Zum Ober-Bathonium (Mittlerer Jura) im Raum Hildesheim, Nordwestdeutschland. Mega- und Mikropaläontologie, Biostratigraphie.
1991. Geologisches Jahrbuch Reihe A, Heft 121; 323 pp. 26 fig. 25 plts. ( 1 fold. in pocket) with fossils (ammonites, ostracods, a.o.). Orig. wrps. dustjacket, very good.
North Gondwanan Mid-Palaeozic bioevent/biogeography patterns in relation to crustal dynamics.
1997. Special issues: Ann. Soc. Géol. du Nord (2) 7-1&2; 84 pp. many fig./phot./plts. Collection of 7 papers on Mainly Devonian brachiopods (4) and corals (3). In 2 compl. journal issues, orig. wrps. with libr. ticket, 4to.
A redescription of Ferdinand Roemer’s Paleozoic types from Texas. [Devonian/Mississippian]
1937. United States Geological Survey Prof. Pap. 186-M; pp. 239-271, 1 photoplt. h.t. 4 plts. h.t. with fossils, mostly trilobites and brachiopods, also molluscs. Issue without covers, libr. stamp on title page, contents very good, lg4to.
Certain Jurassic (Lias-Oolite) Strata of South Dorset; and their Correlation. /&/ Certain Jurassic (‘Inferior Oolite’) Species of Ammonites and Brachiopoda.
1910. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 66; pp. 52-89 & 90-110, 5+2 fig. 4 plts. h.t. with fossil ammonites (3) and brachiopods (1). Orig. wrps. with libr. ticket, stapled extract, contents very good, uncut.