1994. Thèse doct. Univ. Paris-Sud. 141 pp, many figs. 33 pp. with tables h.t. 3 fold. p[lts. with maps and sections in pocket. Orig. wrps. very good, 4to.
L'Esterel. Étude stratigraphique, pétrographique et tectonique.
1912. Bull. Serv. Carte Géol. france No. 130; 63 pp. 11 fig. 7 plt. h.t. with phot. & microphot. 1 fold. & col. geol. map 1:50.000 in back pocket. Orig. wrps. ends of spine worn, photoplts. a bit foxed, otherwise very good.
L'Esterel. Étude stratigraphique, pétrographique et tectonique.
1912. Bull. Serv. Carte Géol. france No. 130; 63 pp. 11 fig. 7 plt. h.t. with phot. & microphot. 1 fold. & col. geol. map 1:50.000 in back pocket. Orig. wrps. ends of spine worn, photoplts. with some light-brown spotting in margins, otherwise very good.
Étude géologique et pétrographique de la région du Nideck.
1935. Mém. Serv. Carte Géol. Alsace Lorraine 4; 134 pp. 73 fig./phot. 1 fold. & col. pl. w. geol. map. Orig. wrps. libr. stamp on front cover, contents very good, sm4to.
Recherches géologiques dans la partie occidentale de la zone primaire axiale des Pyrénées.
1966. Mém. Carte Géol. Dét. France, Paris. 451 pp. 122 fig. 16 photoplts. h.t. 3 fold. plts. in pocket incl. col. geol. map. Half cloth with orig. printed covers included, and with small libr. stamp and erased na,e, otherwise very good, lg4to.
Recherches géologiques dans la partie occidentale de la zone primaire axiale des Pyrénées.
1966. Mém. Carte Géol. Dét. France, Paris. 451 pp. 122 fig. 16 photoplts. 3 fold. plts. in pocket incl. col. geol. map. Orig. wrps. ends of spine a bit worn, contentslg4to.
Carte géologique détaillée de la France 1/50.000. Sergines (296/XXVI-17).
1973. B.R.G.M. Orléans. 1 fold. & col. geol. map with 21 pp. explanatory text. Orig. wrps. with libr. stamp, libr. stamp in blanc corner of map, otherwise very good.