Great Museums of the World: National Museum Tokyo
Hamlyn Publshing Group Limited, Feltham, Middlesex, England. 1969. Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text.; Hardcover (cloth with dust jacket); 23.5 x 29.5 cm.; 1.3 Kg.; 172 pages with colour illustrations throughout.; Used with signs of wear on the exterior of the dust jacket, that also shows edgewear and on the interior. Good condition overall.; Originally published in Italian by Arnorldo Mondatori Editore in 1968.; The National Museum, Tokyo, contains the finest and most extensive collection of Japanese art in the world. The quality and extent of its collections are without parallel. In addition, it contains Chinese works which, although not great in number, are of extraordinary quality. There are, in all, some 90,000 objects in the museum, representing every known period and medium from prehistoric times to the beginning of the modern era. Thus a panoramic view is created of the entire development of Japanese art and its frequent inter relation with that of China. With its 126 specially photographed colour plates, this book is magnificent cross-section of this astonishingly rich storehouse of oriental art. We see here the wonderful stone Buddha heads, amphoras and vases of the T'ang and Ming dynasties and the wonderful examples of calligraphy - sister art of Far-Eastern painting. Here too are the superb bronzes, sculptures, ceramics, lacquers, textiles and archaeological treasures. All the great periods of Japanese painting are represented. from the religious works of the Heian period to the illustrated scrolls of the Kamakura period, the monochrome ink paintings of the Muromachi period, the dazzling colours of the Momoyama silk screens, the poetic depictions of daily life in the Edo period, including works by the famous and incredibly prolific Hokusai. From each of these periods, too, come examples of superb craftmanship for which Japan is famous: the gilt bronzes of the Asuka period, the lacquers of the Heian and Muromachi period, the famous work sculptures of the Kamakura period, the wonderful ceramics from Kutani and Nabeshima with their bird and flower designs, the fantastic range of calligraphy throughout the ages and the mysterious earthenware and bronzes figures of the Jomon, Yayoi and Kofun periods. This book includes fascinating analyses of each work of art by well-known art historians; the Director of the Museum contributes and introductory chapter and an account of the history of the buildings which form the museum and the fabulous treasures which they house. Good/Dust Jacket Included.

Jorge Welsh Works of Art Lda
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Sonstige Stichworte: china,japan,national museum tokyo,japanese art,calligraphy,bronzes,sculptures,ceramics,lacquers,textiles,archaeological treasures,paintings,hokusai Collections and exhibitions Japanese Art