Kloof Booksellers & Scientia Verlag : International Law/Internationaal Recht
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Compendium of Case Law relating to the European Communities, 1973.
Amsterdam : North-Holland,1975. Hardcover. xvi,304 pp. Index. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. ISBN 9780720480290.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #39082
€  12.00 [Appr.: US$ 12.69 | £UK 10 | JP¥ 1903]
Keywords: RECHT, international law, Völkerrecht

Extavour, W.C.
The exclusive economic zone : a study of the evolution and progressive development of the international law of the sea.
Alphen aan den Rijn : A.W. Sijthoff, 1979. Hardcover. 384 pp. (Collection de droit international (Lausanne), 5). text. Condition : good. Library stamps. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : good. ISBN 9789028608382.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #200646
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 52.87 | £UK 41.5 | JP¥ 7931]
Keywords: RECHT,

Exter, R.P. van.
Het internationale aspect der sociale grondrechten.
Vlaardingen,1955. Paperback. 157 pp. Proefschrift Universiteit van Amsterdam. Ticket on spine. Library stamps. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : good.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #9046
€  12.50 [Appr.: US$ 13.22 | £UK 10.5 | JP¥ 1983]
Keywords: RECHT, international law, Völkerrecht *2006-100 ned. recht Burns

Eyffinger, Arthur.
Compendium volkenrechtsgeschiedenis.
Deventer : Kluwer, 1989. 1e druk. Paperback. x,219 pp. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. ISBN 9789026818462.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #265631
€  12.50 [Appr.: US$ 13.22 | £UK 10.5 | JP¥ 1983]
Keywords: RECHT, international law, Völkerrecht rechtsgeschiedenis NL

Eyffinger, Arthur.
Het Vredespaleis.
Fotografie : Jan den Hengst. Amsterdam : Sijthoff, 1988. Hardcover. Dustjacket. 192 pp. Ills. 34 cm. Tear in Dustjacket. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. Uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van het 75-jarig bestaan van het Vredespaleis. ISBN 9789021803012.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #288133
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.86 | £UK 12.5 | JP¥ 2379]
Keywords: RECHT, international law

Eysinga, W.J.M. van.
Proeve eener inleiding tot het Nederlandsch Tractatenrecht.
Den Haag: Mouton & Co., 1906. Original cloth binding. vii, 192 pp. Proefschrift Rijks-Universiteit Leiden. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #62922
€  18.00 [Appr.: US$ 19.03 | £UK 15 | JP¥ 2855]
Keywords: RECHT, international law, Völkerrecht Nederlands recht

Ezejiofor, Gaius.
Protection of human rights under the law.
London : Butterworths, 1964. Orig. cloth binding. xix,292 pp. 23 cm. Library stamps. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #205259
€  18.00 [Appr.: US$ 19.03 | £UK 15 | JP¥ 2855]
Keywords: RECHT, international law, Völkerrecht

Fadl, Khaled M. Abou ... [et al.]
Democracy and Islam in the new constitution of Afghanistan.
Santa Monica : RAND, 2003. Paperback. v,55 pp. 28 cm. Library stamp. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. ISBN 9782831708171.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #277265
€  12.50 [Appr.: US$ 13.22 | £UK 10.5 | JP¥ 1983]
Keywords: RECHT, Afghanistan international law, Völkerrecht

Fahl, Gundolf.
Humanitäres Völkerrecht.
Berlin : Berlin Verlag, c1983. Paperback. 390 pp. Librray stamp. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : good. ISBN 9783870612313.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #272786
€  12.00 [Appr.: US$ 12.69 | £UK 10 | JP¥ 1903]
Keywords: RECHT, international law, Völkerrecht

Fakher, Hossein.
The Relationships among the principal organs of the United Nations.
London : Staples, 1951. Hardcover. viii,200 pp. Library stamps. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #279596
€  12.50 [Appr.: US$ 13.22 | £UK 10.5 | JP¥ 1983]
Keywords: RECHT, international law, Völkerrecht African law international law

Faller, Edmund W.
Gewaltsame Flugzeugentführungen aus völkerrechtlicher Sicht.
Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 1972. Paperback. 212 pp. (Schriften zum Völkerrecht, Band 21). Library stamps. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : good. - Includes the German text of the Convention for the suppression of unlawful seizure of aircraft. ISBN 9783428026579.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #2936
€  12.50 [Appr.: US$ 13.22 | £UK 10.5 | JP¥ 1983]
Keywords: RECHT, air law international law

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations [FAO).
Preparing national regulations for water resources management : principles and practice
Rome : FAO, 1994. Paperback. ix,391 pp. 30 cm. (FAO Legislative Study, 52). Text in English. Library stamps. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. ISBN 9789251034620.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #288012
€  12.00 [Appr.: US$ 12.69 | £UK 10 | JP¥ 1903]
Keywords: RECHT, international law

Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations [FAO).
Systematic index of international water resources treaties, declarations, acts and cases by basins = Répertoire systématique par bassin de traites, déclarations, textes législatifs et jurisprudence concernant les ressources en eau internationales = Repertorio sistematico por cuenca de convenios, declaraciones relativos a los recursos hidricos internacionales.
Rome : FAO, 1978. Paperback. xxxii,401 pp. 30 cm. (FAO Legislative Study, 15). Text in English, French & Spanish. Library stamps. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #288010
€  12.00 [Appr.: US$ 12.69 | £UK 10 | JP¥ 1903]
Keywords: RECHT, international law

Fawcett, James J. & Janeen M.. Carruthers.
Chesire, North & Fawcett : Private international law. Fourteenth edition.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008. 14th edition. Paperback. cxliii,1390 pp. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. ISBN 9780199284382.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #289279
€  18.00 [Appr.: US$ 19.03 | £UK 15 | JP¥ 2855]
Keywords: RECHT, international private law

Fawcett, J.E.S.
The Law of Nations.
London : Allen Lane Penguin Press, 1968. Hardcover. Dustjacket. viii, 195 p. ; 21 cm. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. ISBN 9780713900576.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #297759
€  12.00 [Appr.: US$ 12.69 | £UK 10 | JP¥ 1903]
Keywords: RECHT, international law

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