Sequence stratigraphy of the Mancos Shale, lower Tres Hermanos Formation, and coeval middle Cenomanian to middle Turonian strata, southern New Mexico, USA.
2016. Sedimentology 63-4; pp. 781-808, 14 fig./phot. most col. Orig. extract, stapled, very good, 4to.
Geography, geology, and mineral resources of the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, Idaho.
1920. US Geol. Surv. Bull. 713; 152 pp. 4 fig. 12 plts. h.t. with phot. and maps folding-out, including folded and col. geol. map in back pocket. Orig. cloth, very good.
Pliocene fossils from limestone in southern Florida.
1932. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 170-D; pp. 43-56, 5 plts. h.t. with molluscs, Pecten & Ostrea (4) and echinoderms. Orig. reprint, libr. ticket on title page, 4to.
La excursión de Nueva York. Organizado por el Congreso de Geología de Washington 1933.
1936. Reprint Revista Maderil, Buenos Aires. 92 pp. 106 fig./phot. 1 large photo h.t. folding-out. Orig. wrps. with libr. perforation ends of spine a bit worn, otherwise and contents very good.
Geology of the Tecopa area, southeastern California.
1948. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America Vol. 59; pp. 333-352, 2fold. plts. with maps loosely inserted, incl. col. geol. map 1:62,500. Orig. extract, stapled, as such very good.
1924. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. L-II; pp. 59-210, 63 fig./phot. Orig. wrps. libr. stickers taped to both ends of spine, but contents very good, uncut.
The Big Bend of the Rio Grande. A guide to the rocks, geologic history, and settlers of the area of Big Bend National Park.
1968, repr. 1971. Bur. Econ. Geol. Univ. Texas Austin Guidebook 7; 138 pp. 117 fig./phot. (3 fold. in pocket), 2 fold. maps in pocket incl. large col. geol. map 1:62,500. Orig. wrps. minor traces of use only, contents very good.
Geology of Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas.
1967. Bureau of Economic Geology / The University of Texas, Publ. Nr. 6711; 320 pp. 152 fig./phot. many h.t. folding-out, 11 fold. plts. in cassette, incl. 2 col. geol. maps. Orig. wrps./cassette, libr. stamp on front cover, very good.