Duncker, C. (Carl) von.
Das Buch vom Vater Radetzky. Ein Lebensbild im Rahmen der Geschichte seiner Zeit. Für Österreich-Ungarns Heer und Völker.
Wien, Radetzky-Denkmal-Comité's, 1891. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Crown quarto. Pp. 244. Plus fine heliogravure frontispiece with facing tissue-guard and many other plates within the pagination. Woodcut head- and tail pieces and initials. Each page with red frame. Plus 4 large folding maps bound at end. HARDCOVER, bound in the original publisher's illustrated boards, red cloth spine; some blemishes, some imperfections, but an excellent copy. ~ FIRST EDITION. [Provenance:] From the library of C. P. Mulder, renowned collector and international heraldry authority, with his charming armorial bookplate,"Nil Desperandum", to first free endpaper. For a complete catalogue of Mulder's library, from which we offer a considerable number of items, see: C. P. Mulder: "Catalogue of Works on Orders, Decorations and Medals in the Library of C. P. Mulder" (Rotterdam, 1988). See also: C. P. Mulder & A. A. Purves: "Bibliography of Orders and Decorations" (Copenhagen, 1999). G-4 OUT .

Librarium of The Hague
Professional sellerBook number: 9999_05035
€ 40.00 [Appr.: US$ 41.74 | £UK 33.5 | JP¥ 6428]