Lingua Terrae Books: Paleontology, mixed faunas
gevonden: 315 boeken op 21 pagina's. Dit is pagina 11
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The Lower Carboniferous Kakisako Formation of souther Kyushu, with a description of some corals and fusulinids.
1952. Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyushu Univ. (D) III-4; pp. 157-177, 2 fig. (incl. fold-out map), 6 plts. h.t. with fossils. Orig wrps. with libr. stamp, complete issue.
-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 21546
€  8.00

Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary strata of the extreme Arctic (Peary Land, North Greenland).
1981. Bull. Geol. Soc. Denmark 30; pp. 11-42, 4 fig. 7 plts. h.t. (ammonites 3, bivalves 2, dinoflagellates 2). Orig. wrps. stapled extract.
-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 18158
€  7.00

Die unterkambrische Fauna vom Aistjakk in Lappland.
1945. Boliden Vetensk. o. Tekn. Skr. 2 [reprint GFF]; pp. 129-211, 5 fig. 10 plts. h.t. with mainly trilobites and brachiopods. Orig. wrps. very good.
-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 99170
€  10.00

Die Fauna der ältesten Devon-Ablagerungen des Harzes. Text plus Atlas.
1878. Abh. geol. Specialkarte Preussen u. d. Thür. Staaten Band II, Heft 4; 29 pp. 36 fine lithogr. plates (7 folding-out), plus descriptional pages. Trilobites and some other Arthropoda, Mollusca incl. Cephalopoda, Brachiopoda. Text: Orig. wrps. margins a bit worn, spine paper taped, contents very good, Atlas: orig. boards, spine repaired with paper tape, new endpapers, bindings shaky, contents very good, plates clean except for two plates with rather severe brown spotting, folio (36x27 cm).
-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 82743
€  144.00

Die Orthocerasschiefer zwischen Balduinstein und Laurenburg an der Lahn.
1884. Jahrbuch der Königliche Preussischen geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie für das Jahr 1883; pp. 1-56, 5 plts. h.t. with fossils folding-out, 1 plt. h.t. with col. geol. map folding-out. Plain new wrps. stapled extract, very good.
-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 79842
€  14.00

Unterdevon von böhmischer Facies (Steinberger Kalk) in der Lindener Mark bei Giessen.
1926. Abh. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. NF 100; 77 pp. 3 fig. 4 plts. h.t. w. fossils (mainly trilobites and brachiopods). Orig. wrps. margin of backcover a bit worn, otherwise very good.
-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 92366
€  12.00

Das späte Apt und frühe Alb Nordwest-Deutschlands, Versuch der vollständigen Analyse einer Schichtenfolge.
1983. Geologisches Jahrbuch A 65; 703 pp. 76 fig. 68 plts. with fossils and phot. orig. wrps. with dustjacket, unobtrusive libr. stamp on dustjacket, otherwise very good.
-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 101587
€  20.00

The Onondaga fauna of the Allegheny region. [Devonian]
1912. United States Geological Survey Bulletin 508; 144 pp. 1 fold. pl. w. map & sections, 12 plts. h.t. with fossils (Brachiopods, molluscs, trilobites, etc.). Orig. wrps. libr. stamp on front cover, contents very good.
-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 78371
€  21.00

A Miocene marine fauna from Zululand.
1953. Trans. Proc. geol. Soc. S. Africa LVI; pp. 59-91, 1 photoplt. h.t. 4 plts. h.t. with fossils (molluscs and echinoderms). Orig. extract, stapled, contents very good.
-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 55619
€  7.00

Beobachtungen an lebenden und fossilen Schlangen-Seesternen, Quallen und Rudisten.
1932. Jb. preuss. geol. L.-A. 53; pp. 947-963, 7 fig. 5 plts. h.t. Orig.extract, plain new wrps. contensts very good, sm4to.
-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 77957
€  7.00

The Briscoia fauna of the late Upper Cambrian in Alaska with descriptions of a few Upper Cambrian trilobites from Montana and Nevada.
1935. Jap. J. Geol. Goegr. XII; pp. 39-57, 3 plts. plus descript. pages h.t. with trilobites (2) and brachiopods (1). Orig. extract, stapled. very good.
-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 79843
€  6.00

Faunal study of the Wanwanian (basal Ordovician) series with special notes on the Ribeiridae and the Ellesmereoceroids.
1933, J. Fac. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo (II) III-7; pp. 249-328, 10 plts. h.t. Orig. wrps. libr. stamp on front cover, ends of spine just a little worn, contents very good.
-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 83107
€  14.00

Ordovician fossils from Korea and South Manchuria. Part II. On the Bantatsu Bed of the Ordovician age.
1930. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography Vol. VII-3/4; pp. 75-100, 5 fig. 4 plts. plus descript. pages h.t. with molluscs, most cephalopods. Orig. wrps. with unobtrusive libr. stamp, complete issue, very good.
-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 86151
€  8.00

Nouvelles recherches sur les animaux fossiles du terrain Carbonifère de la Belgique.
1878. Mém. Acad. R. Sci. Lettr. et Beaux-arts de Belgique XXXIX; 178 pp. 15 plts. h.t. Orig. boards, very good, 4to.
-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 83881
€  90.00

Stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Namurian in the Polish Lowland.
1969. Acta Geologica Polonica XIX, 4; pp. 609-709, 6 fig. 46 plts. h.t. with invertebrate fossils. Contains also a.o.: Korejwo: Biostratigraphy of the Carboniferous deposits of the Swidnik blocks (Lublin Coal Basin). Acta Geol. Polon. 36-4; pp. 337-346, 37 plts. h.t. with invertebrate fossils. Modern hardcover, gilt on spine, bound with several other papers by the same author on related subjects.
-- Lingua Terrae BooksProfessionele verkoper
Boeknummer: 82898
€  30.00

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