Bericht über eine Reise nach Niederland, im Interesse der Kön. Preussischen geologischen Landesanstalt.
1874. Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft XXVI-2; pp. 284-317, 1 plt. h.t. with geol. sections (Rolde, Arnhem, Maarn). Orig. extract, with journal's covers, as such very good.
The impact of primary sedimentary structures on groundwater flow. A multi-scale sedimentological and hydrogeological study in unconsolidated ealian dune deposits.
2003. Diss. Vrije Univ. Amsterdam. 186 pp. many figs. Orig. Illustr. wrps. very good. [kh]
Migration of large-scale bedforms and preservation of crossbedded sets in highly accretional parts of the tidal channels in the Oosterschelde, SW Netherlands.
1982. Geologie en Mijnbouw 61-3; pp. 253-263, 12 fig./phot. Extract.