Jorge Welsh Works of Art Lda: Periodicals and Magazines
gefunden: 50 Bücher auf 4 Seiten. Dies ist Seite 3
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Arts of Asia July-August 1985 Volume 15 Number 4
Arts of Asia Publications, Hong Kong. 1985. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 23 x 30 cm; 0.532 Kg; 140 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn.; Main theme: Treasures of Islam; Includes: Fu Pao-Shih, Founder of the Chinling School of Traditional Chinese Painting by Yang Ling; Treasures of Islam: A Major Exhibition in Geneva by Christopher Gandy; Marble Idols of Jaipur by Sumahendra; Coiffure in Orisan Sculpture Part I: Brahmanical Male Figures by Thomas Donaldson; Tak Hilltop Burial Sites by John Shaw; Bhutanese Handwoven Textiles by David K. Barker; Saleroom news: The Private Collection of Captain M. Hatcher by Colin Sheaf, Chinese Export Porcelain and Works of Art in London by Colin Sheaf, Japanese Works of Art in New York by Katie Williamson and Islamic Art in London by Julian Harding; Book reviews by Ursula Roberts of the publication: Han Dynasty Impressions 206 B.C.-221 A.D. by Virginia Dulay Hyman; by Subhashini Aryan of the publication: Buddhist Wall-Painting of Ladakh by Charles Genoud and Takao Inoue.; Collectors column: Fakusa: The Shojiro Nomura Collection by Gloria W. Lannom, Pearl Robe of the Emperor K'ang Hsi's Daughter by Mo Chuang. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 237ABE
€  20.00 | CHF 19.5]

Arts of Asia May-June 1995 Volume 25 Number 3
Arts of Asia Publications, Hong Kong. 1995. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 23 x 30 cm; 0.613 Kg; 144 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn.; Main theme: Hong Kong Collections: Ceramics, Metalwork, Paintings, Textiles, Snuff Bottles; Includes: The C.P. Lin Collection: Chinese Ceramics from Song to Qing by Anthony Lin; The Mengdiexuan Collection: Chinese Metalwork from the Shang Through the Song Dynasty by Anthony Lin; The Chris Hall Collection: Chinese Textiles and Regalia by Don J. Cohn; The M.K. Lau Collection: Twentieth Century Chinese Paintings by Catherine Maudsley; The Christopher Sin and Humphrey Hui Collections: Chinese Snuff Bottles by Michael C. Hughes; The saleroom news: Christie's New York: Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy on Novemver 30th 1994 by Elizabeth Hammer, Sotheby's New York: Indian and Southeast Asian Art on November 30th 1994 by Carlton C. Rochell, Jr and R. Seth Bright.; Nagarjunakonda Museum: Buddhist Site of Andhra Pradesh in India; Book review by Sir Hugh Cortazzi of the publication: The Art of Ogata Kenzan: Persona and Production in Japanese Ceramics.; Collectors world: "Best of the Best": An exhibition of Ming Furniture from Private Collections by Curtis Evarts. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 238ABE
€  20.00 | CHF 19.5]

Arts of Asia July-August 1995 Volume 25 Number 4
Arts of Asia Publications, Hong Kong. 1995. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 23 x 30 cm; 0.591 Kg; 140 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn.; Main theme: The Art of Eastern India in the Avery Brundage Collection, Asian Art Museum of San Francisco ; Includes: The Art of Eastern India in the Avery Brundage Collection, Asian Art Museum of San Francisco by Claudine Bautze-Picron; Chinese Pig Tales by Ka Bo Tsang; Timorese Tribal Bracelets: A Cultural Perspective by S. Jefferson Kennard III; Chinese Textiles Related to Tibetan Buddhism in the Hong Kong Museum of Art by Rose Lee; Stone Architecture of the Karnali Basin, West Nepal by Sue Thompson; Head-Dresses of the Tibetan Nyinba in Nepal by Hannelore Gabriel; The Gold Treasure of Wonoboyo at the Jakarta National Museum by Kalpana Kartik; Saleroom news: Christie's Amsterdam: The Diana Cargo March 6th and 7th 1995 by Colin D. Sheaf, I.M. Chait Gallery/Auctionneers: Chinese, Japanese ans Asian Antiques, Artefacts and Furnishings on April 23rd 1995 by Mary Ann Chait; Book reviews by Colin D. Sheaf of the publication: The Choice of the Private Trader by David S. Howard; by Sylvia Fraser-Lu of the publication: Textiles of Southeast Asia Michael C. Howard; and by Shann Davies of the publication: An American in Canton (1825-44); Collectors world: A Textile Collector's Approach to Collecting by Shirley Z. Johnson. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 239ABE
€  20.00 | CHF 19.5]

Arts of Asia January-February 1996 Volume 26 Number 1
Arts of Asia Publications, Hong Kong. 1996. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 23 x 30 cm; 0.672 Kg; 160 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn.; Main theme: The Textile Museum; Includes: Introduction by Ursula Eland McCracken; Legacy of Collector George Hewitt Myers by Carol Bier; Approaches to Understanding Oriental Carpets by Carol Bier; Increase the Prestige: Islamic Textiles by Louise W. Mackie; Southeast Asian Textiles at the Textile Museum by Mattiebelle Gittinger; At the Crossroads of the Continent: Textiles from Central Asia by Lorna Carmel; Caring for Textiles by Sara J. World; Arthur D. Jenkins, Library by Mary Mallia Samms; Saleroom News: Sotheby's New York: Indian and Southeast Asian Art on September 21st 1995 by Jeanne de Guardiola, Sotheby's New York: Chinese Ceramics, Furniture and Works of Art on September 22nd and 23rd 1995 by Hugo Keith Wiehe and Christie's Honk Kong: Autumn Chinese Sales on October 29th to November 1st 1995 by Robin Markbreiter; Book reviews by Ursula Roberts of the publication: Art Treasures in China; by Sir Hugh Cortazzi of the publication: Meiji Revisited: The Sites of Victorian Japan.; Collectors World: Netsuke Kenkyukai Society 1995 Convention in New York by Sharon Ziesnitz. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 240ABE
€  20.00 | CHF 19.5]

Arts of Asia March-April 1997 Volume 27 Number 2
Arts of Asia Publications, Hong Kong. 1997. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 23 x 30 cm; 0.671 Kg; 156 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn.; Main theme: The Three-Inch Golden Lotus: A Collection of Chinese Bound Foot Shoes; Includes: The Three-Inch Golden Lotus by Glenn Roberts and Valerie Steele; Mingei International Museum of Folk Art San Diego by Timothy Mertel; George Chinnery and China Coast Paintings in Japan by Patrick Conner; The Marvels of Sanchi by K.M. Srivastava; New Studies In Chinese Art and Antiquities by Cherry Barnett; Saleroom news: Christie's Hong Kong: The Jingguantang Collection of Chinese Works of Art on November 3rd 1996 by J.M. Eskenazi, James J. Lally and Richard P. Marchant, Sotheby's Hong Kong: An Important Private Collection of Chinese Celadons and other Ceramics on November 5th 1996 by Henry Howard-Sneyd, Christie's Amsterdam: Indian, Himalayian and Southeast Asian Art on November 18th 1996 by Hugo Kreijger; Book review by Colin D. Sheaf of the publication: Chinese Jades from the Collection of Alan and Simone Hartman.; A Collectors world: A Congregation of Snuff Bottles Connoisseurs by Christopher C.H. Sin.. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 242ABE
€  20.00 | CHF 19.5]

Arts of Asia November-December 1999 Volume 29 Number 6
Arts of Asia Publications, Hong Kong. 1999. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 23 x 30 cm; 0.654 Kg; 152 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn.; Main theme: Jade and Hardstone Artefacts; Includes: Jade and Hardstone Artefacts: New Finds from the Go Mun Culture, Vietnam by Christopher J. Frape; The Judy and Michael Steinhardt Collection of Chinese Textiles by Julie Segrave; Indian Textiles by Anamika Pathak; The Artist in Burma from the Earliest Times to 1910 by Noel F. Singer; The "Great Game" In Tibet: Early Twentieth Century photographs by Russian, British and American Travellers by Valrae Reynold; Warring States Treasures: Cultural Relics from the state of Zhongshan, Hebei Province by Rose Wing and Chong Lee; Saleroom news: Ceramics and Works of Art in London, Christie's on June 15th 1999; Sotheby's on June 16th 1999 by David Priestley, Christie's Tailand: The Treasure of Siam on August 7th 1999, Important Thai Paintings on August 8th 1999 by Sian E. Jay; Book review by Susan Munro of the publication: Woven Cargoes - Indian Textiles in the East.; Collectors world: "Jewel Power"-Himalyan and Southeast Asian Jewellery At Singapore's Asian Civilisations Museum by Sian E. Jay and The Museum for Textiles In Toronto, Canada, A Collection Of Tibetan Rugs by Tony Luppino. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 244ABE
€  20.00 | CHF 19.5]

Arts of Asia March-April 2000 Volume 30 Number 2
Arts of Asia Publications, Hong Kong. 2000. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 23 x 30 cm; 0.612 Kg; 144 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn.; Main theme: Gold Jewellery: Pre-Angkor And Angkor Civilisations Of Cambodia; Includes: Sacred Spaces, Sacred Art: A new installation of Asian Art at the Norton Simon Museum by Christine Knoke; Gold Jewellery: Pre-Angkor And Angkor Civilisations of Cambodia by Theresa McCullough; Indian Paintings: A Selection from the Israel Museum, Jerusalem by Catherine Glynn; The Mandarin Hesing and the Chinese Junk the "Keying" by Victor E. Graham; Felice Beato In Macao? Notes on a panoramic photograph at Princeton by Andrew Hershberger; Saleroom news: I.M. Chait Gallery: Special Auction of Fine Asian Art in October 3rd 1999 by Mary Ann Chait, Sotheby's Honk Kong: Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art on November 1st 1999 by Henry Howard-Sneyd, Chinese Paintings in Hong Kong: Sotheby's on October 31st 1999, Christie's on November 1st 1999 by Susan Munro, Christie's Hong Kong: The Last Series of the Century on November 2nd and 3rd 1999; Book review by Robin Markbreiter of the publication: Living Heritage: Vernacular Environment in China.; Collectors world: 1999 International Chinese Snuff Bottle Society Convention by Lindsey Hall. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 245ABE
€  20.00 | CHF 19.5]

Arts of Asia September-October 2000 Volume 30 Number 5
Arts of Asia Publications, Hong Kong. 2000. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 23 x 30 cm; 0.633 Kg; 150 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn.; Main theme: The Renovation of the Musée Guimet; Includes: The Renovation Of The Musée Guimet-Towards a new understanding of Asian Art in Paris by Jean-François Jarrige; In Search of Lost Time-South Asian Painting from the San Diego Museum of Art, Edwin Binnery 3rd Collection by Caron Smith; The Classical Tradition in Blackwood Furniture by John Kwang-Ming Ang; Bronze Images in the Bihar-Style and forms by Sheo Bahadur Singh; Saleroom news: Christie's Honk Kong: Yuanmingyuan Imperial Sale on April 30th 2000 by Robin Markbreiter, Chinese Paintings in Hong Kong: Christie's on April 30th 2000, Sotheby's on May 1st 2000 by Susan Munro, Sotheby's Hong Kong: Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art on May 2nd 2000 by Henry Howard-Sneyd; Book and exhibition review by Noel F. Singer of the publication: Visions from the Golden Land - Burma and the Art of Lacquer.; Collectors world: Cultural Property Law and the Hong Kong trade in Chinese Antiquities by Susan Munro. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 246ABE
€  20.00 | CHF 19.5]

Arts of Asia November-December 2000 Volume 30 Number 6
Arts of Asia Publications, Hong Kong. 2000. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 23 x 30 cm; 0.605 Kg; 144 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn.; Main theme: Majapahit: The Golden Age of Indonesia Late 13th-Early 16th century; Includes: Preface by Hugo E. Kreijger; The Lingering Legacy of Majapahit by Jan Fontein; Stone Images of the Singhasari and Majapahit Periods by Marijke J. Klokke; Bronze Ritual Implements in the Majapahi Period: Meaning And Function by Nandana Chutiwongs; An Introduction Into Majapahit Ornamentation by Pauline Lunsingh Scheurleer; A Unique Gold Modesty Plate from the Majapahit Period by Jaap Polak; Buddhist Bronzes of Southern India: Rediscovering a Lost History by John Guy; Salerooms news: Christie's New York: Japanese and Korean Art on September 19th 2000 by Heakyum Kim and Jeff Olson; Christie's New York: Indian and Southeast Asian Art including 20th century Indian Paintings on September 20th 2000 by Yamini Mehta, Sotheby's New York: Fine Chinese Works of Art on September 20th 2000 by Debbie T. Kuo.; Book reviews by by Géza Hehérvári of the publication: The Golden Age of Persian Art (1501-1722); by Tony Luppino of the publication: Fragrant Space: Chinese Flower and Bird Painting of the Ming and Qing Dynasties from the GuangdonG Provincial Museum.; Collectors world: In The British Museum: A Permanent Gallery For Korea by Jane Portal and Decaying Murals In The Sagaing Hills Of Burma (Myanmar) by Noel F. Singer. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 247ABE
€  20.00 | CHF 19.5]

Arts of Asia January-February 2001 Volume 31 Number 1
Arts of Asia Publications, Hong Kong. 2001. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 23 x 30 cm; 0.593 Kg; 140 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn.; Main theme: Chinese Buddhist Sculptures; Includes: Special Report on Asian Art In London by Robin Markbreiter; Typological Analysis of Northern Qi Buddhist Statues Unearthed from the site of Longxing Monastery by Wang Ruixia and Zhou Linlin; Time and Cause for the Destruction of the Longxing Monastery by Sun Xinsheng; The Mark Gordon Collection of Southeast Asian Tribal Sculpture by Sian E. Jay; Judging Authenticity in Tribal Art by Mark Gordon; Luohans on Chinese Altars by Keith Stevens; Treasures from The Hoi an Hoard by Kerry Nguyen-Long; The Tareq Rajab Museum, Kuwait by Jehan S. Rajab; Saleroom news: Sotheby's International: The Publisher Interviews Robin G. Woodhead by Tuyet Nguyet and Robin Markbreiter, Sotheby's Honk Kong: Autumn Chinese Sales on October 29th and 30th 2000 by Nicolas Chow; Chinese Paintings in Hong Kong: Sotheby's on October 29th 2000, Christie's on October 30th 2000 by Susan Munro; Book reviews by Gordian Gaeta of the publication: Early Mapping of Southeast Asia; by Tony Luppino of the publication: The Arts of Hon'ami Koetsu.; Collectors world: The Taiwan Antique Dealers' Association by Tuyet Nguyet. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 248ABE
€  20.00 | CHF 19.5]

Arts of Asia March-April 2009 Volume 39 Number 2
Arts of Asia Publications, Hong Kong. 2009. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 23 x 30 cm; 0.629 Kg; 148 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn.; Main theme: ORNAMENTS of Wealth and Power; Includes: Ornaments of Wealth and Power: Bronze, Silver and gold artefacts of Ancient China and Neighbouring regions by Barry Till; A Scandinavian collection of Chinese Snuff Bottles by Robert Kleiner, Bhutan Celebrates the Coronation of King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck: Part I-The King and I by Hoi Trinh and Part II-Documentary Photographs by Government of Bhutan; Reflection on Namban Lacquers in Spain: Collection and Use by Yayoi Kawamura; Oriental Ceramic Society: Exhibition of Single Colour Asian Ceramics at the Brunei Gallery, London (SOAS) by Rosemary Scott; A Stellar Collection of Khmer Ceramics by Dawn F. Rooney; Saleroom news: Hong Kong Autumn 2008 Auctions of Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art at Christie's and Bonhams by Robin Markbreiter, Sotheby's Paris: Marques D'Empereurs and Arts D'Asie on December 18th 2008 by Jungeun Lee; Book reviews by Jane Thurston-Hoskins of the publication: Khmer Gold, Gifts for the Gods; by Roddy Ropner of the publication: The International Art Markets, The essential guide for collectors and investors.; Collectors of the world: Chinese Badges of the Ming Dynasty by Alan Kennedy. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 250B
€  20.00 | CHF 19.5]

Arts of Asia May-June 2009 Volume 39 Number 3
Arts of Asia Publications, Hong Kong. 2009. Soft cover. Magazine, English text; Paperback magazine; 23 x 30 cm; 0.654 Kg; 152 pages with illustrations. Used with signs of wear. Edgeworn.; Main theme: Sir Percival David Collection at the British Museum.; Includes: New at the British Museum: The Sir Percival David Collection in the Sir Joseph Hotung Centre for Ceramic Studies by Jan Stuart; Sir Joseph Hotung: A Benefactor's Perspective by Carol Michaelson; The Percival David Collection: Towards a History of Acquisitions by Stacey Pierson; Some Notable Tang to Song Dynasty Ceramics in the Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art by Rose Kerr; Sir Percival David's Yuan Dynasty Ceramics by Rosemary Scott; A New Concept for a Classic Collection: The Ming Ceramics in the Sir Percival David Collection at the British Museum by Jessica Harrison-Hall; Qing Imperial Porcelain ang Glass by Regina Krahl; Beyond Orientalism: Works Inspired by Islamic Art by Lucien de Guise; 20th-21st Century Artists (Series 5) A Glimpse Into the Artistic World of Ding Yanyong by Raymond Tang; Saleroom news by Rosemary Scott; Book reviews by Roger Keverne and Stephen Markbreiteri.; Collectors world: Koshashin - A New Collection of Early Japanese Photography Captures a Moment of Change in 19th Century Japan by Tony Luppino. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 553B
€  25.00 | CHF 24]
Sonstige Stichworte: arts of asia,asian art,reference magazine Collections and exhibitions Asian Art

Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society 1996-1997 Volume 61
The Oriental Ceramic Society. 1998, 1st Edition. Hardcover. Book, English text; Hardcover (cloth); 21.4 x 28.3 cm; 0.889 Kg; 11 pages (Members of the Council, Transactions and Obituaries) plus 152 pages with various colour and black-and-white illustrations; Used book with almost no signs of shelf wear as the book is protected with a trimsleeve Dustwrapper. The interior is in very good condition.; Includes the following articles: Yaozhou wares: The eighth Hills Gold Medal Lecture by Zhuo Zhenxi; Changsha to Jingdezhen: In-glaze decoration in Chinese Ceramics from the 8th century to the 16th century by Stancey Pierson; Thinking with Pictures: Tomb Figures in the Chinese View of the Afterlife by Jessica Rawson; A Reassessment of Khmer Ceramics and Their Origins by John Guy; Kangxi (1662-1722) Wares by Lu Minghua; China and Russian chinoiserie in the 18th century by Tatiana Arapova; Qing dynasty Sepia and Rich Black Overlaze Enamel Decorated Porcelains Kangxi (1662-1722) – Yongzheng (1723-1735) – Qianlong (1736-1795) by Richard Littleton; If Pots Could Speak: the Old Art History and the New by Julia B. Curtis; From Ship’s Captains to the Bloomsbury Group: the Late Arrival of Chinese Painting in Britain by Frances Wood; The Oriental Ceramic Society in Istanbul and Iran by Phillip N. Allen; and Summaries of Lectures by Oliver Watson and John Eskenzi. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: ABE65
€  55.00 | CHF 52.5]
Sonstige Stichworte: ceramics,porcelain,asian art,oriental ceramic society,transactions of the oriental ceramic society Asian Art

Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society 1982-1983 Volume 47
The Oriental Ceramic Society in association with Sotheby Publications. 1984, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 0856671878). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text; Hardcover (cloth) with dust jacket; 22.2 x 29 cm; 0.716 Kg; 112 pages with some colour illustrations and various black-and-white illustrations; Used book with signs of shelf wear in the dust jacket; the dust jacket is slightly faded. The interior is in very good condition. Protected with a clearcover.; Includes the following articles: Eccentric Bronzes of the Early Western Zhou by Jessica Rawson; A New Image in Chinese Buddhist Sculpture of the Tenth to Thirteenth Century by Derek Gillman; Genji meets Yang Guifey: a group of Japanese export lacquers by Joe Earle; and Chinese Porcelain of the Sultans in Istanbul: The Forth Hills Gold Metal Lecture by John Ayers. Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: ABE59
€  25.00 | CHF 24]
Sonstige Stichworte: 0856671878 ceramics,porcelain,asian art,oriental ceramic society,transactions of the oriental ceramic society Asian Art

Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society 1977-1978 Volume 42
The Oriental Ceramic Society. 1978, 1st Edition. Soft cover. Book, English text; Paperback; 21.7 x 28.2; 0.4 Kg; 17 pages (Members of the Council, List of Members, Transactions and obituaries) plus 74 pages (articles) and 10 plates; one of 1500 limited copies.; ISSN 0306-0926.; Used with minor signs wear on the exterior and interior. Very good condition overall.; Includes the following articles: The Third Hills Gold Medal Lecture: Chinese Classic Furniture by Laurence Sickman: The Third George de Menasce Memorial Lecture, China and Islam: A survey of the Coast of India and Ceylon by Professor John Carswell; and Report on the Colloquium held 22-23 June 1978 at the Society of Antiquaires. Very Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 988B
€  40.00 | CHF 38.5]
Sonstige Stichworte: ceramics,porcelain,asian art,oriental ceramic society,transactions of the oriental ceramic society

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