Geologie der Err-Julier-Gruppe. I. Baumaterial (Stratigraphie ...), & II. Teil. Der Gebirgsbau, III. Teil. Quartär und Oberflachengestaltung ....
1950-51. Beitr. Geol. Karte Schweiz NF 70; 321+264+75 pp. 22+132+2 fig. 3 microphotoplts. 9 fold. & col. plts. w. sections. Orig. wrps. part I with repair of tear in front cover, otherwise very good, contents uncut, 4to.

Lingua Terrae Books
Professional sellerBook number: 94261
€ 65.00 [Appr.: US$ 67.53 | £UK 54.25 | JP¥ 10308]