aus 1980 und 1981'; very good condition. . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 23011
€  10.00 | CHF 9.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Sandra Chia

Ciardi Dupré, Maria Grazia
Kleine Bronzen der Renaissance.
München, Schuler Verlagsgesellschat, 1974, cloth, dustj, 12mo, 160 pp., 64 plates, very good condition. . ISBN: 3779651181.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 20118
€  5.00 | CHF 5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: skulptur, renaissance

Clair, Jean
Une leçon d'abîme. Neuf approches de Picasso.
Paris, Éditions Gallimard, 2005, paperbound, flaps, 8vo, 215 pp., 99 ills, le dernier enfant de Saturne; Picasso Trismégiste; Éros et Nomos; motifs Mithriaques; David Hockney, dialogue avec Picasso; très bon état. . ISBN: 2070773981.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 15554
€  9.00 | CHF 8.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Picasso

Clark, R.J.; De long, D.G.; Eidelberg, M.
Design In America. The Cranbrook Vision 1925-1950.
New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1983, cloth, dustj, 4to, 352 pp., 265 ills, including 62 full colour plates, the influential community of faculty and students in Bloomfield Hills; chronicle of development of Cranbrook's ideals; LIKE NEW condition. . ISBN: 081098018.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 9215
€  7.00 | CHF 7]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: desgin, Cranbrook

Claudel, Paul
L'Oeil écoute. Introduction à la peinture hollandaise, la peinture espagnole et autres écrits sur l'art [nouvelle édition illustrée].
Paris, Gallimard / NRF, 1964, hardbound, 4to, 268 pp., 63 ills., classic work; good condition (cover with mild traces of use, interior clean, no annotations). . .
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 31233
€  5.00 | CHF 5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: painting, peinture

Coffin Hanson, Anne
Manet and the Modern Tradition.
New Haven, Yale University Press, 1979, paperbound, small 4to, xvii+222 pp., 126 ills. outside text, in this thorough investigation of the artist and the society in which he lived, Hanson examines the ambiguities that surround Manet; good condition. . ISBN: 0300024924.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 26948
€  10.00 | CHF 9.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: Manet, modern tradition

Cohen-Solal, Annie
Naar levend model. De opkomst van Amerikaanse kunstenaars, Parijs 1867 - New York 1948.
Amsterdam. Meulenhoff, 2003, paperbound, 8vo, 495 pp., ills., over de ontwikkeling van de amerikaanse kunst tussen 1867 (Wereldtentoonstelling Parijs) en 1948; zeer goede conditie. . ISBN: 9789029072649.
Pallas BooksVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 21905
€  10.00 | CHF 9.5]
Catalogue: Art history
Mots-clés: kunst, Amerika, Amerikaans, Cohen-Solal

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