Jorge Welsh Works of Art Lda: Asian History
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China: In Ancient and Modern Maps
Sotheby's Publications by Philip Wilson Publishers Ltd. 1998, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 0856674133). Soft cover. Book, English text; Paperback; 22.5 x 28.8 cm; 1.6 Kg; 287 pages with black and white and colour illustrations throughout; Used with signs of wear on the exterior, namely on spine. Edgeworn. Interior as new.; of China is a country with one of the world's earliest civilizations. The ancient Chinese made the world's first maps and in mapping theory and technique, they once led the world. In order to inherit and carry forward Chinese culture, summarize China's ancient mapping techniques and spread Chinese mapping knowledge around the world, the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping and the State Bureau for Museums and Archaeological Data organized a study of Chinese maps and mapping history. China: In Ancient and Modern maps is one of the results of this research programme. The map is a second language of geography. Map making is not only an expression of mankind's geographical knowledge but also a necessary means of broadening geographical visions as well as for utilizing and transforming nature. We cannot but feel proud of the glorious cartographic achievements made by our ancestors. In this sense, China: In Ancient and Modern maps has great significance. The maps contained here are carefully selected from the vast repository of maps in China and accompanied by scientific analyses garnered with painstaking efforts by the authors from voluminous historical records and documents. The book presents convincing evidence about China's important position in the history of world surveying and mapping. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 838B
€  250.00 | CHF 236]
Katalog: Asian History
Sonstige Stichworte: 0856674133 warring sttes period,western han dynasty,eastern han dynasty,northern wei dynasty,tang dynasty,five dynasties,northern son dynasty,southern son dynasty,jin dynasty,southern song dynasty,yuan dynasty,ming dynastyqing dynasty

Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan Under the Command of Commodore M.C. Perry, United States Navy Compiled at His Request and Under His Supersivion
Macdonald & Co. (Publishers) Ltd, London. 1954, 1st Edition. Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text.; Hardcover (with dust jacket).; 16.5 x 24 cm.; 0.7 Kg; 305 pages with a few illustrations. Used with signs of wear, namely on the dust jacket thats that show wear signs throughout and edge wear. The dust jacket is now protected with a clearcover.; A century ago Commodore Perry of the United States Navy opened Japan to the influence of the Western world when he stationed his squadron or ironclads and sailing vessels at the entrance to Tokyo Bay and insisted in disturbing a seclusion which the Japanese emperors had maintained since the seventeenth century. The resulting treaty in 1854 paved the way for Japan's swift rise to the status of the world power. In his 1952 Reich Lectures The World and the West Professor A.J. Toynbee had discussed as a historian the reasons why the Eastern world failed to resist this Western penetration in the nineteenth century and had touched on some of the tremendous consequences. The present narrative describes a most significant episode of this historical process, for it consists of Commodore Perry's own chronicle of the expedition, compiled at his request and under his supervision, which is here published for the first time in country and in a modern edition. It is a most intriguing and instructive chronicle, for the Commodore was a most tenacious diplomat, who took the trouble to ready forty books on Japan before he sailed on his mission. bearing the credentials of his President. The effect of this massive and picturesque personality upon and outwardly hostile but inwardly curious oriental hierarchy, with both sides unwilling to contemplate the use of force, provides an interesting commentary upon the methods and outlook of two very different forms of society, which, for good or ill, are now closely associated in the modern world. Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 954B
€  40.00 | CHF 38]
Katalog: Asian History
Sonstige Stichworte: japan,china seas and japan

The Great Ship from Amacon: Annals of Macao and the Old Japan Trade, 1555-1640
Centro de Estudos Ultramarinos, Lisboa. 1959, 1st Edition. Soft cover. Book, English and Portuguese text.; Paperback.; 16.5 x 23.5 cm; 0.7 Kg.; 361 pages with a few black and white illustrations and a map at the end.; Used with signs of wear, namely on the exterior that show some wear signs on the bottom of the front cover and on the spine. Interior in good condition with minor signs of wear except an old owner name written with a pen on the top of the front free endpaper. Good condition overall.; "Nearly twenty years ago, I published a little work on similar lines entitled As viagens de Japão e os seus Capites-Mores, 1550-1640, reprinted from the serial publication Boletim Eclesiastico da diocese de Macao, July-October, 1941. Being printed in a limited edition by the Salesian Press in Macao during the war years, it naturally had an equally limited circulation, and was out of print by the end of the war. The commemoration of the fourth centenary of Macao in 1955 provided an excuse for re-writing it in a greatly expanded form. In the 1941 publication (which was in Portuguese), the first part comprised only sixteen pages, the documents in the second part occupying the remaining fifty-six. It is therefore obvious that this book is not a mere re-hash of my earlier work, but that the opportunity has been taken to include much new material, principally from the archives at Lisbon and Goa. A certain amount of overlapping with two of my previous works, Fidalgos in the Far East 1550-1770 (Hague, 1948) and The Christian Century in Japan 1549-1650 (California and Cambridge, University Press, 1951), was inevitable. I trust however, that I have reduced this to a minimum by treating as briefly as possible such topics in the present book as have been dealt with at greater length in either of the above. Moreover, the three works are complementary rather than competitive. The two former deal chiefly with the political, religious and (for want of a better word) cultural side of the early contacts between Farthest East and Farthest West, whereas the emphasis in the present work is chiefly on the mercantile and maritime aspects of the same theme. The longer and more technical documents in the second part of this book have been left in the original Portuguese, partly because I had not the time (nor, in some aspects, the competence) to translate them, but chiefly because I feel that economic historians would rather consult them in their original form than be compelled to rely on a translation which they had no means of checking." excerpt from the forwword. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 922B
€  120.00 | CHF 113.5]
Katalog: Asian History
Sonstige Stichworte: japan-macao trade,history,asia,japan,macao

Jan Compagnie in Japan, 1600-1817 an Essay on the Cultural, Artistic and Scientifc Influence Exercised by the Hollanders in Japan from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Centuries
The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff. 1936. Hardcover. Book, English text.; Hardcover (without dust jacket); 17 x 25 cm.; 0.8 Kg.; 190 pages with a few illustrations.; Used with signs of wear on the exterior hardcover cloth, namely some yellowing. Signs of wear on the interior, namely some yellowing on the front and back free endpaper and on the first and last pages, otherwise the interior is in good condition.; "The idea of the work originated with two lectures on the same theme given by the writer at the invitation of the Royal Netherlands Geographical Society at the Hague and Amsterdam in October, 1935. It is hardly necessary to add that the material then used is presented here in a considerably expanded and more detailed form, except as regards the illustrations, the number of which had unfortunately been drastically curtailed owing to their high cost of reproduction. This last factor is also responsible for the unavoidable but regrettable omission of the proper Sino-Japanese equivalents for the romanised names and titles in the text. A word of explanation abut the title may not be out of place. Strictly speaking it is not pedantically accurate, as the Netherlands East India Company was not formed until 1602, and it was not until seven years later that one of its vessels reached Japan. The Company was dissolved in 1798, but in so far as Japan was concerned it may be regarded as having continued down to the end of the Napoleonic period, since the Japanese government and officials continued to treat the Hollanders in Japan as representatives of the once all-powerful Company. But even if the dates given do not coincide exactly with the lifetime of Jan Compagnie, they give an adequate idea of the period when Dutch influence was most strongly felt. From the time of Von Siebold onwards the Hollanders served, from a cultural standpoint, more as a channel of communication between the outer world and Deshima than the fountain-head and source of Western knowledge in Japan. This book can hardly be expected to appeal to the general reading public, and it is intended only for those who possess at any rate a working knowledge of the broad outlines of Japanese history. It is hoped however that the earnest student of things Japanese - in no matter what respect - will find something of particular interest in one or other of the chapters, which taken as a whole cover a great deal of hitherto untrodden ground. " excerpt from the preface by Charles Ralph Boxer. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 953B
€  85.00 | CHF 80.5]
Katalog: Asian History
Sonstige Stichworte: japan,history,japanese history

Portuguese Trade in Asia Under the Habsburgs, 1580 - 1640
The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London. 1993, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 0801844053). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text.; Hardcover (with dust jacket); 0.7 kg.; 16 x 23.5 cm.; 356 pages .; Used with minor signs of wear. The dust jacket is now protected with a clearcover.; While Spanish traders of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were mining the riches of the New World, the Portuguese continued to reap the lucrative Asian trade in spices and luxury items. Historians have long considered the Portuguese trade the exclusive enterprise of the kings of Portugal and a few privileged aristocrats, with only minimal participation by private merchants. But in fact, argues James C. Boyajian, actual capital investments by private Portuguese merchants were roughly ten times those of the Portuguese crown - and even exceed those of the far larger Dutch East India Company. In Portuguese Trade in Asia under the Habsburgs, Boyajian reassesses the consequences of Portugal's flourishing private trade with Asia, including increased tensions between the growing urban merchant class and the still-dominant landed aristocracy. He also shows how Portuguese-Asian trade formed part of a global trading network that linked not only Europe and Asia but also - for the first time - Asia, West Africa, Brazil, and Spanish America. And he argues that, contrary to previous scholarly opinion, nearly half of the Portuguese-Asian trade was controlled by New Christians - descendants of Iberian Jews forcibly converted to Christianity in the 1490s. Ironically, Boyajian concludes, the vast wealth that flowed into Portugal between 1580 and 1640 did little to enrich the country. Landed aristocrats who controlled the church, the Inquisition, and the royal administration used their position to deny merchants the social standing that would encourage productive investments in Portugal. And by the seventeenth century, the Portuguese-Asian trade itself was doomed - the result, Boyajian argues, not of the much-heralded Dutch economic successes but of Dutch naval blockades that effectively severed Portugal's trading lifeline with Asia. Fine/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 649B
€  55.00 | CHF 52]
Katalog: Asian History
Sonstige Stichworte: 0801844053 portugal,asia,history,commerce,marranos,16th century,17th century

War and National Reinvention: Japan in the Great War, 1914-1919
Harvard University Asia Center. 1999. (ISBN: 0674946553). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text; Hardcover (with dust jacket); 15.9 x 23.4 cm; 0.7 Kg; 363 pages. Used with minor sings of wear. Looks as new. The dust jacket is now protected with a clearcover.; Japan's Role in the Second World War is an integral part of the history of the twentieth century. By contrast, few historians associate Japan with what is widely recognized as the principal departure point of the century, the First World War. In the first full-length study of Japan in the Great War, Dickinson highlights the profound impact of the 1914 to 1919 years on Japan. Although the Japanese escaped the physical destruction experienced by their European counterparts, evidence of the bankruptcy of the old order spawned political turmoil in Tokyo that would, as in Europe, ultimately invite another war. The disintegration of modern Japan's foremost national model, Imperial Germany, aggravated a tumultuous Japanese domestic debate over national identity that generated a renewed drive for national power in the 1930s. Diplomatic historians have described Japanese imperialism as primarily a strategic calculation in response to external events. By linking the current fascination with cultural "invention" among social and cultural historians with the traditional focus of diplomatic history on the international affairs, Dickinson offers an alternative explanation for Japan's modern wars. Japanese continental aims in the twentieth century become her less a reactive exercise in national defense than an active campaign to "reinvent" the state and Japanese society. Fine/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 796B
€  35.00 | CHF 33.5]
Katalog: Asian History
Sonstige Stichworte: 0674946553 war,japan

Heavenly Warriors: The Evolution of Japan's Military, 500-1300
Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University. 1992. (ISBN: 0674387031). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text.; Hardcover (with dust jacket); 16 x 23.5 cm.; 0.81 Kg.; 493 pages.; Used with signs of wear, namely on the outside text block. Interior as new. Signs of wear on the dust jacket that is now protected with a clearcover; Harvard East Asian Monographs, 157.; The word samurai suggests the colorful figure of a lightly armored, mounted archer attended by two or three foot soldiers engaging in ritualized one-on-one combat, the aristocracy fighting man of the Kamakura Shogunate (1185-1333). Although some historians have considered the rise of the samurai as analogous to the rather abrupt rise of feudal knights in medieval Western Europe, Farris provides "evolutionary model" for Japan that traces the step-by-step adaptive development of local strongmen over more than half a millennium. Through analyses of military technology and tactics, social organization, economic base, and political skills, mainly based on Japanese primary sources, Farris demonstrates some of the underlying continuities in that development together with the rather late acquisition by warriors of those political capabilities that led to the dominance of the Shogunate over the Court. Japan's original Heavenly Warrior, the Emperor Temmu, declared in 684, "In a government, military matters are the essential thing" Farris's detailed descriptions and maps of major battles from the Korean Wars of the sixth century through the thirteenth-century Mongol Invasions underscore the validity of that judgment. Finally, Minamoto no Yoritomo triumphed as "the chief of all warriors" and established his Shogunate in 1185, giving a firmer political base to Japan's warrior elite. Very Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 713B
€  60.00 | CHF 57]
Katalog: Asian History
Sonstige Stichworte: 0674387031 japan,history,military,samurai

Narratio Persecutionis Adversus Christianos Excitatae in Variis Japoniae Regnis Ann M. Dc. XXVIII, M. Dc. XXIX, M. Dc. XXX
Antverpiae, Ioannem Mevrsivm. 1635. Soft cover. Book, Latin text.; Paperback (in green morocco slipcase with gilt lettering).; 11.5 x 17.5 cm; 0.3 kg; 144 pages.; Hand written title on spine.; Used with signs of wear, namely signs of a previous bookplate removed from the rear of the front cover which also shows a pen written number on the top of the page. Slightly soiled throughout. Signs of have been re-cased in the past.; The first edition was published anonymously in Rome in 1635 ("mainly the work of Ferreira and is in fact sometimes quoted under his name, see Sommervogel (Bibliothèque de la Compagnie de Jésus, Brussels, III, col. 681-2)" excerpt from Hubert Cieslik, The Case of Christovão Ferreira, Monumenta Niponica, vol. 29, no. 1, Spring 1974). After the publication of this latin edition, a French edition was published in Paris, 1635. FIRST LATIN EDITION. SCARCE. Translated from the Italian by Jean Bolland.; Describes the martyrdom of Christians in Japan from 1628-1630. Christovão Ferreira (1580-1654) was a Portuguese Jesuit missionary that went to Japan in 1609, in 1633 he was tortured by the Japanese and apostatised, converted to Zen Buddhism and changed his name to Sawano Chuan. In 1652 he was condemned to death in the pit for renouncing his faith. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 671B
€  16500.00 | CHF 15575]
Katalog: Asian History
Sonstige Stichworte: japan,jesuits,missionaries,portugal

The Financial Development of Japan, 1868-1977
Yale University Press, New Haven and London. 1983, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 0300029330). Hardcover. Book, English text.; Hardcover (without dust jacket); 16 x 24.5 cm.; 0.6 Kg.; 231 pages.; Used with signs of wear on the exterior, namely on the front cover and on the exterior test block. Interior as new.; "This survey of Japanese monetary history has been written by a specialist in financial economics who felt that an illustration of his thinking in Asian case studies would be valuable. The study is based on materials supplied to the author in Japan and on English secondary sources. The history gets under way in the Meiji period and takes the story up to 1975. At the conclusion of each historical chapter the author presents a national balance sheet. The analysis throughout is fairly technical which limits the value of the book in the classroom. But for economists interested in the financial background to Japanese economic growth, and to recent developments in Japanese public and private financial markets, this book will be very useful." review by C. Howe published on the Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Volume 48, Issue 2, June 1985. Very Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 710B
€  60.00 | CHF 57]
Katalog: Asian History
Sonstige Stichworte: 0300029330 finance,japan,history

The Taming of the Samurai : Honorific Individualism and the Making of Modern Japan
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England. 1995. (ISBN: 0674868080). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text.; Hardcover (with dust jacket); 17 x 24.5 cm.; 0.78 Kg.; 428 pages.; Used with signs of wear, namely on the outside text block. Interior as new. Signs of wear on the dust jacket that is now protected with a clearcover.; Modern Japan offers us a view of a highly developed society with its own internal logic. Eiko Ikegami makes this logic accessible to us through a sweeping investigation into the roots of Japanese organizational structures. She accomplishes this by focusing on the diverse roles that the samurai have played in Japanese history. From their rise in ancient Japan, through their dominance as warrior lords in the medieval period, and their subsequent transformation to quasi-bureaucrats at the beginning of the Tokugawa era, the samurai held center stage in Japan until their abolishment after the opening up of Japan in the mid-nineteenth century. This book demonstrates how Japan's so-called harmonious collective culture is paradoxically connected with a history of conflict. Ikegami contends that contemporary Japanese culture is based upon two remarkably complementary ingredients, honorable competition and honorable collaboration. The historical roots of this situation can be found in the process of state formation, along very different lines from that seen in Europe at around the same time. The solution that emerged out of the turbulent beginnings of the Tokugawa state was a transformation of the samurai into a hereditary class of vassal-bureaucrats, a solution that would have many unexpected ramifications for subsequent centuries. Ikegami's approach, while sociological, draws on anthropological and historical methods to provide an answer to the question of how the Japanese managed to achieve modernity without traveling the route taken by Western countries. The result is a work of enormous depth and sensitivity that will facilitate a better understanding of, and appreciation for, Japanese society. Very Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 712B
€  60.00 | CHF 57]
Katalog: Asian History
Sonstige Stichworte: 0674868080 samurai,history,japanese,japan,bushido,ethics,civilization

The Early Chinese Empires: Qin and Han
The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England. 2007. (ISBN: 9780674024779). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text.; Hardcover (with dust jacket).; 16 x 24.5 cm 0.62 Kg.; 321 pages.; Used with minor signs of wear. As new. The dust jacket is now protected with a clearcover.; In 221 BCE the first Emperor of Qin unified the lands that would become the heart of a Chinese empire. Though forged by conquest, this vast domain depended for its political survival on a fundamental reshaping of Chinese culture. With this informative book, we are present at the creation of an ancient imperial order whose major features would endure for two millennia. Mark Edward Lewis highlights the key challenges faced by the court officials and scholars who set about governing an empire of such scale and diversity of peoples. He traces the drastic measures taken to transcend, without eliminating, these regional differences: the invention of the emperor as the divine embodiment of the state; the establishment of a common script for communication and a state-sponsored canon for the propagation of Confucian ideals; the flourishing of the great families, whose domination of local society rested on wealth, landholding, and elaborate kinship structures; the demilitarization of the interior; and the impact of non-Chinese warrior-nomads in setting the boundaries of an emerging Chinese identity. The first of a six-volume series on this history of imperial China, The Early Chinese Empires illuminates many formative events in China's long history of imperialism . events whose residual influence can still be discern today. As New/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 695B
€  40.00 | CHF 38]
Katalog: Asian History
Sonstige Stichworte: 9780674024779 china,history,qin dynasty,han dynasty,the geography of empire,a state organized for war,the paradoxes of empire,imperial cities,rural society,the outer world,kinship,religion,literature,law

Thai Peasant Personality: The Patterning of Interpersonal Behavior in the Village of Bang Chan
University of California Press. 1974, 1st Edition. Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text, Hardcover, 15.8 x 23.4 cm, 0.507 Kg; 231 pages with no illustrations.; Standard book number 520-01008-6.; Used with minor signs of wear on the dust jacket and interior. The dust jacket is now protected with a clearcover.; Readers interested in the psychology of non-western peoples will find this volume provocative in both descriptive and theoretical detail. The first book-length study of Siamese psychological life, it describes the members of an Asian peasant community whose dominant personality traits are aimed at the maintenance of their individuality, privacy, and sense of self-regard. In addition, it offers suggestions for handling many of the theoretical and technical problems crucial to cross-cultural personality research. Basing his research on two years of field work in the Central Plain community of Bang Chan, Mr.Phillips offers a systematic analysis and comparison of two kinds of data: observations of the villagers, overt behaviour in workaday social encounters, and their subjective responses to a special psychological test. Many readers will find particular value in his discussion of the design, translation, and implementation of psychological research methods in non-Western cultures. The author analyses the central role of affability and play in the villager's daily contacts, the use of politeness as a "social cosmetic" and the implications of this cosmetic for the inner lives of the Thai. He examines the villager's readiness to become involved with others in the first place, and the sense of linkage that ties them together over time. He demonstrates how the individualistic tendencies of the Thai intrude of interpersonal relationships and how in the village of Bang Chan all social interaction is set within framework of cosmic unpredictability, with human volition only one of several indeterminate and uncontrollable factors in life. This "loosely structured" system of social relationships is seen to have its roots in early childhood, with strong support from both Hinayana Buddhist doctrine and the sociologically simple and undifferentiated nature of Bang Chan society. In presenting the psychological test results, the author examines the villager's attitudes toward authority, dependency, and aggression, their anxieties and reactions to crises, and their dominant drives and wishes. These various issues are linked to the theoretical problem of "conformity" and to the basic human need for privacy and psychological isolation. Fine/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 791B
€  35.00 | CHF 33.5]
Katalog: Asian History
Sonstige Stichworte: village of bang chan,thai personality,thai culture

Samurai and Silk: A Japanese and American Heritage
The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England. 1986, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 0674788001). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text; Hardcover (with dust jacket); 17 x 24.5 cm; 1.1 kg; 371 pages with a few black and white illustrations.; Used book with minor signs of wear. Interior as new. Minor signs of wear on the dust jacket which is now protected with a clearcover.; Samurai and Silk is a rare treasure: a book of penetrating insight into the Japanese character and the forging of modern Japan from the feudal Tokugawa shoguns to its worldwide prestige in the twentieth century. Only Haru Reischaeuer could have written this extraordinary account of ther two illustrious grandfathers; one, a provincial samurai who became a founding father of the Meiji government; the other, scion of a wealthy and enterprising peasant family who almost singlehandedly developed the silk trade with America. Their remarkable stories, and those of their notable descendants, form a saga of unbounded vision and determination that has much to tell us about Japan's legendary success. This is a book to be enjoyed, on one level, as the charming story of two energetic achievers and their many renowned descendants. Even more it offer a first-hand view of Japanese customs and mores and their profound effect during a period of unprecedented modernization. There is also much of interests to specialists: the story of the silk trade with America had never before been studied from this perspective. Copiously illustrated with photographs from the author's personal collection, Samurai and Silk is a unique contribution to our understanding of Japan and the art of biography. Very Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 679B
€  35.00 | CHF 33.5]
Katalog: Asian History
Sonstige Stichworte: 0674788001 japan,samurai,silk,america Asian Art

Capitalism and Confrontation in Sumatra's Plantation Belt, 1870-1979
Yale University Press, New Haven and London. 1985, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 0300031890). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text; Hardcover (with dust jacket); 16.4 x 24.1 cm; 0.634 kg; 244 pages, including some black and white images.; Used with signs of wear on the dust jacket and on the interior. The dust jacket is now protected with a clearcover. Very good copy overall.; Over the last century, North Sumatra has been the site of one of the more intensive and successful pursuits of foreign agricultural enterprise in the Third World and of overt, sometimes violent, confrontation between capital and labor. This fascinating ethnographic history by Ann Laura Stoler analyses how popular resistance actively molded both the form of this colonial expansion and the social, economic, and political experience of the Javanese labouring communities on Sumatra's plantation borders. Stoler considers the nature and intensity of labor protest at critical moments of the estate industry's development: from the early pioneering years to the Great Depression, through the wartime Japanese occupation, the post-independence years, and the period since the 1965 coup d'etat. She shows how labor policies impinged on domestic organization, sexual alliances, and community ties, and how the structuring of gender and ethnic conflicts has been embedded in company efforts to enforce, and workers efforts to resist, the industry's hold on the laborers lives. Combining fieldwork and archival research, Stoler places the women and men of global perspective. She argues that the persistence of the part-proletarian, part-peasant status of these Javanese laborers is both a product of the industry's domination and a mode of resistance to it, evident in plantations systems throughout the world. Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 790B
€  35.00 | CHF 33.5]
Katalog: Asian History
Sonstige Stichworte: 0300031890 indonesia,agricultural laborers,sumatra,history,plantations

Money, Finance, and Macroeconomic Performance in Japan
Yale University Press, New Haven and London. 1986, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 0300033877). Hardcover. Book, English text.; Hardcover (without dust jacket); 16 x 24 cm.; 0.55 Kg.; 218 pages.; Used with signs of wear, namely on the outside text block. Interior as new.; "Yoshio Suzuki is well qualified to write on this subject, as he is director of the Bank of Japan's Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies. He has been personally involved in the activities about which he writes, and he knows many of the actors. Much of the book will be of special interest to mathematicians, economists, and bankers. The work also treats several topics of more general interest. Suzuki explains why Japan has built up such extremely high foreign trade surpluses, stating: "Postwar economic policy was constructed with investment/export-led growth as its strategic objective. The important elements in the policy were trade and foreign exchange management, protection of industry, and tax treatment favoring saving and investment." review by Howard F. Van Zandt published at The Journal of Asian Studies, Volume 46, Issue 1, Febraury 1987. Very Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 714B
€  50.00 | CHF 47.5]
Katalog: Asian History
Sonstige Stichworte: 0300033877 finance,japan,money supply,monetary policy japan

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