1903. Bull. Soc. Geol. France (4) III; pp. 193-221, 2 photoplts. h.t. 1 plt. h.t. with col. geol. map & sections folding-out. Plain new wrps. extract with orig. front cover included, very good.
Das Migmatitgebiet des Winnebachgranits (Ötztal-Tirol) als beispiel einer petrotektonischen Analyse.
1959. Reprint Tschermaks miner. petrogr. Mitt. (3) 7; pp. 1-69, 20 fig./phot. 1 large fold-out with map. Orig. reprint, small cut in title page to remove former owners name, otherwise very good.
The Mediterranean basins: Tertiary extension within the Alpine orogen.
1999. Geological Society London Special Publication 156; 570 pp. numerous fig./phot. some coloured, 2 plts. h.t. with col. maps folding-out. Orig. illustr. boards, very good, as new.
1986. Graz, Mitt. Abt. Geol. Paleont. Bergb. Landesmus. Joanneum 46; 80 pp. many fig./phot. full colour, 1 fold. plt. with geol. map loosely inserted. Orig. wrps. and dustjacket with libr. stamp, contents very good.
1942. Reprint: Mitteilungen der geologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 33. Band (1940); pp. 35-86, 3 fig. 1 photoplt. h.t. 1 fold-out plt. with col. geol. map. Orig. wrps. very good.