Mare Booksellers: Social Movements
found: 11 books

 No author, Social Issues Speakers Bureau Promotional Booklet
No author
Social Issues Speakers Bureau Promotional Booklet
Cleveland, Social Issues Speakers Bureau, Publisher. Wraps. no date, perhaps early 1970s. Side stapled wraps. 10 pp. including covers. Small black and white photos throughout. A guide to speakers available through the Social Issues Speakers Bureau, including those who speak on the second wave of feminism, abortion, the antiwar movement, black politics, etc. With profiles of speakers such as Andrew Pulley, Cathy Hinds, Gayle Shangold, Cecil Lampkin and others. GOOD+ condition. General toning to the paper. Some creasing and curling at the corners. Very minor soiling. Good .
Mare BooksellersProfessional seller
Book number: 017320
USD 27.00 [Appr.: EURO 26.25 | £UK 22 | JP¥ 4089]
Catalogue: Social Movements
Keywords: Noisbn

 Various authors, Act Up Los Angeles [Victory] News. June/July/August, 1992. Volume 5, Number 2
Various authors
Act Up Los Angeles [Victory] News. June/July/August, 1992. Volume 5, Number 2
Los Angeles, Act Up, Los Angeles, Publisher, 1992. Tabloid. Large tabloid newspaper format. 16 pp. including covers. Printed in bright red ink, with striking layout and design elements throughout. A newspaper style publication issued by Act Up Los Angeles, providing news on recent or upcoming events and protests, as well as information on the AIDS drug program in California, information on what pharmacy to visit, political news, etc. Also printed is a short piece recalling a letter that someone sent to then First Lady Barbara Bush, requesting more money for AIDS research. They received a form letter card reading, "Your thoughtful message is greatly appreciated. It was so kind of you to write." Of note is a mention of Dr. Anthony Fauci, then the NIH AIDS research chief and his emergency trip to Congress to "plead" for the restoration of over $300 million in funding cut from the budget. ACT UP is an organization that was founded in New York in 1987, with the goal of helping those living with AIDS, through advocacy, medical treatment and research, direct action through protests and events, etc. OCLC records indicate 3 libraries hold this newspaper, although which volume and number is unclear. GOOD condition. Horizontal fold crease present. Heavy wrinkling and creasing to the paper, especially the last several leaves and at the corners. A few minor chips and tears along the extremities. Good .
Mare BooksellersProfessional seller
Book number: 020938
USD 108.00 [Appr.: EURO 104.75 | £UK 87.25 | JP¥ 16357]
Catalogue: Social Movements
Keywords: Noisbn LGBTQ+

 Various authors, Committee of Returned Volunteers. Crv National Newsletter January-February, 1970
Various authors
Committee of Returned Volunteers. Crv National Newsletter January-February, 1970
New York, Committee of Returned Volunteers, Publisher, 1970. Wraps. Single stapled newsletter, 8 ½ by 11 inches. 24 pp. including covers. The Committee of Returned Volunteers was founded in 1966, consisting of people who had formerly worked in a volunteer capacity in various service programs in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the United States. Adhering to an anti-imperialist stance, the group opposed the Vietnam War and saw racism and imperialism as inextricably linked. Many of its actions focused on anti-imperialist activities in Africa, although domestic concerns were also addressed. This issue with several pages devoted to various liberation movements in Southern Africa, including those in Angola and Namibia. With several photos of MPLA commanders and guerrillas. Also present is a photo of a protest by a group, Asian-Americans For Action. GOOD+ condition. Minor fading and toning, with a hint of soiling. Light foxing along the edges. Small semicircle piece torn off from the center fore edge of the front cover. Good .
Mare BooksellersProfessional seller
Book number: 019243
USD 32.00 [Appr.: EURO 31 | £UK 26 | JP¥ 4847]
Catalogue: Social Movements
Keywords: Noisbn

 Various authors, Naral (National Abortion Rights Action League) Newsletter. July 1980. Vol. 12, No. 7
Various authors
Naral (National Abortion Rights Action League) Newsletter. July 1980. Vol. 12, No. 7
Washington, DC, NARAL, Publisher, 1980. Wraps. Side folding newsletter, 8 ½ by 11 inches. 8 pp. A few black and white photos throughout. An issue of this newsletter issued by the pro-choice group, NARAL, discussing events and news briefs from across the country, a report on congressional actions, news from within NARAL, etc. VERY GOOD condition. Two horizontal fold creases present. Minor toning. Mailing label on the lower rear cover. Very Good .
Mare BooksellersProfessional seller
Book number: 018731
USD 22.00 [Appr.: EURO 21.5 | £UK 17.75 | JP¥ 3332]
Catalogue: Social Movements
Keywords: Noisbn

 Various authors, Naral (National Abortion Rights Action League) Newsletter. April 1979. Vol. 11, No. 3
Various authors
Naral (National Abortion Rights Action League) Newsletter. April 1979. Vol. 11, No. 3
Washington, DC, NARAL, Publisher, 1979. Wraps. Side folding newsletter, 8 ½ by 11 inches. 12 pp. A few black and white photos throughout. An issue of this newsletter issued by the pro-choice group, NARAL, discussing events and news briefs from across the country, a report on congressional actions, news from within NARAL, campus protests, report on the Supreme Court hearing oral arguments on Bellotti v. Baird, etc. GOOD+ condition. Two horizontal fold creases present. Minor toning. Some wrinkling, with minor creasing to the lower corners. Mailing label on the lower rear cover. Good .
Mare BooksellersProfessional seller
Book number: 020916
USD 22.00 [Appr.: EURO 21.5 | £UK 17.75 | JP¥ 3332]
Catalogue: Social Movements
Keywords: Noisbn

 Various Authors, National Campaign to Demilitarize Our Schools. Winter 1992. Volume 1, Issue 1. Newsletter
Various Authors
National Campaign to Demilitarize Our Schools. Winter 1992. Volume 1, Issue 1. Newsletter
Philadelphia, National Campaign to Demilitarize Our Schools, Publisher, 1992. Wraps. Side folding newsletter. 8 ½ by 11 inches. 6 pp. First newsletter from the National Campaign to Demilitarize Our Schools, apparently associated with the American Friends Service Committee and their Youth and Militarism Program. The campaign and newsletter highlighted the impact of the military being in high schools and ways to counter recruitment, among other subjects. GOOD+ condition. Two horizontal fold creases present. Minor wrinkling. Good .
Mare BooksellersProfessional seller
Book number: 019299
USD 22.00 [Appr.: EURO 21.5 | £UK 17.75 | JP¥ 3332]
Catalogue: Social Movements
Keywords: Noisbn

 Various authors, The Nonviolent Activist. July/August 1986. The Magazine of the War Resisters League
Various authors
The Nonviolent Activist. July/August 1986. The Magazine of the War Resisters League
New York, War Resisters League, Publisher, 1986. Wraps. Illustrated wraps. Side stapled newsprint journal. 16 pp. including covers. Single issue of this magazine published by the pacifist organization, the War Resister League. This with a philosophical look at how pacifists should respond to wars of liberation; an article on pro-feminism and nonviolence. GOOD condition. Paper browned. Minor soiling and wrinkling. Address stamped on the upper front cover and a mailing label on the lower rear cover. Good .
Mare BooksellersProfessional seller
Book number: 017315
USD 13.00 [Appr.: EURO 12.75 | £UK 10.5 | JP¥ 1969]
Catalogue: Social Movements
Keywords: Noisbn

 Baldwin, F. Spencer, The Housing Problem. A Study of Tenement Reform in Cities
Baldwin, F. Spencer
The Housing Problem. A Study of Tenement Reform in Cities
Boston, Civic Department of the Twentieth Century Club, 1900. Wraps. Printed wraps. 23 pp. A study of tenements in cities, discussing reform in Europe and the United States, including cities such as New York and Boston. It argues for regulation, the demolition of insanitary housing, rebuilding new housing, and creating better suburban transit. The Twentieth Century Club was formed in 1894 in Boston as a group interested in promoting social reform, including in areas of housing. It was open to men and women, although the club did limit the amount of women admitted to the organization. GOOD condition. Several large chips missing from the fore edge, with some tearing along the extremities. General toning. Minor soiling. Faint vertical fold crease present. Paper slightly brittle. Good .
Mare BooksellersProfessional seller
Book number: 017275
USD 32.00 [Appr.: EURO 31 | £UK 26 | JP¥ 4847]
Catalogue: Social Movements
Keywords: Noisbn

 CCCO, Considering Joining the Military? a Guide for Women. Informational Brochure
Considering Joining the Military? a Guide for Women. Informational Brochure
No Place, CCCO, Publisher. Pamphlet. No place or date, perhaps Philadelphia, mid 1980s. Tri-folding brochure unfolding into twelve panels. Several black and white photos present. Issued by the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, this pamphlet highlights the pitfalls and realities facing women in the military. The pamphlet highlights sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexism in the military, including the doctrine of the military, based on the rape of an enlisted woman, that rape "is incidental to military service." GOOD condition. Some smudging to the purple ink on the exterior panels. Minor scuffing and edgewear. Good .
Mare BooksellersProfessional seller
Book number: 017171
USD 16.00 [Appr.: EURO 15.5 | £UK 13 | JP¥ 2423]
Catalogue: Social Movements
Keywords: Noisbn

 No authors given, Free Clinic Roundup. West Coast
No authors given
Free Clinic Roundup. West Coast
No Place, No publisher. Unbound. No publisher, place or date (1969). Single sheet, printed on both sides. 8 ½ by 11 inches. Please note: this is INCOMPLETE. A pamphlet style work promoting the efforts of free health clinics in the US, this one focusing on the West Coast, being two in California. While incomplete, it does contain a complete account of the Berkeley Free Clinic. This describes the various clinics within the clinic, including a Women's Clinic, and mentions that some volunteers feel free health care will be legislated by the US within three to four years. The incomplete section focuses on the Long Beach Free Clinic. GOOD condition. Did we mention it is INCOMPLETE? Paper generally toned, with some wrinkling, creasing and tearing along the edges. Minor soiling. Good .
Mare BooksellersProfessional seller
Book number: 019531
USD 22.00 [Appr.: EURO 21.5 | £UK 17.75 | JP¥ 3332]
Catalogue: Social Movements
Keywords: Noisbn

 Russell, Bertrand, Appeal to the American Conscience
Russell, Bertrand
Appeal to the American Conscience
London, International War Crimes Tribunal, Publisher. Wraps. no date, presumed circa 1967. Wraps. 8 pp. including covers. Black and white photos throughout. An anti-Vietnam War piece written by Bertrand Russell, focusing on the use of chemicals, gas and other tactics by the US against the Vietnamese. The piece cites a variety of instances in which many civilians were injured or killed, and explains the need for an International War Crimes Tribunal to hold the United States accountable. Stokely Carmichael is among those listed as a member of the Tribunal. The tribunal was organized by Bertrand Russell and was a private (as opposed to government organized) tribunal that sought to bring to light potential war crimes committed by the United States. GOOD condition. Lower right corner a bit frayed and rough. General toning, minor soiling and wrinkling to the piece. Good .
Mare BooksellersProfessional seller
Book number: 020837
USD 49.00 [Appr.: EURO 47.5 | £UK 39.75 | JP¥ 7421]
Catalogue: Social Movements
Keywords: Noisbn

| Pages: 1 |