Mike Long Books: Jewish History
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Enemy in the Promised Land
Pantheon Publishing. 1986. Hard Cover. Hardcover/pub.1986/Fair condition/335 pages - An extraordinary story of a six-week journey that lasted three years. First view of Israel through arab eyes. [KI924192]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 24192
USD 34.75 [Appr.: EURO 32 | £UK 26.75 | JP¥ 5198]
Catalogue: Jewish History
Keywords: hebrew, judica, jews, history, culture, palestine, heritage, tradition, government, israel, society, nazi, concentration camp, jewish history

Ordinary Heroes - Chana Szenes and the Dream of Zion
G. P. Pubnam Publishing. 1986. Hard Cover. Hardcover dj/pub.1986/Gd. condition/271 pages - On November 7, 1944, a twenty-three-year-old poet and pacifist named Chana Szenes was executed as a spy. Today she is a national heroine of Israel. [KH7 18711]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 18711
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 41.25 | £UK 34.5 | JP¥ 6693]
Catalogue: Jewish History
Keywords: diaries, history, emigrated, israel, compassionate, idealistic, airman, holocaust, interrogation, activist, jewish history

Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Atlantic Monthly Press. 1986. (ISBN: 0871130645). Hard Cover. Gd. condition - A personal memory of the war years .. (TR49892z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 9892z
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 41.25 | £UK 34.5 | JP¥ 6693]
Catalogue: Jewish History
Keywords: history, jews, concentration camps, nazi, hitler, racism, labor, warfare, germany, israel, jerusalem, politics, leadership, policy, europe, peace, memoir, bio, 0871130645

A Time in Their Lives;: Writings from Personal Experience
Canfield Press. 1989. (ISBN: 0063836300). Soft Cover. Gd. condition - .. Uses personal experience to teach the basic principles of composition through exercises and examples , (TI6). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 4024ml
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 41.25 | £UK 34.5 | JP¥ 6693]
Catalogue: Jewish History
Keywords: writing, survival, protest, love, romance, life, prison, jail, theology, pain, therapy, self, discovery, teacher, professor, college, student, reading, africa, negro, slavery, freedom, socrates, logic, george jackson, black history, jewish history, soviet

The Wall
Alfred A. Knopf Publishing. 1959. Hard Cover. Hardcover/Pub.1959/Gd condition/632 pages - This deals with history, but in detail it is invented, possess names faces, traits, and lives altogether imaginary. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 8546
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 41.25 | £UK 34.5 | JP¥ 6693]
Catalogue: Jewish History
Keywords: historian, notes, daughter, son, religious, organizations, characters, janitor, ghetto, jewish history

After Such Knowledge: Where Memory of the Holocaust Ends and History Begins
New York, New York, U.S.A. Public Affairs Publishing. 2004. (ISBN: 1586480464). Hard Cover. Hardcover/Gd. condition/301 pages - Memory, history, and the legacy of the holocaust. (HI5B). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: K2445
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 41.25 | £UK 34.5 | JP¥ 6693]
Catalogue: Jewish History
Keywords: jews, history, culture, heritage, tradition, government, politics, concentration camp, israel, society, nazi, palestine, 1586480464

Back to the Sources - Reading the Clasic Jewish Texts
Summit Publishing. 1984. Hard Cover. Hardcover/pub.1984/Gd. condition/448 pages - The first complete modern guide to the great texts of the Jewish tradition: what they are and how to read them. Written by today's leading scholars. [KI123 539]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 23539
USD 114.75 [Appr.: EURO 105.5 | £UK 88.25 | JP¥ 17163]
Catalogue: Jewish History
Keywords: hebrew, judica, jews, history, culture, palestine, concentration camp, hitler, heritage, tradition, politics, government, israel, society, nazi, jewish history

Ashes out of Hope
Schocken Publishing. 1978. Soft Cover. PB/pub.1978/Fair condition/218 pages - An elegant and balanced essay on Soviet-Yiddish writers. [AN229784]. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 29784
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 27.5 | £UK 23 | JP¥ 4450]
Catalogue: Jewish History
Keywords: jewish, essay, soviet, balanced, yiddish, history, writers, language, literature,

How We Lived
Richard Marek Publisher. 1979. Hard Cover. Hardcover/pub.1979/Gd. condition/361 pages - A documentary History of Immigrant Jews in America 1880-1930... (TH13610z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 3610z
USD 44.75 [Appr.: EURO 41.25 | £UK 34.5 | JP¥ 6693]
Catalogue: Jewish History
Keywords: jew, hebrew, heritage, culture, israel, palestine, immigration, history, tradition, holocaust, nazi, hitler, concentration camps, hatred, racism, new york, politics,

A Margin of Hope: An Intellectual Autobiography
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers. 1982. Hard Cover. Hardcover dj/ pub. 1982/ Gd.+ condition/352 pages- That generation of New York Jews who willed new lives and made them. They broke out of the ghetto, searched for ways to become "more American," to sl ough off accents, outlooks, and styles of their ancestors. (D82926). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2926
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 27.5 | £UK 23 | JP¥ 4450]
Catalogue: Jewish History
Keywords: history, memoirs, jews, new york, politics, government, culture, tradition, ancestors, jewish history first editions autobiography

World of Our Fathers: The Journey of the East European Jews to America and the Life They Found and Made
New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. 1976. (ISBN: 0-15-146353-0). Hard Cover. Publisher: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. 1976, Good, (OVERSIZED) HB, ISBN: 0-15-146353-0. Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 011193
USD 127.49 [Appr.: EURO 117.25 | £UK 98 | JP¥ 19069]
Catalogue: Jewish History
Keywords: social conditions 0151463530 0151463530

World of Our Fathers: The Journey of the East European Jews to America and the Life They Found and Made
Simon and Schuster, Publisher. 1976. Soft Cover. PB/ pub. 1976/ Gd. condition/714 pages- Reveals both the flesh and the spirit of people whose pent-up hopes and abilities were suddenly released into a society in which dreams might become realities. (C71801). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1801
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 27.5 | £UK 23 | JP¥ 4450]
Catalogue: Jewish History
Keywords: history, politics, economics, government, culture, heritage, citizen, israel, new york, jewish history

Israeli Foreign Policy: South Africa and Central America
South End Press. 1987. (ISBN: 0896082857). Soft Cover. Gd. condition - Text Clean and Unmarked .. (TH66921z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 6921z
USD 44.70 [Appr.: EURO 41.25 | £UK 34.5 | JP¥ 6686]
Catalogue: Jewish History
Keywords: history, jews, african, negro, policy, brazil, slavery, plantation, economics, 0896082857

Arabs & Israelis : A Dialogue
Holmes & Meier Publishers. 1975. (ISBN: 0841902089). Hardcover -. Hardcover/pub. 1975/Gd. condition/223 pages - In the aftermath of the October, 1973 War, the possibility of a genuine dialogue between Arabs and Israelis finally emerged.. (D25356z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 5356z
USD 74.75 [Appr.: EURO 68.75 | £UK 57.5 | JP¥ 11180]
Catalogue: Jewish History
Keywords: israel, palestine, arabs, muslim, hebrew, jew, islam, politics, peace, saudi, homeland, jerusalem, yiddish, rabbi, society, warfare, maps, iraq, iran, africa, 0841902089

Gut Yuntif, Gut Yohr
Citadel Pr. 1969. (ISBN: 0806503904). Soft Cover. PB/pub. 1969/Gd. condition/128 pages - A Collection in Yiddish of Original Holiday Verses and Popular English Classics in Translation (AH26295z). Good.
Mike Long BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 6295z
USD 29.75 [Appr.: EURO 27.5 | £UK 23 | JP¥ 4450]
Catalogue: Jewish History
Keywords: poetry poetic jews, yiddish, jerusalem, celebration, 0806503904

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