Antiquariaat Klikspaan: Taalkunde
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Baasten, Martin F J and Reinier Munk (ed.)
Studies in hebrew language and jewish culture : presented to Albert van der Heide on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday
Dordrecht, Springer 2007 1st ed. - (Amsterdam studies in Jewish thought ; vol. 12). - Hardcover
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V127722
€  60.00 [Appr.: US$ 61.64 | £UK 50.75 | JP¥ 9634]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: hebrew language/jewish culture

Baccouche, Belkacem and Sanaa Azmi
Conversations in modern standard Arabic
New Haven, Yale University Press 1984 1st ed. - (Yale language series). - Softcover
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V105229
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 51.37 | £UK 42.25 | JP¥ 8028]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: Arabic language/conversation

Bader, Francoise
Les composés grecs du type de Demiourgos
Paris, Klincksieck 1965 1st ed. - 199 pages. - With bibliogr., indices. - (Études et commentaires ; LVII). - Softcover, ex-library
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V146725
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 51.37 | £UK 42.25 | JP¥ 8028]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: Demiourgos/Grieks

Bakhuizen van den Brink, R C
Picatio, pècherie, visscherij : de ware beteekenis dezer woorden gehandhaafd tegen Prof. M. de Vries
's Gravenhage, Nijhoff 1858 1e dr. - Gebrocheerd
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V116913
€  45.00 [Appr.: US$ 46.23 | £UK 38 | JP¥ 7225]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: visserij

Bakken, Kristin
Leksikalisering av sammensetninger : en studie av leksikaliseringsprosessen belyst ved et gammelnorsk diplommateriale fra 1300-tallet
Oslo, Sacandinavian University Press 1998 1st ed. - With literature. - (Acta Humaniora ; 38). - Softcover
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V120890
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 30.82 | £UK 25.5 | JP¥ 4817]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: Leksikalisering

Bakker, J J en anderen
Scheepvaart engels
Groningen, Noordhoff 1956 geillustreerd 1e dr. - Gebrocheerd
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V118948
€  10.00 [Appr.: US$ 10.27 | £UK 8.5 | JP¥ 1606]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: engelse taal/zeevarenden

Baldauf, Ingeborg und Michael Friederich (Hrsg.)
Bamberger Zentralasienstudien : Konfrerenzakten ESCAS IV Bamberg 8.-12. Oktober 1991
Berlin, Klaus Schwarz Verlag 1994 illustriert 1. Ausg. - 381 Seiten. - (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen ; Band 185). - Broschur
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V146647
€  30.00 [Appr.: US$ 30.82 | £UK 25.5 | JP¥ 4817]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: languages/Asia

Bär, Jochen A
Sprachreflexion der deutschen Frühromantik : Konzepte zwischen Universalpoesie und Grammatischem Kosmopolitismus
Berlin, Walter de Gruyter 1999 1. Aufl. - Mit Literatur, Index. - (Studia Linguistica Germanica ; 50). - Olwd., einige leichte Unterstreichungen mit Bleistift
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V143929
€  65.00 [Appr.: US$ 66.78 | £UK 55 | JP¥ 10437]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: Sprachreflexion/Frühromantik

Barbiers, Sjef and others (eds.)
Small words in the big picture : squibs for Hans Bennis
Leiden, Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics 1998 1st ed. - (HIL Occasional Papers ; 2). - Softcover, small library stamp
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V123019
€  17.50 [Appr.: US$ 17.98 | £UK 15 | JP¥ 2810]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: linguistics

Barclay, James
A complete and universal dictionary of the english language, comprehending the explanation,pronunciation, origin, synonymies of each word etc
S.l., Brightly & Childs 1812 illustrated A new edition enlarged, improved & adapted to the present stat of science. - Full leather
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V89454
€  80.00 [Appr.: US$ 82.19 | £UK 67.75 | JP¥ 12845]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: english language/dictionaries

Barentsen, A A and others (ed.)
Dutch contributions to the eleventh International Congress of Slavists Bratislava, August 30 - September 9, 1993. Linguistics
Amsterdam, Rodopi 1994 1st ed. - (Studies in Slavic and general linguistics ; vol 22). - Hardcover, fine
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V114305
€  40.00 [Appr.: US$ 41.09 | £UK 34 | JP¥ 6423]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: slavic linguistics

Bashshur, Rashid L and others (ed.)
Contemporary Arabic readers. II. Arabic essays. Part 1 Texts + Part 2 Notes and glossaries
Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press 1963 2nd printing. - 2 vols. - Softcover
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V145823
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 51.37 | £UK 42.25 | JP¥ 8028]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: arabic language

Krishna Bhattacharya and A K Basu
An intensive course in Bengali : dialogues, drills, exercises, vocabulary, and grammar
Mysore, Central Institute of Indian Languages 1981 636 pages. - Halfcloth, good
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V147261
€  35.00 [Appr.: US$ 35.96 | £UK 29.75 | JP¥ 5620]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: Bengali language

Battek, Marek J und Joanna Szczepankiewicz
Wörterbuch der landeskundlichen Namen in Schlesien : polnisch-deutsch, deutsch-polnisch
Wroclaw, Wydawnictwo Poligrafia 1990 148 Seiten. - Broschur
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V140975
€  40.00 [Appr.: US$ 41.09 | £UK 34 | JP¥ 6423]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: Landeskundliche Namen/Schlesien

Bauer, Leonhard (Hrsg.)
Wörterbuch der Arabischen Umgangssprache in Palästina und im Libanon
Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz 1957 2. Aufl. -
Antiquariaat KlikspaanProfessional seller
Book number: V139648
€  60.00 [Appr.: US$ 61.64 | £UK 50.75 | JP¥ 9634]
Catalogue: Taalkunde
Keywords: Arabische Sprache/Wörterbücher

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