Jorge Welsh Works of Art Lda: Asian Art
trouvé: 104 livres sur 7 pages. Ceci est page 3
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Ursprung Und Entwicklung Der Chinesischen Und Japanischen Kunst (2 Volumes)
Verlag von Karl W. Hiersemann. 1913, 1st Edition. Hardcover. Book, German text.; Hardcover (without dust jacket).; 20 x 26 cm.; 2.9 Kg.; Volume I - 28 pages with list of plates, preface to the German edition by Fr. Milcke and Shinkichi Hara and preface from Mary Fenollosa plus 228 pages with text and 78 black and white and colour plates. Volume II - 11 pages with list of works plus 240 pages including 113 illustrations.; Used with signs of wear on the front cover, spine and back cover of both volumes. The exterior shows some yellowing. The interior show signs of wear and some yellowing throughout.; German translation by Fr. Milcke of the two volume publication Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art, a reference work on Chinese and Japanese art. Reviewed and edited by Shinkichi Hara, assistant at the Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 1032B
€  50.00 | CHF 47]
Catalogue: Asian Art
Mots-clés: ernest fenollosa,japan,china,reference Chinese Art Japanese Art

Jades from China
Museum of East Asian Art. 1994, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 1897734034). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English and Chinese text; Hardcover (with dust jacket); 22 x 29 cm; 2.023 Kg; 423 pages with 430 colour illustrations; small signs of wear on the dust jacket.The dust jacket is now protected with a clearcover; The Museum of East Asia in Bath is the only museum devoted solely to East Asian Art to open in the U.K. in the last decades. Its major exhibition for 1994, entitled "Jades from China", features over 350 Chinese Jades, including more than 200 pieces from the Peony Collection, from neolithic times right up to the early 19th century, spanning a period of approximately 7000 years. The exhibition is certainly the most comprehensive exhibition of Chinese jade anywhere outside China for many years. It conveys a global portrayal of the amazing artistry and technical achievement of the jade carvers of China from neolithic times onwards, and has examples of many of the types of jade object that were produced by the Chinese through the ages. Many of the jades have never before been exhibited, either in Great Britain or elsewhere. Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 146ABE
€  55.00 | CHF 52]
Catalogue: Asian Art
Mots-clés: 1897734034 jade,china,asian art,exhibition catalogue Collections and exhibitions Chinese Art

Arts from the Scholar's Studio: Catalogue of an Exhibition Presented by the Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong and the Fung Ping Shan Museum, University of Hong Kong, 24 October to 13 December 1986
Oriental Ceramic Society. 2011, 2nd Edition. Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text with captions also in Chinese; Hardcover (with dust jacket); 36 x 26 cm 2.4 Kg; , 287 pages with black and white and colour illustrations throughout.; New. May show signs of shelf wear.The dust jacket is now protected with a clearcover.; The book includes an introductory essay and descriptive captions of 277 exhibits by Gerald Tsang and Hugh Moss.; The first edition was published in Hong Kong, in 1986, and is now very hard to find. This is the second edition, published in 2011. Limited and numbered edition of 1,500 copies. of which this is number 1209.; The book "Arts from the Scholar's Studio" has long been out-of-print. In light of increasing demands from collectors, and in the hope of stimulating further interest and scholarship in the field, the book was reprinted and now available for sale. It is the catalogue of an exhibition jointly presented by the Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong and the Fung Ping Shan Museum, University of Hong Kong held from 24 October to 13 December 1986. The exhibition illustrated the life of the Chinese scholar as seen through their arts, and, through the medium of certain objects, to demonstrate their attitude to life and connoisseurship.; "Over the twenty-five years since the publications of Arts from the Scholar's Studio, there have been a number of notable publications and exhibitions that have furthered knowledge of this unique and broad field of study. Yet demand for this ambitious landmark publication, formed around the collections of members of The Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong and Hong Kong's museums has long outstripped its availability. Benefiting from the scholarship and enthusiasm of Mr. Gerald Tsang and Mr. Hugh Moss, its findings remain as relevant today as they were when they first appeared." excerpt from the introductory text by Chris Hall, President of The Oriental Ceramic Society, October 2011. New/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 845B
€  350.00 | CHF 328.5]
Catalogue: Asian Art
Mots-clés: reference,exhibtion catalogue,hong kong,chinese art,scholar,sage,monk,chinese art,china Chinese Art

Chinese Jade (Images of Asia Series)
Oxford University Press, Hong Kong. 1986, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 019584047X). Hardcover. Book, English text; Hardcover; 14 x 20.5 cm; 0.238 kg; 81 pages with black-and-white and colour illustrations.; Used book with signs of wear. The hinge is slightly loose but the binding is still firm.; Contrary to popular believe the term 'jade' does not refer to a single stone. Rather 'jade' is an umbrella term for the two semi-precious stones, nephrite and jadeite. The identification of the stone is one of the major problems in collecting jade, the other being the determination of the approximate date when an object was carved. In this slim but comprehensive volume Joan Hartman-Goldsmith helps to enlighten the reader on these and other problems. Her discussion of jade, jade carving, and the development of Chinese jade through the ages, and a short section on Indian jades, serve as a concise introduction to the subject for the collector, as well as for those who are contemplating collecting. Over 40 pieces, ranging from the neolithic period to the Qing dynasty, and selected from public and private collections in North America, Europe, Hong Kong, and China, are illustrated and described in detail to assist the reader in his or her recognition of the many aspects of this stone which held such fascination for the Chinese lapidary. Joan Hartman-Goldsmith is Director of the institute for Asian studies in New York and has written and lectured extensively on the subject of jade.; 'Images of Asia' offers a range of titles covering aspects of life and culture in East Asia. Each book in the series combines an introductory text, written for the non-specialist reader by an authority on the subject, with extensive illustrations both in colour and black-and-white. 'Images of Asia' therefore provides a means of acquiring a deeper understanding and appreciation of the region in all its diversity. Fair/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 442B
€  20.00 | CHF 19]
Catalogue: Asian Art
Mots-clés: 019584047X china,jade art objects,carving jade,chinese jades,indian jades Chinese Art

A Glossary of Chinese Art and Archaeology
The China Society, London. 1972, 2nd Edition. (ISBN: 0854098127). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text; Hardcover (with dust jacket); 16.5 x 23 cm; 0.416 Kg; 104 pages illustrated by 112 drawings.; Used with signs of wear. The dust jacket shows sign of a removed label on the bottom of the spine. The dust jacket is now protected with a clearcover. Good readable copy.; "The plan of this handbook, which it is hoped and believed will meet a need of students and collectors, was conceived by me in China many years ago at a time when I would have welcomed aid of such a kind. The glossary is addressed both to readers of Chinese who require precise definitions of technical and conventional terms met with in current writings on art and archeology, and also to those, already familiar with Chinese arts, crafts and antiquities, who have embarked on the study of the written language.The arrangement of entries under subject headings, according to the categories into which the Chinese divide their art and antiquities, will help the reader to memorize related terms, whilst the alphabetical index provides an easy means of reference. Related terms in different sections and subsections are cross-referenced." excerpt from the foreword by S. Howard Hansford.; Special attention is given to the bronzes, jades, ceramics, and Buddhist and Taoist art. Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 660B
€  25.00 | CHF 23.5]
Catalogue: Asian Art
Mots-clés: 0854098127 china,chinese art,chinese archaeology,jades,ceramics,buddhist art,taoism art Chinese Art

Chinese Bronzes (Chart 14 from the Oriental Culture Chart Series)
W. M. Hawley, Hollywood 46, California. 1946. Soft cover. Poster, English text.; Folded wall chart inside paper pouch.; 23 x 17 cm (closed) and 89 x 136 cm (open).; 0.1 Kg.; Used with signs of wear on the paper pouch, that has two small tears on the top left and right sides of the rear. Signs of wear on the chart as well. Edge wear on the chart and paper pouch. Good condition overall.; Chart 14 from the Oriental Culture Chart Series compiled and published by W.M. Hawley.; This chart shows 178 typical examples of Bronze Vases, Food and Wine Vessels, Measures, Bells, Mirrors, Weapons, etc. of General and Ritual use, as a guide to the identification and study of these most interesting works of art. All pieces have been selected from the catalogs of the great Palace Collections (and are mostly taken from the Hsi Ch'ing Ku Chien). Some old forms of the Chinese characters are given for comparision. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 1028B
€  40.00 | CHF 38]
Catalogue: Asian Art
Mots-clés: china,chinese bronzes,palace collections,chart Chinese Art

Along the Riverbank: Chinese Paintings from the C.C. Wang Family Collection
The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 1999, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 0870999052). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text.; Hardcover (with dust jacket); 24 x 31.5 cm.; 1.4 Kg.; 184 pages with 160 illustrations, of which 55 in colour. Used with minor signs of wear on the exterior of the dust jacket. Very good condition overall.; Catalogue from the exhibition "The Artist as Collector: Masterpieces of Chinese Painting from the C.C. Wang Family Collection held at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, September 3, 1999 - January 9, 2000.; This publication celebrates the promised gift to The Metropolitan Museum of Art from the Oscar Tang family of twelve major works from the C. C. Wang Family Collection, one of the great private collections of Chinese old master paintings to be assembled in the twentieth century. Ranging in date from the tenth to the early eighteenth century, these works significantly extend the Museum's holdings and reveal those areas of Chinese painting of particular interest to Mr. Wang. An accomplished artist, Ch'i-Ch'ien Wang, a resident of New York City since 1949, began collecting paintings in Shanghai more than seventy years ago. Works from his collection, long known to Western scholars and connoisseurs, are now in many American public institutions and universities. The Metropolitan owns some sixty works formerly in this collection, the twelve presented here constituting the most recent addition to the Museum's holdings from this source. Along the Riverbank is published on the occasion of the exhibition "The Artist as Collector: Masterpieces of Chinese Paintings from the C. C. Wang Family Collection," which includes most of the works acquired by the Museum from Mr. Wang since 1973. Among the twelve paintings presented here is the famed Riverbank, attributed to the tenth-century master Dong Yuan (active 950s-60s), one of the patriarchs of the scholarly Southern school of landscape painting. It is generally recognized as one of the rare extant paintings marking the inception of the monumental landscape tradition in China. An essay by Wen C. Fong presents an in-depth stylistic analysis and contextual history of the painting. A physical analysis of the work is also included. An extended essay by Maxwell K. Hearn examines all twelve paintings. The major examples of landscape art include Simple Retreat, by the renowned scholar-artist Wang Meng (1308-1385), who drew inspiration from the vision of landscape created by Dong Yuan and other tenth-century painters. In addition to landscapes, the collection features several important figure paintings, including Palace Banquet, by an unknown Academy painter of the Southern Tang dynasty (967-75) and a long monochrome narrative by Zhao Cangyun, a late-thirteenth-century survivor of the Mongol conquest. The genre of flower-and-bird painting is represented by Mandarin Ducks and Hollyhocks, a pictorial metaphor of marital happiness by the leading early Ming academic master Lu Ji (active late 15th century), and by Two Eagles, a defiant symbol of political resistance by Bada Shanren (1616-1705), a member of the Ming royal house who lived through the occupation of China by the Manchus. Very Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 966B
€  30.00 | CHF 28.5]
Catalogue: Asian Art
Mots-clés: 0870999052 painting,china,chinese art,collections Collections and exhibitions Chinese Art

Early Chinese Jades
Frederick A. Stokes Company, Publishers, New York. 1923, 1st Edition. Hardcover. Book, English text.; Hardcover.; 23.5 x 29 cm.; 2 Kg.; 20 pages with introductory text, list of contents and illustrations, plus 149 pages with text and Index at the end followed by 64 (LXIV) plates.; Used with signs of wear on the exterior, namely on the front, spine and back cover. Minor yellowing throughout. The hinge is slightly loose, but the binding remains firm. Interior in good condition.; Includes a loose leaflet from 1922 by Been Brothers Limited with books published in 1922 and to be published in 1923, were Early Chinese Jades is included. The book description was taken from this leaflet.; In this book the author had synthesised for the benefit of collectors and students of Chinese Art the available information on this obscure but most interesting subject, which has not been dealt with comprehensively since the publication of Dr. Laurel's important archaeological work Jade. The author, herself a collector, has tried to ensure that the illustrations and descriptions of the objects reproduced in this book shall be a practical guide to those desirous of forming a representative collection of early Chinese jades as well as a help in elucidating the many problems involved in an understanding of Chinese symbolism. Fair/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 931B
€  400.00 | CHF 375.5]
Catalogue: Asian Art
Mots-clés: jade,china,jade quarries,the significance of jade,astronomical instruments in jade,the six ritual jades,tablets and weapons,jades for the living and the dead,seals,musical instruments, and mountains,vessels of jade,animals in jade,dragon,cicada,toad,the h

The Paintings of Jakuchu
The Asia Society Galleries in association with Harry N. Abrams, Inc. New York. 1989, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 9780810935006). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text.; Hardcover (cloth with dust jacket); 23.5 x 31.5 cm.; 1.4 Kg.; 224 pages with 169 illustrations, of which 97 in colour. Used with signs of wear on the exterior of the dust jacket and on the interior. Small chip on the rear bottom left side of the dust jacket. Good condition overall.; Catalogue from the exhibition "The Paintngs of Jakuchu" held at The Asia Society Galleries, New York, October 5, 1989 - December 6, 1989 and at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, December 21, 1989 - Febraury 2, 1990.; The Paintings of Jakuchu presents the work of one of Japan's most important artists. Born in Kyoto in 1716 to a family of greengrocers, Ito Jakuchu remained fascinated throughout his life with the forms and colors of the natural world. In his strikingly original paintings, reproduced here in 97 full-color plates and 72 black-and-white illustrations, Jakuchu combined his pictorial interests with a devout Buddhist concern for the essential unity of life. His polychrome paintings are notable for their rich, naturalistic detail, while his lively works in monochrome ink are imbued with the spirit of Zen. Jakuchu's paintings reveal not only the artist's careful study of the great artistic traditions of the past in China and Japan, but also the new spirit of conceptual experimentation that flourished in the city of Kyoto in the eighteenth century. Dr. Money Hickman, of the Asiatic Departament of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, has collaborated on this volume with Yasuhiro Sato, from the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Tokyo, who has conducted extensive research on the art of Jakuchu. Together, they examine Jakuchu's artistic heritage, the social and intellectual atmosphere of Kyoto, and comment on individual works - both on Jakuchu's large, complex, color paintings and his distinctive monochrome pieces. This catalogue accompanies an important exhibition of Jakuchu's work, the first major show brought from Japan devoted entirely to the accomplishments of a single Japanese painter. Organized by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Tokyo, The Asia Society Galleries, New York, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the exhibition includes paintings from Japanese collections, such s the Imperial Household Collection, Tokyo, which have not previously been shown in the West. The delicacy and timelessness of Jakuchu's art is evident throughout this beautiful produced volume. An appendix, and extensive chronology, and a bibliography add to its lasting value. Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 970B
€  50.00 | CHF 47]
Catalogue: Asian Art
Mots-clés: 9780810935006 japan,japanese art,painting in kyoto eighteenth century Japanese Art Collections and exhibitions

The Art of the Japanese Book (2 Volumes)
Sotheby's Publications by Philip Wilson Publishers Ltd. 1987, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 085667317x). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text; 2 Hardcover VOLUMES (with dust jackets) in slipcase.; 24.6 x 33.5 cm; 6.9 Kg; 1132 pages with colour and black and white illustrations throughout.; VOLUME I: 3.681 Kg, 608 pages; VOLUME II: 3.236 Kg, from page 609 to 1132.; Minor signs of wear on the slipcase and dust jackets. Interior as new.; It is surprising that so little of the great heritage of Japanese art in book form has been appreciated in the west, where attention has been largely confined to Ukyio-e prints. There has hitherto been no publication, in Japanese or in any non-Japanese language, that does justice to the art of the Japanese illustrated book. Jack Hiller, a wood engraver himself, has been a collector and connoisseur of the Japanese book for over thirty years. An unrivalled knowledge of the subject, and of the location of the rarer key works, has enabled him to present, for the first time, a balanced, appositely illustrated account of the prints in book form of a nation supremely gifted in all the arts of the book. In Japan the wood-block prints contained in book and album occupy a more important place in the national art as a whole than in any other country. In printed books, both illustrated literary texts and volumes that were entirely the artist's work, all schools of Japanese art were represented, and block-cutters and printers quintessentialised the characteristics of each school and the gifts of individual masters. A Kõetsu book such as "Michimori" epitomises the Rimpa or Decorative school, the Seirõ Bijin Awase Sugata Kagami of Shunshõ and Shigemasa goes to the heart of the "Floating World", the two parts of Suiseki Gafu reveal the genius of an artist whose few surviving paintings and drawings give no inkling of his powers. The Art of the Japanese Book surveys the work of the major artists from the first books of the early 1600s to those that were published up to the end of the American occupation in 1951, selecting from the often prolific output of these artists to show them at their most typical and impressive. The artistry and techniques of book designers, artists, block-cutters and printers are examined, based on specimens of opium condition and unfaded colour. The connection between the artists of the book and the current mainstreams of painting is a constant underlying theme, and in regard to the books of the last hundred years, has meant a concern with not only traditional native painting, but also modern western styles adopted or adapted by Japanese artists. Over nine hundred prints are here reproduced, demonstrating each phase of the development of the Japanese book, and the crucial aspects of each designer's rt. Erotica take their place with the rest, to have omitted them would have been to depart from giving a true picture of Japanese's art, for books of this kind, published on a scale and with an openness far greater than in any western country, contain the work of the greatest masters of the Japanese print. The Japanese Illustrated book, the product if a small, closely knit community of devoted craftsmen, is a central expression of Japanese culture. This authoritative book opens up a subject of the greatest significance for the understanding of a Japanese civilisation. As New/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 829B
€  230.00 | CHF 216]
Catalogue: Asian Art
Mots-clés: 085667317x japanese art book,japan,woodblock print,ukiyo-e,saga books,kimono pattern books,erotica Japanese Art

Japanese Art in the Shijo Style: The Uninhibited Brush
Hugh M.Moss (Publishing) Limited, London. 1974, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 0902717065). Hardcover. Book, English text.; Hardcover (cloth without dust jacket in slipcase - as issued).; 25 x 31.5 cm; 3.3 Kg; 378 pages with black and white and colour illustrations throughout; Signs of wear on the exterior and minor signs of wear on the interior. The title on the exterior spine is faded. Very good condition overall.; LIMITED EDITON OF 1000 COPIES OF WHICH THIS IS NUMBER 453.; "It seemed best to concentrate on the period from the inception of the style in the 1790 until is full flowering in the 1830s, and to deal only briefly with subsequent events and issues in an Epilogue. This book does not therefore purport to be an exhaustive account of the Shijo movement, but it encompasses the intricate and complex process that led up to the 'ultimate' in Shijo during what may be thought of as the 'vital years'. Coupled with this exposition of paintings that are the summation of inspiration, verve, and skill is another: that of the wood-block prints in album, book or separate sheet form which brought the art of Shijo within the range of a wide and discriminating middle-class public and exist now as an art-form in their own right. The picture-books are slightly better known in the West than the original paintings and have been collected by a discerning few ever since Japan cease to be incommunicado, but here they are for the first time dealt with not simply as masterpieces of wood-block printing, but also as the means of illustrating still further the work of artists whose principal output was more often than not in painting." excerpt from the foreword. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 908B
€  200.00 | CHF 188]
Catalogue: Asian Art
Mots-clés: 0902717065 maruyama okyo,buson and goshun,rosetsu,genki,nangaku,ozui,oju,soken,sokyu,shuho,keibun,toyohiko,gito,toyo,nantei,koshu,kokei,bummei,naokata,ranko,gho gessho,haiga,oishi matora,suiseki,nagaharu,kogen,shonen,kishi school,ganku,gantai,minwa,shodo,

Exploring Mysterious Kathmandu
Avalok, Publishers and Distributors, Kathmandu, Nepal. 1978, 2nd Edition. Soft cover. Book, English text; Paperback; 14 x 22 cm; 0.2 Kg; Used book with signs of wear, namely a chip on the right side of one page (not affecting the text), a price sticker glued to the front free endpaper and a small stain on the rear of the front cover and on the front free endpaper. Good condition overall.; 2nd edition of 5000 copies; The author, an American from Berkeley, California, began traveling in Europe at an early age. When she was twenty she took a six month trip around the world which started her interest in the Orient. This was augmented by much reading during the years when her children were growing up and she could not travel. She first visited Nepal in 1956 an at once fell in love with the people and the scenery. She has returned to Nepal several times over the years, on one visit spending a year as a volunteer at Shanta Bhawan Hospital. On these visits she found that visitors sometimes left Kathmandu without any real understanding of Nepali culture and without seeing some of the most beautiful works of art because they could find no adequate guidebook. Finally, she decided to write the book herself. By following the book tourists can enjoy a little, the life and customs of the people, learn some of their legends and beliefs, and visit outstanding ancient and modern works of art. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 879B
€  40.00 | CHF 38]
Catalogue: Asian Art
Mots-clés: nepal,kathmandu,travel guide Generic Books

The Art of the Yellow Springs: Understanding Chinese Tombs
Reaktion Books, London. 2010, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 9781861896247). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text; Hardcover (with dust jacket); 26 x 26 cm; 1.8 kg; 230 pages with 230 illustrations, 83 in colour.; Used book with minor signs of wear. As new. Minor signs of wear on the dust jacket which is now protected with a clearcover.; No other civilisation in the pre-modern world was more obsessed with creating underground burial structures than the Chinese. For at least five thousand years, from the fourth millennium BCE to the early twentieth century, Chinese people devoted an extraordinary amount of wealth and labour to building tombs and furnishing them with exquisite objects and images. In art history these ancient burial sites have mainly been appreciated as "treasures troves" of exciting and often previously unknown works of art. New trends in Chinese art history are challenging this way of studying funerary art: now an entire memorial site - rather than any of its individual components - has become the focus of both observation and interpretation. In the Art of the Yellow Springs, Wu Hung argues that to achieve a genuine understanding of Chinese tombs we need to reconsider a host of art-historical concepts, including visuality, viewership, space, formal analysis, function and context. Profusely illustrated with many outstanding works of art, this ground-breaking new assessment demonstrates the amazing richness of arguably the longest and most persistent art tradition in the history of Chinese culture. Near Fine/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 675B
€  50.00 | CHF 47]
Catalogue: Asian Art
Mots-clés: 9781861896247 china,chinese art,tombs china,grave goods china,art objects Chinese Art

Chinoiserie: The Impact of Oriental Styles on Western Art and Decoration
Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. 1977, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 0684146797). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text; Hardcover (with dust jacket); 22 x 25 cm; 0.9 Kg; 208 pages with black-and-white and colour illustrations.; Used with signs of wear, namely on the dust jacket that has a minor tear on the back cover. Interior in very good condition. The dust jacket is now protected with a clearcover.; The styles called chinoiserie were the European dream of the Orient, as escapist style of decoration that flourished in the courts and houses of seventeenth and eighteenth century Europe. The lighthearted fantasy of chinoiserie was one of jade pavilions, pleasure domes, ivory pagodas, delicate bridges over rushing rivers, and it is reflected in places like the Royal Pavilion in Brighton, England, the splendors of Versailles, and the exotic lacquered cabinets and the ceramics of England, Holland, and France. This Western idea of what oriental things were like - or ought to be like - is still evident today in fabrics and tableware which owe their patterns to oriental origins. Oliver Impey first traces the trade between East and West that over the centuries brought exotic goods to Europe. The high price and comparative scarcity of such imports quickly led to imitations in both Europe and America. These imitations were often wildly inaccurate and highly fanciful, for they were based not only on the importations, but also on travellers' tales heard second - or third-hand. And, in the course of the trading, the ultimate origin of the imported object was often forgotten: this made it easier for the European designers and craftsmen to mix indiscriminately motifs, patterns, and material drawn from totally different oriental countries - China, Persia and India. The articles thus derived - furniture, textiles, architecture, gardens, and ceramics - are chinoiserie. Oliver Impey examines the varied applications of the style from its beginnings through its height in the mid-eighteenth century when chinoiserie mixed with the flourishing rococo style, to its modern application in textile and ceramic design. Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 740B
€  35.00 | CHF 33]
Catalogue: Asian Art
Mots-clés: 0684146797 china,chinoiserie,textiles,paintings,furniture,lacquer,japan,metalwork Chinese Ceramics Japanese Art

Japanese Warrior Prints: 1646-1905
Hotei Publishing, Leiden - Boston. 2007, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 9789074822848). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text.; Hardcover (with dust jacket); 25 x 30.5 cm.; 2.6 Kg.; 408 pages with over 230 colour illustrations in colour. Used with signs of wear on the exterior of the dust jacket. Interior in very good condition. Very good condition overall.; Japanese Warrior Prints, 1646-1905 is the first publication in the English language devoted entirely to the most neglected of the major genres in the history of Ukiyo-e: musha-e or images of warriors. Musha-e recreates in vivid detail the tales, adventures, and battles of the great samurai heroes of Japanese history, especially from the tenth through sixteenth centuries. The publication is divided in two parts. The first is an 'introduction' to the genre of musha-e, including a discussion of the evolution of the genre and the various influences that came into play in its development. The second comprises a 'Catalogue' of over 230 full-colour illustrations dating from the mid-seventeenth centuries which have been grouped into sixteenth subject categories. The works in the catalogue section have been selected from the best and most representative examples in public and private collections in Japan, the United States, Canada and Europe. The individual entries in the 'Catalogue' contain descriptions of the prints and of the warriors, legendary figures and historical or mythical events depicted. A great deal of emphasis is placed on the iconography of these prints and on the sources that the print artists used to establish their pictorial vocabulary. Japanese printed warrior images - in book and sheet form - were produced from early on in the history of commercial woodblock prints and books, and all major artists designed warrior scenes. However, the genre received relatively little attention well into the nineteenth century until the publication of the first set of Suikoden prints (c. 1827-30) by Utagawa Kuniyoshi. His career and his contribution to musha-e had been the subject of much scholarly attention, but this in not the case with the entire range of the genre. It is the aim of this publication to redress that imbalance, and the result is an invaluable visual source that vividly brings to life the diverse history of musha-e and will serve as a useful guide to those interested in Japanese history and legends. Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaVendeur professionnel
N° du livre: 965B
€  250.00 | CHF 235]
Catalogue: Asian Art
Mots-clés: 9789074822848 japan,japanese art,ukiyo-e,musha-e Japanese Art

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