Jorge Welsh Works of Art Lda: Periodicals and Magazines
trouvé: 50 livres sur 4 pages. Ceci est page 2
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Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society 1990-1991 Volume 55
The Oriental Ceramic Society in association with Sotheby Publications. 1990, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 0856674222). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text; Hardcover (cloth with dust jacket); 21.7 x 29 cm; 0.7 Kg; 106 pages with black-and-white illustrations.; Used book with signs wear on the dust jacket and interior.; Volume 55 of the Transactions of the Oriental Ceramics Society reflects not only the conscious decision of the Council to broaden geographically the range of its studies, beyond China, but also the importance of the aristic links between the Far and the Near East. Rachel Ward paper on Mamluk incense burners reflects a new stress on communication: studies of Oriental ceramics can only benefit from studies of closely related fields, new methods and new ideas. Similarly, the inter-relationships of Near and Far East in ceramic appreciation is demonstrated in Dr Donald Whitcomb´s paper on the excavations in Aqaba, Jordan, which revealed exported qingbai and Ye sherds among native lustre and slashed wares, That the Near East provided a large market for exported wares is stressed in Margaret Medley interpretative paper on imperial patronage in the early Ming, and its effect on both the styles and volume of production, not only of ceramic wares, but also of jades and textiles. Peter Hardie series of lectures on later Chinese glass now appears in his paper which charts the developments in detail drawing in illustrated examples from collections throughout the world. On a more personal level, Anthony Du Boulay paper on his cousin inventory of the contents of the Summer Palace, Beijing, not only reveals the beginning of a long family connection with Oriental Ceramics, but provides - in its use of compemporary text and photograps - a fascinating insight into the scope of the Imperial Collection at the time of the Boxer Rebellion in 1900. Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 995B
€  25.00 | CHF 24]
Mots-clés: 0856674222 ceramics,porcelain,asian art,oriental ceramic society,transactions of the oriental ceramic society Asian Art

Taida Journal of Art History, No. 34, March 2013 (Mei Shu Shi Yan Jiu Ji Kan)
Taibei: Guoli Taiwan daxue yishu shi yanjiusuo/National Taiwan University Institute of Art History. 2013. (ISBN: 9771023209008). Soft cover. Book, Chinese text with small english text at the end.; Paperback.; 19 x 26 cm.; 0.7 Kg.; 234 pages with a few black and white illustrations.; ISSN 1023-2095.; Used with signs of wear on the exterior, namely signs of a sticker removed at the bottom of the spine, left bottom side of the front cover and right bottom side of the back cover. Wear signs on the front and back cover. Interior with minor signs of wear. Good condition overall.; Contents: Heirloom and Exemplar: Research Concerning the "Legacy Portrait" of Confucius among the Kong Descendants and in Schools and Academies during the Song through Yuan Periods by Julia K. Murray; Revisiting the Meaning Behind Qingming shanghe tu: Reflections on Poetry, Politics, and Art under Emperor Huizong by Yun-ru Chen; My Mind is Like the Autumn Moon: Rethinking the Ways Zen Monks Interpreting Paintings in China and Japan by Pei-jung Wu and Camera as Weapon: Tina Modotti's Revolutionary Photography by Jui-Ch'i Liu. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 1042B
€  50.00 | CHF 47.5]
Mots-clés: 9771023209008 taida journal of art history,mei shu shi yan jiu ji kan

Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society 1999-2000 Volume 64
The Oriental Ceramic Society. 2001, 1st Edition. Hardcover. Book, English text; Hardcover (cloth); 21.3 x 28.4 cm; 0.7 Kg; 11 pages (Members of the Council, Transactions and Obituaries) plus 101 pages with various colour and black-and-white illustrations; ISSN 0306-0926.; Used with minor signs of wear on the exterior and interior. Very good condition overall.; Includes the following articles: Nabeshima Porcelain: the Emperor's New Clothes, by Oliver Impey.; The Origins and Development of Chinese Buddhist Sculpture by Ji Chongjian and Ann Paludan.; The 'Peachbloom' Wares of the Kangxi period (1662-1722) by John Ayers.; The Development of the Precursor of Porcelain and the Rise of Celadon: A Reexamination of the Problems Concerning Dating and Areas of Production by Tadanori Yuba,; Oriental Ceramics Retrieved from Three Dutch East India Company Ships Wrecked off the Coast of Southern Africa: the Oosterland (1697), Bennebroek (1713) and Brederode (1785) by Jane Klose.; Ritual and Art at Angkor by Dawn F. Rooney plus summaries of lectures and a report by Nigel Wood, Craig Clunas, Carol Michaelson, Rachel Ward and Frances Wood. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 997B
€  25.00 | CHF 24]
Mots-clés: ceramics,porcelain,asian art,oriental ceramic society,transactions of the oriental ceramic society

Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society 1993-1994 Volume 58
The Oriental Ceramic Society. 1995. Hardcover. Book, English text; Hardcover (cloth); 21.5 x 28.5 cm; 0.687 Kg; 11 pages (Members of the Council, Transactions and obituaries) plus 94 pages with various colour and black-and-white illustrations; Used book with almost no signs of shelf wear as the book is protected with a trimsleeve Dustwrapper. The interior is in very good condition.; Includes the following articles: Exoticism in Japan – Japanese Interest in Dutch Ceramics and Other Curiosities by Christiaan Jörg; Report on the Study Day on the 16th century Chinese Ceramics by Craig Clunas; Research Display on 16th century Chinese Ceramics at the British Museum by Jessica Harrison-Hall; A Group of Chinese Stoneware Sculptures Reunited by Nick Pearce; Continuity and Innovation in Ceramics by Alan Caiger-Smith; Decorative Links between Porcelain and Silk in the Qing Period by Rosemary Scott; Timurid Ceramics: Filling a Gap in Islamic Ceramic History by Ernst Grube; Summaries of Lectures by Peter Hardie and Roderick Whitfield; and Visit to Lisbon by John and Margaret Cushion. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: ABE63
€  55.00 | CHF 52]
Mots-clés: ceramics,porcelain,asian art,oriental ceramic society,transactions of the oriental ceramic society Asian Art

Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society 2004-2005 Volume 69
The Oriental Ceramic Society. 2006, 1st Edition. Soft cover. Book, English text; Paperback.; 21 x 28 cm; 0.6 Kg; 16 pages (Members of the Council, Transactions and Obituaries) plus 103 pages with various colour and black-and-white illustrations; ISSN 0306-0926.; Used with minor signs of wear on the exterior and interior. Very good condition overall.; Includes the following articles: Ceramic Achievement in China over the Last Thirty Years by Rose Kerr.; The Excavation and Preliminary Study of the Zhanggonxiang Kilnsite in Ruzho by Sun Xinmin; The Ancient Chinese Ceramics Research Society (The China Society of Ancient Ceramics) by Wang Liying.; Potters, Painters and Patrons: Documentary Inscriptions and Iconography in PreMongol Iranian Ceramics by Yves Porter.; 'My Kylins': The Blanc de Chine Lions at Preston Manor, Brighton by Sarah Cheang.; Collecting Art in North Korea by Jane Portal.; Chinese 16th and 17th century Porcelain - Kraak, 'Swatow' and 'Transitional' Styles by Jean Martin.; The Forbidden City by Frances Wood.; Chinese Tea Drinking Customs and the Changes over the Centuries and the Effect of such Changes on the Ceramics Used in China by Brian McElney.; Collectors and Collecting: Song Dynasty Ceramics at the V&A by Rose Kerr.; Encounters: The Meetings of Asia and Europe, 1500-1800 by Anna Jackson and Amin Jaffer.; Mr P. H. D. S. Wikramaratna's Gifts of Chinese Ceramics to British Museum by Mr P. H. D. S. Wikramaratna's.; Visit to Boughton House by Phillip Allen and The Oriental Ceramic Society Tour to the Silk Road by Jean Martin and Phillip Allen. Very Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 999B
€  20.00 | CHF 19]
Mots-clés: ceramics,porcelain,asian art,oriental ceramic society,transactions of the oriental ceramic society

Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society 1980-1981 Volume 45
The Oriental Ceramic Society in association with Sotheby Publications. 1982, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 0856671681). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text; Hardcover (cloth) with dust jacket; 22 x 28.8 cm; 0.7 Kg; 104 pages with some colour and various black-and-white illustrations.; Used book with signs wear on the dust jacket and interior. The dust jacket show wear sings on the front cover and is slightly faded on spine. Interior in very good condition.; This latest issue of the Transactions carries on the tradition of earlier volumes by including previously unpublished research of value to all historians of oriental ceramics. This issue includes a pioneering article by David King on the little understood porcelains of Hirado, which became famous for its blue and white in the nineteenth century. Brian Morgan covers a variety of materials in a stimulating essay that probes and attempts to define certain features of the earliest Ming artistic style. A former President of the Society, Sir John Addis, well known for his papers on underglaze copper red porcelain, has contributed a controversial article on his visit to Jingdezhen, where he was able to see the porcelain-stone mines. The distinctive approach of the Japanese to Chinese ceramics is reflected in a paper by the distinguished Japanese archaeologist and historian, Professor Tsugio Mikami, who has written on recent ceramic finds at Fustat and the impact of Chinese porcelain on Egyptian and other Islamic ceramics. Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 991B
€  40.00 | CHF 38]
Mots-clés: 0856671681 ceramics,porcelain,asian art,oriental ceramic society,transactions of the oriental ceramic society Asian Art

Orientations September 1984 Volume 15 Number 9
Pacific Magazines Ltd, Hong Kong. 1984. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 21.3 x 28.8 cm; 0.252 Kg; 74 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn.; Includes: Batik from the North Coast of Java by Inger MacCabe Elliott; Beyond Ornament: Temple Design in Nepal by Ronald M. Bernier; Exhibition Highlights: The Art of Chinese Bamboo Carving; Calender of Exhibitions; Exhibitions, Sales, Auctions, Fairs and Conferences; Report from London by Vanessa Clewes Salmon; Report from New York by Diane Strachan. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 262ABE
€  20.00 | CHF 19]

Orientations July 1991 Volume 22 Number 7
Orientations Magazine Ltd, Hong Kong. 1991. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 21.3 x 28.8 cm; 0.248 Kg; 74 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn.; Includes: The T.T. Tsui Gallery of Chinese Art by Amanda Ward and Jane Lawrence; Gained in Translation by Suning Sun-Bailey; A Hero Restored: the Conservation of Guan Di by John Larson and Rose Kerr; Identified Women's Things in the T.T. Tsui Gallery by Verity Wilson; A Qing Dynasty Multi-armed Bodhisattava: Surface Decoration, Construction and Hidden Offerings by Richard Cook; Whose Throne Is It Anyway? The Qianlong Throne in the T.T. Tsui Gallery by Craig Clunas; Zhu Qizhan - One Hundred Years by Lars Berglund; Book Reviewed by Kenneth J. DeWoskin of the publication: The Wu Liang Shrine by Wu Hung; Report from Hong Kong by Susan Dewar and Donald Dinwiddie; Report from New York by Margaret Tao; Calender of Exhibitions; Exhibition Sales and Auctions. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 264ABE
€  20.00 | CHF 19]

Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society 1991-1992 Volume 56
The Oriental Ceramic Society in association with Azimuth Editions. 1993, 1st Edition. Hardcover. Book, English text; Hardcover (cloth); 21.5 x 28.5 cm; 0.6 Kg; 104 pages with black-and-white and a few colour illustrations.; Used with signs of wear on the exterior and interior. Wear signs on the front cover. Interior as new.; Includes the following articles: Touhu: Three Millennia of the Chinese Arrow Vase and the Game of Pitch-Pot, by Touhu Isabelle Lee; A Pearl among Greenwares: Guan Ware of the Southern Song by Zhu Boqian (translated by Roderick Whitfield); New Discoveries from Recent Research into Chinese Blue and White Porcelain by Zhang Pusheng (translated by Roderick Whitfield).; Early Kashimiri Textiles? Panted Ceilings in Alchi, by Roger Goepper.; Architectural Ceramics of Sukhothai Province, 75-99 by John Guy and R.J. Richards plus summaries of lectures. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 996B
€  30.00 | CHF 28.5]
Mots-clés: ceramics,porcelain,asian art,oriental ceramic society,transactions of the oriental ceramic society Asian Art

Chinese Snuff-Bottles 3: A Magazine for the Collector and Student of Chinese Snuff-Bottles
Chinese Snuff-Bottles. 0. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback; 15,7 x 22,9 cm; 0,202 Kg; 76 pages with black and white and colour illustrations; Used with signs of wear, namely on the exterior which has some scuffs throughout. Edgwear. Interior in very good condition.; SPECIAL EDITION: Devoted to the collection of Mr ad Mrs Gerry P. MAck.; Contents: The Mr & Mrs Gerry P. Mack Collection (Snuff Bottles of Jade and other Hardstones; Snuff Bottles of Organic Materials; Snuff Bottles of Metal, Enamel and Embellished Hardstone; Snuff Bottles of Porcelain and Glass and Interior Painted Snuff-Bottles), Signatures and Seals, Photographs of Marks. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 575B
€  50.00 | CHF 47.5]
Mots-clés: snuff bottles,porcelain Collections and exhibitions Chinese Art

Chinese Snuff Bottles 4: A Magazine for the Collector and Student of Chinese Snuff-Bottles
Chinese Snuff-Bottles. 1966. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback; 15,1 x 22,6 cm; 0,196 Kg; 80 pages with black and white and colour illustrations; Used with signs of wear on the exterior, namely some scuffs throughout. Edgwear. Interior in very good condition.; Contents: Some modern snuff bottles by Rewi Alley, The Bob C. Stevens collection, How to buy interior painted snuff bottles: 3 Chou Lo-yuan by Hugh Moss, An Historical background to the Chinese snuff bottle: 3 by C.S. Wilkinson. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 576B
€  65.00 | CHF 61.5]
Mots-clés: snuff bottles,porcelain Asian Art Chinese Art

Chinese Snuff Bottles 5: A Magazine for the Collector and Student of Chinese Snuff-Bottles
Chinese Snuff-Bottles. 1969. Hardcover. Magazine, English text; Hardcover (no dust jacket included - as issued); 15,5 x 23,4 cm; 0,491 Kg; 144 pages with black and white and colour illustrations. Used with signs of wear on the exterior, namely some scuffs throughout. Edgwear. Interior in good condition with some pages slightly bent on the bottom side.; Contents: The Link by John F. Ruckman, My favourite Chinese snuff bottle by Lilla S. Perry, Ladie's fancy by Mike J. Kaynes, The Russell Mullin collection by Hugh M. Moss & Russell Mullin, Porcelain snuff bottles. Part 1 by Hugh M. Moss, The Hong Kong collector by Mike J. Kaynes, 'Ho-ting' - Hornbill Ivory. Part 1 by Tom Morrison, 'Ho-ting' - Hornbill Ivory. Part 2 by Hugh M. Moss. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 577B
€  25.00 | CHF 24]
Mots-clés: snuff bottles,porcelain Asian Art Chinese Art

Arts of Asia September-October 1978 Volume 8 Number 5
Arts of Asia Publications, Hong Kong. 1978. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 23 x 30 cm; 0.475 Kg; 128 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn. Minor writing on front free endpaper; Main theme: Costume as symbol in traditional China.; Includes: Costume as Symbol in Traditional China by John Vollmer; Chinese Collection of King Gustav VI Adolf of Sweden by Sharon Ziesnitz; Snuff Bottle Portraits by Virgina Mead; The Traditional Temple Paintings of Thailand by Sonia Krug; Chinese Woodcarving of the Ch'ing Period by Willem Irik; Pre-Hispanic Gold in the Philippines by Angelita G. Legarda; The Second London Convention Netsuke in Japanese Art by George Lazarnick; Saleroom news by Simone Hartman & Ursula Roberts; Book review by Stephen Markbreiter of the publication: Anyang by Li Chi.; Collectors column: David & Harumi Yoshizawa Rose. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 232ABE
€  20.00 | CHF 19]

Arts of Asia July-August 1982 Volume 12 Number 4
Arts of Asia Publications, Hong Kong. 1982. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 23 x 30 cm; 0.556 Kg; 152 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn.; Main theme: The Antique Weavings of the Lao Neua; Includes: Chinese Cyclical Dating in Algebraic Form by Paul Kandell; Bandha Textiles by Katherine F. Hacker; Kalagas: Burmese Wall Hangings and Related Embroideries by Sylvia Fraser-Lu; Modern Mien Needlework by Margaret G. Forsythe; Sacred Cloth of Plant and Palm by Pat Justianiani McReynolds; The Use of Manipulation in Chinese Rhinoceros Horn Cups by Jan Chapman; Recollections: Elizabeth Bayley Willis and her Collections by Krista Jensen Turnbull; The Antique Weavings of the Lao Neua by Patricia Cheesman; Saleroom news by Patricia Curtin, Colin Sheaf and Robert Kleiner; Book reviews by Elizabeth H. Moore of the publication: Nonya ware and Kitchen Ch'ing: Ceremonial and domestic pottery of the 19th-20th centuries commonly found in Malaysia by the Southeast Asian Ceramic Society; by Ursula Roberts of the publication: The Art of Sukhothai, Thailand's Golden Age by Carol Stratton and Miriam McNair Scott; and by Ursula Roberts of the publication: Eight Dynasties of Chinese Painting: The Collections of the Nelson Gallery-Atkins Museum.; Collectors column: The Burlington House Fair by Heather McConnell, Satsuma Blanks Decorated in the U.S.A. by Sandra Andacht and Portugal and the East Through Embroidery by Kay Hyman. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 234ABE
€  20.00 | CHF 19]

Arts of Asia November-December 1982 Volume 12 Number 6
Arts of Asia Publications, Hong Kong. 1982. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 23 x 30 cm; 0.602 Kg; 160 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn.; Main theme: Bangkok Bicentennial Issue; Includes: Sculpture of the Bangkok Period by Piriya Krairiksh; Jewellery and other Decorative Arts in Thailand by Chira Chongkol; Ban Chiang Painted Pottery by Somchai Na-Nakhonphanom; Major Buddhist Images at Wat Po by K.I. Matics; Hamsas in Indian Art by C. Krishna Gairola; Glazed Ceramic Decorations in Thai Architecture by Laszlo Legeza; Thai Votive Tables and Amulets by Bhujjong Chandavij; Textiles and Costumes in Thailand by Chira Chongkol; Saleroom news by Jane W. Oliver, Robert Klieiner, Colin Sheaf.; Book reviews by Ursula Roberts of the publication: The Compelling Image: Nature and Style in Seventeenth-Century Chinese Painting by James Cahill; and by Ursula Roberts of the publication: The Imperial Ming Tombs by Ann Paludan.; Viewing the Dragon by Alan Dwight.; Collectors column: Banko Ware by Sandra Andacht and The Antique Furniture Market in Taipei by Jeanne Sun. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 235ABE
€  20.00 | CHF 19]

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