1971. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart. 491 pp. 165 fig. incl. many plts. h.t. with geol. maps and sections folding-out, plts w. 13 fold. tables in back pocket. Orig. cloth, very good.
Die tertiäre und periglaziale Formengestaltung des Steigerwaldes, insbesondere des Schwanberg-Friedrichsberg-Gebietes. Eine morphologische Untersuchung zum Problem der Schichtstufenlandschaft.
1970. Forsch. z. deu. Landes. 185; 168 pp. 22 fig. 9 fold. maps in pocket. Orig. wrps. dustjacket.
Verslag der geologische excursies naar het Thuringerwald van 3 tot 14 mei en van 11 tot 22 september 1908, onder leiding der Hoogleeraren Dr. G.A.F. Molengraaff en Dr. H.G. Jonker.
1908. Bijlage Jaarb 1908 Mijnb. Ver. Delft. 71 pp. 2 fig. 10 photoplts. h.t. 1 fold. pl. with map. Half cloth, orig. frontwrapper pasted on, libr. stamp on title page.
1921. Naturhist. Ver. Osnabrück, 18. Jber. 88 pp. 4 photoplts.h.t. 3 plts. with map and sections folding-out. In complete issue, orig. wrps. with libr. stamp, very good.
Das Subvariscikum Nordwestdeutschlands. Struktur und Lagerstättenpotential eines Vorlandbeckens.
1994. Fortschr. Geol. Rheinld. u. Westf. 38; 356 pp. 177 fig./phot. 4 fold. plts. (3 col.) with maps & sections in pocket. Orig. boards, dustjacket, libr. stamp on first endpaper and dj. otherwise very good.