Galileo: history
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Christopher Hibbert
No ordinary place. Radley College and the public school system 1847-1997
-, John Murray, 1997, -. -, Hardcover (cloth), met stofomslag. 385. Color Illustrations. ISBN/EAN: 9780719551765. Conditie: As new.
GalileoPrivate seller
Book number: 9780719551765
€  40.00 [Appr.: US$ 40.88 | £UK 33.75 | JP¥ 6438]

Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing period (1644-1912)
-, United States Government Printing Office / Ch'eng Wen Publishing Company, Distributed: Paragon Book Gallery Ltd, 1943/1967, reprint 1967. large octavo, Hardcover (cloth). 1104 pp. No images. Conditie: Very good.
GalileoPrivate seller
Book number: Hummel
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 30.66 | £UK 25.25 | JP¥ 4829]

Ian Michael
The teaching of English. From the sixteenth century to 1870
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, 1st. -, Hardcover, met stofomslag. 634 pp.. No images. ISBN/EAN: 0521241960. Conditie: Very good, Not from a library..
GalileoPrivate seller
Book number: 0521241960
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 51.1 | £UK 42.25 | JP¥ 8048]

Nous les maitres d'ecole
Paris, Gallimard, 1967, 1e. pocketbook, Paperback. 269 pp. No images. Conditie: Very good.
GalileoPrivate seller
Book number: Ozouf
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 10.22 | £UK 8.5 | JP¥ 1610]

Japanese schooling. Patterns of socialization, equality, and political control
University Park, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1989, 2nd printing 1990. octavo, Hardcover (cloth), 294 pp.. No images. ISBN/EAN: 0271006587. Conditie: Very good, nearmint; without the dustjacket however, otherwise near mint.
GalileoPrivate seller
Book number: 0271006587
€  25.00 [Appr.: US$ 25.55 | £UK 21.25 | JP¥ 4024]

Janet Coleman
Ancient & Medieval Memoirs. Studies in the reconstruction of the past
-, Cambridge University Press, 1992, 1st. octavo, Hardcover, met stofomslag. 646 pp.. No images. ISBN/EAN: 0521411440. Conditie: Very good, dust jacket spine discolored somewhat.
GalileoPrivate seller
Book number: 0521411440
€  70.00 [Appr.: US$ 71.54 | £UK 59 | JP¥ 11267]
Catalogue: history

Geschichte der Deutschen Universitäten. I Vorgeschichte. II Enstehung und Entwicklung der deutschen Universitäten bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters
Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1888/1958 facs reprint, facsimile reprint. octavo, Hardcover (cloth). 442 + 587 pp. No images. Conditie: Very good, . spines slightly rubbed at the upper side and small holes in the cloth. Not a former library set..
GalileoPrivate seller
Book number: Kaufmann
€  40.00 [Appr.: US$ 40.88 | £UK 33.75 | JP¥ 6438]

Learning from things. Method and theory of material culture studies
Washington, Smithsonian Institute Press, 1996, 1st. octavo, Hardcover (cloth back), met stofomslag. 262 pp. Black & White images. ISBN/EAN: 1560986077. Conditie: As new.
GalileoPrivate seller
Book number: 1560986077
€  25.00 [Appr.: US$ 25.55 | £UK 21.25 | JP¥ 4024]
Catalogue: history

Higher civil servants in postwar Japan. Their social origins, educational backgrounds, and career patterns
-, Princeton University Press, 1969, 1st. octavo, Hardcover (cloth), met stofomslag. 197. No images. ISBN/EAN: 68-27405. Conditie: Very good, dustjacket price-clipped.
GalileoPrivate seller
Book number: 68-27405
€  20.00 [Appr.: US$ 20.44 | £UK 17 | JP¥ 3219]

Alcuin of York. Scholar at the Carolingian Court
Groningen, Egbert Forsten, 1998, 1st. octavo, Paperback. 213 pp. No images. ISBN/EAN: 9069801086. Conditie: Very good, spine and back of cover sunned. a.o.: Albrecht Diem: The emergence of monastic schools: The role of Alcuin 27-46; Mayke de Jong: From scholastici to scioli: Alcuin and the formation of an intellectual elite 45-58.
GalileoPrivate seller
Book number: 9069801086
€  20.00 [Appr.: US$ 20.44 | £UK 17 | JP¥ 3219]
Catalogue: history medieval

The prose Salernitan questions
-, Oxford University Press, 1979, 1st printing. large octavo, Hardcover (cloth). 416 pp. No images. ISBN/EAN: 0197259782. Conditie: Very good, minor shelfwear, no dust jacket (as issued?). Not a former library book
GalileoPrivate seller
Book number: 0197259782
€  70.00 [Appr.: US$ 71.54 | £UK 59 | JP¥ 11267]

Writings on China. Translated, with an introduction, notes, and commentaries by Daniel J. Cook and Henry Rosemont, Jr
Chicago, Open Court Publishing, 1994, 1st. octavo, Hardcover (cloth), met stofomslag. 157 pp. Black & White images. ISBN/EAN: 0812692500. Conditie: As new, just a bit sunned on the dustjacket spine.
GalileoPrivate seller
Book number: 0812692500
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 30.66 | £UK 25.25 | JP¥ 4829]

The Medieval University 1200-1400
New York, Sheed and Ward, 1961, 1st. Hardcover (cloth). 241 pp. No images. Conditie: Fair, ex university library. With an introduction by Pearl Kibre.
GalileoPrivate seller
Book number: Daly
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 10.22 | £UK 8.5 | JP¥ 1610]

Records of the Grand Historian of China. Volume I: Early years of the Han Dynasty 209 to 141 B. C. Volume II: The age of Emperor Wu 140 to circa 100 B. C.
New York, Columbia University Press, 1961, third printing 1968. octavo, Hardcover (cloth). 563 + 543 pp. No images. ISBN/EAN: 60-13348. Conditie: Good, good set, two pictures glued in on the front endpapers (original), glue browned.
GalileoPrivate seller
Book number: 60-13348
€  100.00 [Appr.: US$ 102.2 | £UK 84.25 | JP¥ 16096]

Marco Polo
The most noble and famous travels of Marco Polo together with the travels of Nicol? de? Conti
Amsterdam/New York, Nico Israel / Da Capo Press, 1579/1929/1971, facsimile reprint. small quarto, Different. 381 pp.. No images. ISBN/EAN: 906072111x. Conditie: As new, imitation leather binding. . Edited from the Elizabethan translation of John Frampton with introduction, notes and appendixes by N. M. Penzer, M. A..
GalileoPrivate seller
Book number: 906072111x
€  40.00 [Appr.: US$ 40.88 | £UK 33.75 | JP¥ 6438]
Catalogue: history

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