[The London Stage). A collection of the most reputed tragedies, comedies, operas, melo-dramas, farces, and interludes. Accurately printed from acting copies, as performed at the Theatres Royal, and carefully collated and revised] OFF PRINT.
[London, Sherwood, Jones & Co, [ca. 1830]. Zus. 72 S. (The London Stage 12). (22 x 14). Pp.d. Zeit.
¶ Enthalten: 1. Cumberland, Richard: False impressions. A comedy, in five acts. 16 S.; 2. Inchbald, [Elisabeth]: Animal magnetism. a farace, in three acts. 8 S.; 3. Reed, Joseph: The register office. A farce, in two acts. 16 S.; 4. Holcroft, Thomas:. Seduction. A comedy, in five acts. 16 S.; 5. Congreve, William: The mourning bride. A tragedy, in five acts. 16 S. - Einband etwas beschädigt, innen etwas fleckig
Antiquariat Reinhold Pabel
Professional sellerBook number: 77189
€ 39.00 [Appr.: US$ 43.29 | £UK 33 | JP¥ 6066]
Keywords: 19. Jh. / 19. Jahrhundert | 19th century; Anthologie - Anthologien; Drama - Dramen; Englische Literatur - Englische Dichtung - English Literature; Literatur - Literature - Fiction; Schauspiel - Schauspiele