Castéra, Jean-Marc; Rafif, Ahmed-Chaouki; Kerbrat, Marie-Pierre
Arabesques. Decorative Art in Morocco. Photographs by Françoise Peuriot and Philippe Ploquin [translated from the French by Kirk McElhearn].
Paris, ACR Édition Internationale, 1999, cloth, dustjacket, large square 4to, slipcase, 480 pp., ca. 1000 ills., monumental and in-depth sutdy of decoration in islamic art; geometric, floral; calligraphy; standard work; LIKE NEW condition. . ISBN: 9782867701245.

Pallas Books
Vendeur professionnelN° du livre: 25757
€ 200.00 | CHF 188.5]
Mots-clés: arabesque, islamic, calligraphy, symmetry