Douma, W.Th., L. Massai & M. Montini (eds.)
The Kyoto protocol and beyond : legal and policy challenges of climate change.
The Hague : T.M.C. Asser Press, c2007. Hardcover. xviii,246 pp. : ills. ; 25 cm. Library stamp. Rare. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. - Based on the conferenties Tackling Climate Change : an Appraisal of the Kyoto Protocol and Options for the Future, The Hague, 30-31 march 2007 en The Kyoto Protocol and beyond : a Legal Perspective, Siena, 10-11 june 2006. ISBN 9789067042284.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia Verlag
Professional sellerBook number: #293159
€ 18.00 [Appr.: US$ 19.96 | £UK 15.25 | JP¥ 2811]
Keywords: RECHT, Antarctica international law *2006-100 international environmental law