Jorge Welsh Works of Art Lda: Asian Art
gefunden: 104 Bücher auf 7 Seiten. Dies ist Seite 2
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Paintings of the China Trade: The Sze Yuan Tang Collection of Historic Paintings
Hong Kong Maritime Museum. 2013, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 9789881823366). Soft cover. Book, English text; Paperback; 28 x 27 cm; 1 Kg; 200 pages with 177 colour illustrations; Used with signs of wear on the exterior and interior. Very good condition overall.; The A.J. Hardy collection (also also known as the Sze Yuan Tang Collection) of paintings offers a unique insight into the colourful history of maritime trade between China and the West. These paintings present a vivid and detailed view of the ports involved in the trade. Some were "Treaty ports" open to international commerce; others provided essential provisions and fresh water, or simply refuge from storms and adverse winds. Also included are paintings protraying the individuals who concluded the trade, both Chinese and Western; the ships themselves, many of them representing the great age of sail; diplomatic ventures intended to facilitate trade; and other scenes of Chinese life at the time. Some were painted by Westerners, but most were executed by Chinese 'export' artists - skilled painters who developed a Westernised style for the merchants and ships' officers who crossed the oceans to trade with China. Very Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 928B
€  50.00 | CHF 47]
Katalog: Asian Art
Sonstige Stichworte: 9789881823366 paintings,china trade,port scenes,ships,reverse glass paintings,peple,portraits,landscapes Collections and exhibitions Chinese Art

Chinese Trade Ceramics from South-East Asia: Collection of Ambassador and Mrs Charles Muller
5 Continents Editions, Milan. 2010, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 9788874394630). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text; Hardcover (with dust jacket); 19 x 25.5 cm; 2.3 kg; 416 pages colour illustrations.; Used with signs of wear on the dust jacket. The dust jacket has wear marks on the front cover, spine and back cover, namely edge wear, a small tear at on the top right side of the front cover and a few scratches on the front, spine and back cover. A few of first, middle and last pages have signs of have been slightly bent in the past. The remaining interior in very good condition.; China has had a flourishing maritime trade since antiquity. The collection of Ambassador and Mrs Charles Müller, which they began assembling between 1970 and 1973. when the ambassador was stationed in Indonesia, includes around three hundred pieces of Chinese export ceramics manufactured for the South-East Asian market and dating from the first to the seventeenth century, among which is an assortment of rare "Swatow" porcelain. This exceptional collection was bequeathed to the Baur Foundation and underlines the broad variety of Chinese ceramics, ranging from the solid stoneware of the first century to the translucent and celadon stoneware of the Song and Yuan periods (9th-14th c.) and the "blue and white" ware of the Yuan and Ming dynasties (14th-17th c.). The book's introduction explores the maritime trade in ceramics across China Sea from its inception to the arrival of the Europeans, while the commentaries at the start of each chapter and detailed entries on the individual items place this exceptional collection in its historical and artistic context. This fully illustrated work is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in Chinese ceramics and their diffusion. Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 1088B
€  200.00 | CHF 188]
Katalog: Asian Art
Sonstige Stichworte: 9788874394630 china,chinese ceramics,chinese porcelain,maritime trade,earthenware and stoneware,celadon glazed stoneware,white porcelain ware,copper-eed porcelain ware,blue-and-white porcelain,swatow porcelain ware Chinese Art Chinese Ceramics

Chinese Art: Bronzes, Jades, Sculptures, Ceramics (Volume One)
Phaidon Press Ltd, London. 1980, 2nd Edition. (ISBN: 0714821349). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text; Hardcover (with dust jacket); 263 pages with 198 illustrations, including 65 in colour; 21 x 27 cm; 1.283 Kg; Used book with signs of wear in the dustjacket. Some yellowing in the interior and Ex-libris stamped on front free endpaper. Protected with a clearcover; The strangeness of Chinese art is largely a myth. It is no more difficult to understand and appreciate than that of the early civilizations of Europe and the Middle East, once the essential facts have been grasped; and it is characterized as much by its humorous observation as by its spiritual qualities. The authors here present an introduction to Chinese art, based on a representative selection of masterpieces covering a period of approximately four thousand years. The reproductions are accompanied by scholarly commentary on each of the four categories of medium and a detailed description of every object illustrated. A chronological table of the Chinese dynasties and a bibliography are provided at the end. Apart from their intrinsic beauty, these works of art constitute the best bridge to foreigners trying to understand China. This volume updates the first edition, published twenty years ago, and, by virtue of its new format, will be accessible to a wider audience. It will be invaluable to the general reader, and stimulating also to those who are on more familiar territory. Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: ABE83
€  25.00 | CHF 23.5]
Katalog: Asian Art
Sonstige Stichworte: 0714821349 asian art,china,bronzes,jades,sculptures,ceramics Chinese Art

Chinese Classical Furniture: The Complete Illustrated Guide for Collectors
The Reader's Digest Association Inc. 2009. (ISBN: 9781606520130). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text.; Hardcover (pictorial boards cloth with dust jacket); 20 x 25.5 cm.; 1.2 Kg.; 304 pages with colour illustrations throughout.; Used with minor signs of wear on the exterior of the dust jacket and on the interior. The dust jacket is protected with a clearcover. Very good condition overall.; The Chinese have crafted furniture in the same manner for at least 2,000 years. The hallmark of the classical pieces prized by antique lovers is a clean, functional style that leaves a blank slate for ornamentation. Relief carvings, inlay, fretwork, and laquered paintings range from the understated to the highly ornate, yet every last piece of classical furniture is grounded in Chinese tradition. The range of forms and styles covered in Chinese Classical Furniture will inspire awe in both collectors and armcharir browsers alike. Hundreds of full-color prhotogtaphs of couches, beds, tables, seating, cabinets, screens, and stands - each illustrating a decorative technique or motif, a construction method, or a particular wood - are accompanied by detailed descriptions and often by schematic drawings. Appendices include an auction list of classical pieces sold over the last ten years; a detailed illustrated comparision of the differences between Ming and Qing furniture; and a glossary that translates Pinyin terms into English. The contrasts in this book are stricking. A simple folding chair with curved armrests, its design inspired in the Han dynasty (206 B.C. - 220 A.D.) by small portable chairs used by the nomads of the northern deserts, is the very picture of elegant simplicity. At the opposite pole is a lavish hualimu (rosewood) armchair from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), its back, arms, and seat heavily ornamented with latticework in a dragons design. The predecessors of the Qing, the Ming (1368-1644) - the dynasty that reached a historical zenith during the building of the Great Wall - favored ornamentation on the spare side, while the Qing, China's last dynasty, made use of inlays of jade, marble, and mother-of-pearl as never before. Collectors will appreciate Chinese Classical Furniture for its visual approach to the art of appraising (and judging the authenticity of) furnishings. Anyone interested in history and design will find it a fascinating reflection of Chinese art and culture. Rare is the book that throws light on traditional furniture in such a detail. Very Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 972B
€  40.00 | CHF 38]
Katalog: Asian Art
Sonstige Stichworte: 9781606520130 china,chinese art,chinese furniture,beds,couches,seating furniture,thrones,chairs,stools,tables,cabinets,closets,chests,screens,racks,stands Chinese Art

The Palace Museum Collection: A Treasury of Ming & Qing Dynasty Palace Furniture (2 Volumes)
Forbidden City Publishing House, Art Media Resources, Ltd. 2008. (ISBN: 9781588860996). Hardcover. Book, English text.; Hardcover (cloth with dust jacket in slipcase. Gilt on the outside text block.).; 23 x 30 cm.; 4 Kg.; 728 pages with colour illustrations throughout.; Used with signs of wear on the slipcase and on the dust jackets. Interior with minor signs of wear. Very good condition overall.; This book summarizes the author's thirty years of engagement with curatorial duties and research with the Ming and Qing dynasty palace furniture at the Palace Museum. It includes 455 of the finest works of Ming and Qing dynasty palace furniture, which is only about 5 percent of the entire collection. Selected upon the basis of category, materials and decoration, these works represent the best of the collection. Chapters 1, 2 3 and 8 introduce the origins of Ming and Qing palace furniture, stylistic characteristics, categories and outstanding highlights of the collection. Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 analyze and display the joinery of Ming and Qing palace furniture, and its forms, decoration, workmanship and materials as well as arrangements and use. The intention is to provide the reader with a format with which he can delve into the study with overview as well as detail. All the plates and line drawings are numbered with Arabic numerals in accordance with the sequential order, and are also listed in the Appendix for the readers convenience. Chapters 8 and 9 contain the highlights of the book, and are those chapters where one can quickly assess the dignity, harmony and luxury of Ming and Qing palace furniture and its display. Very Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 985B
€  100.00 | CHF 94]
Katalog: Asian Art
Sonstige Stichworte: 9781588860996 china,chinese furniture,palace museum,ming dynasty,qing dynasty Collections and exhibitions Chinese Art

Two Americans in Paris: A Quest for Asian Art
Lienart edtions, Paris. 2016, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 9782359061857). Hardcover. Book, English text; Hardcover (without dust jacket); 280 pages with 200 colour illustrations; 24 x 30 cm; 1,695 kg; STILL WRAPPED IN PLASTIC.; Sam and Myrna Myers are two Americans who fell in love with Paris in the mid-60s and decided to move there. Over five decades they amassed more than 5000 works of art, offering a very personal vision of the world of Asian art, coherent and well documented. Four principal areas are revealed. The first is an impressive series of archaic jades, followed by significant Buddhist works from Asia, then a remarkable collection of blue and white porcelain, and finally an ensemble of costumes from Central Asia to Japan. These four groups constitute the natural breakdown of this book: Radiant Stones - Icons and Textiles - An Ocean of Porcelain - Costumes and Customs. This collection brings together beautiful objects made of seductive and noble materials: jade, silk and porcelain, the essential materials of Asian art. New/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 371B
€  65.00 | CHF 61.5]
Katalog: Asian Art
Sonstige Stichworte: 9782359061857 ASIAN ART,JADES,PORCELAIN,SILK,TEXTILES Chinese Art Chinese Ceramics

Les Bronzes Chinois: Le Guide Du Connaisseur
Office du Livre, S.A. Fribourg (Suisse). 1980, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 2851090933). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, French text; Hardcover (cloth with dust jacket); 25.3 x 31.9 cm; 1.868 Kg; 252 pages with 156 illustrations, 41 in colour plus 102 black and white ; Used book in very good condition with signs of shelf wear and a minor scuff on the dust jacket. The interior is in almost as new.; This book on Chinese bronzes illustrates pieces from museums and collections around the world. It serves as a reference book for specialists and Chinese art lovers.; Chinese bronzes are particularly appreciated by westerners, since they constitute one of the major aspects of art of this civilisation. Since ancient times the Chinese considered this material the most precious and splendid. Reserved for the kings, emperors and upper echelons of society, bronze symbolised religion through the rituals performed in honour of the ancestors and the power acquired directly from 'heaven' and a certain splendour of art when it was buried along with the deceased. In rare cases, it could commemorate an important event: a battle victory, an act of bravery, a royal favour, etc. This book, which provides a summary on Chinese bronzes and illustrates pieces from museums and collections around the world, constitutes an essential work for specialists and amateurs of Chinese art. The authors thought it would be useful and interesting to add some advice to amateurs, in the form of a glossary of Chinese terms and a list of museums, providing the reader with a solid instrument of knowledge of Chinese bronzes. Very Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 229ABE
€  35.00 | CHF 33]
Katalog: Asian Art
Sonstige Stichworte: 2851090933 CHINA,BRONZE,CHINESE ART,MUSEUMS,COLLECTIONS Chinese Art

Das Westzimmer: Hsi-Hsiang Chi. Chinesische Farbholzschitte Von Min Ch'i-Chi 1640 / the Romance of the Western Chamber Hsi-Hsiang Chi. Chinese Colour Woodcuts by Min Ch'i-Chi 1640
Museum fur Ostasiatische Kunst der Stadt Koln. 1977, 1st Edition. Soft cover. Book, German and English text.; Hardcover (in slipcase with two clasps.).; 33 x 31 cm; 1.9 Kg; 87 pages with text plus 21 loose colour illustrations.; Used with signs of wear on the exterior and interior of the slipcase. One of the clasp is damaged and is currently tapped. The text and 21 leaves looks are in very good condition.; "The folder containing facsimile reproductions based on a series of Chinese coloured woodcuts accompanies the first of a series of monographs planned by the Museum fur Ostasiatische Kunst in Cologne to introduce important works on its collection. An attempt will be made, using text and illustrations, to give an exhaustive account of the subject and to provide the reader with sufficient information so that, starting from the work concerned as paradigm, he may acquire a wider understanding of East Asian art as a whole. The series of coloured woodcuts reproduced here in its entirety was published and certainly also created by Min Ch'i-chi in 1640. The album contains ingenious illustrations for one of the most famous Chinese short stories, Hsi-hsiang chi, The "Western Chamber", which was later expanded to make one of the most popular Chinese theater works. The series, datable by one of the leaves to the year 1640, is the earliest example of Chinese woodcuts in which the use of colours is not only linear but also in picturesque areas with fine shading. Our album was purchased in 1962 by Professor Werner Speiser from the renowned collection of A. Breuer, Berlin. So far, no second set has come to light, so that this Western Chambers series is one of the most important treasures not only in our Museum but in the whole field of extant Chinese prints. What makes the album doubly significant and interesting is the happy chance that is importance for the history of Chinese art is matched by its high artistic value and direct visual appeal. Faithful facsmile reproduction of this series was only possible thanks to the assistance given by the BASF Aktiengesellschaft in Ludwigshafen, which had already had a folder of the same prints made in 1975 as a gift for clients and business associates. We must also acknowledge our debt to the stafs of the Oriental Departament of the Staatsbibliohek, Preubischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and the University Library, Munich, for making available rare related literature, as well as the East Asian seminar at the University of Cologne and in particular Dr. Walter Fuchs, emeritus professor, who provided valuable pointers for our work on this folder.". Very Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 923B
€  500.00 | CHF 470]
Katalog: Asian Art
Sonstige Stichworte: china,chinese colour prints Chinese Art Collections and exhibitions

Porcelain for Palaces: The Fashion for Japan in Europe 1650-1750
Oriental Ceramic Society. 1990, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 0903421240). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text; Hardcover (with dust jacket); 22.5 x 29.5 cm; 1.7 Kg; 328 pages with colour illustrations; Used with signs of wear on the exterior and interior. The dust jacket has wear marks on the front cover, namely a tear at the top, some scratches and a small wear mark on the middle of the left side. The interior has an Ex-library stamp on the front free endpaper, that passed to the tittle page. The remaining interior looks as new.; Catalogue from the exhibition jointly organised by the British Museum and the Oriental Ceramic Society, London held at New Japanese Galleries, British Museum 6th July to 4th November 1990.; Between the mid-17th and mid-18th centuries Japanese and Chinese porcelains were a notable sight in the great houses of Europe; amid the general enthusiasm for things oriental, princes had become major collectors of porcelain, and decoration was adapted for its display. Japanese porcelain was sought by collectors during its period of production, for instance by Augustus the Strong, much of whose vast collection is today still at Dresden. Here, over 350 pieces have been included from many of the oldest and most famous collections in Europe to demonstrate the range of imported Japanese wares and to show both the spread of the fashion for collecting porcelain and the styles that had greatest effect on porcelain production in Europe. It was the import of huge quantities of Chinese blue-and-white wares in the first half of the 17th century that ensured the onset 'oriental mania' in Europe. However, in about 1659, after the interruption of Chinese output at the fall of the Ming dynasty in 1644, the full export trade in Japanese porcelain began. From the palette of the early Arita enamellers gradually arose the sparing, asymmetrical designs and fresh, brilliant colours that we call 'Kakiemon'. From the same beginnings grew the distinctive style known as 'Imari', a term which embraces both the early enamelled ware and the increasingly large and richly enamelled and gilt pieces that followed. The demand for such wares can be verified by considering the syles of porcelain most imitated (and adapted) by new porcelain factories in Europe. Many wares were later fitted in Europe with mounts of silver or gilt bronze, often to adapt them to elaborate decorative schemes. The 'delfware' pottery of Holland and other countries now briefly followed the Japanese. Then, from 1709, there was fine quality porcelain produced at Meissen, Kakiemon shapes and designs were much copied there and in France, notably at Chantilly and St Cloud, and by around 1750 the fashion was current also in England at the new factories of Chelsea, Bow and Worcester. The effect of Japanese, as of Chinese, porcelain in Europe, was such that certain elements of Japanese styles became firmly incorporated into the European repertoire. By charing these styles, Porcelain of Palaces casts new light on the early development of European porcelain. Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 1055B
€  40.00 | CHF 38]
Katalog: Asian Art
Sonstige Stichworte: 0903421240 porcelain,japan,china,japanese porcelain,japanese art Collections and exhibitions Japanese Art

Chinese Domestic Furniture
Charles E. Tuttle, Rutland, Vermont & Tokyo, Japan. 1979, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 0804800987). Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text.; Hardcover (cloth with dust jacket); 23.5 x 31 cm.; 1.6 Kg.; 49 pages with text plus 161 black and white plates.; Used with signs of wear on the dust jacket, namely some scratches on the front and rear cover and also edgewear. Interior in very good condition with minor signs of wear. Good condition overall.; Throughout the history of Chinese domestic life, architecture, layout, and furniture have been governed by rigid standards. While the Chinese had early developed to perfection the art of cultured ease, the setting of their daily life retained an appearance of archaic austerity - an austerity observed no less in the restraint in design and ornament than in the power of line and cubic proportion that were second nature to the classic Chinese builder and the cabinetmaker. It is with the work of the later that this unusual book is concerned. Published in Peking in 1944 and limited to an edition of 200 copies, Gustav Ecke's Chinese Domestic Furniture was destined before long to become one of the most sought-after items in the book trade - to the extent, it appears, that owners of the books have even had their copies stolen. Its reputation among collectors and interior decorators, particularly during the recent upsurge of interest in Chinese furniture, has risen in new heights. It it therefore a pleasure to make this rare book available once again - this time in a complete and unabridged photographic reprint of the original edition, including all of its 161 plates, in which 122 masterpieces of Chinese furniture are illustrated, 21 of them in measured drawings. Chinese furniture, as Dr. Ecke points out in his illuminating introductory essay, has retained its architectural character and its imprint of pristine dignity throughout centuries of changes in taste down to the present day of dying tradtions. Subordinate to the symmetry of the Chinese room, it displays methods that quite probably date from the very beginnings of Chinese culture. While this holds true even for elaborately carved and lacquered work, it is particularly evident in the plain hardwood pieces, with their emphasis on structure, that are presented in this book. In his choice of examples, Dr. Ecke explains, he has been guided by the creative spirit of the Chinese as it reveals itself in the wood and in the interpretation of traditional patterns. "The purity, the plastic strength, and the flawless polish of these pieces" he says, "constitute their chief aesthetic appeal." Such qualities have long since aroused the admiration of Western decorators and makers of fine furniture, for in functional joinery the Chinese craftsman, as Dr. Ecke puts it, "manifests his respect for the spirit of the wood and his command of line, curve, and cubic proportion. Here are found the rules of Chinese cabinetmaking which, in the early eighteenth century, became the ideal of the English ebonist. He learned and borrowed from China.". Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 977B
€  60.00 | CHF 56.5]
Katalog: Asian Art
Sonstige Stichworte: 0804800987 china,chinese furniture,gustav ecke,chinese art Chinese Art

Zhongguo Huali Jiaju Tukao (Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Huali Furniture)
Dizhen Chubanshe, Beijing. 1991. (ISBN: 7502805524). Soft cover, with dust jacket. Book, Chinese text.; Paperback.; 21 x 28 cm.; 0.8 Kg.; 214 pages wth black and white illustrations throughout.; Used with signs of wear on the exterior and interior. The back cover show wear signs throughout. The bottom right side of the front cover also show signs of have been bent in the past. Good condition overall.; Originally printed in 1944 by Editions Henri Vetch, Peking.; Chinese Domestic Furniture by Gustav Ecke with its scientific background, exquisite photos, elaborate drawings, accurate joint details and rich contents, is a classic work of research on Ming furniture. Containing illustrations of 122 pieces of Ming and Qing furniture of which more than 30 are measured drawings, this book is valuable as educational material and reference for cultural relic researches, architectural design, interior, furniture design, and historical researches. Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 986B
€  100.00 | CHF 94]
Katalog: Asian Art
Sonstige Stichworte: 7502805524 china,chinese furniture,gustav ecke,chinese art,qing dynasty,ming dynasty Chinese Art

Chinese Furniture: Hardwood Examples of the Ming and Early Ch'Ing Dynasties
Rando House, New York. 1970, 1st Edition. Hardcover. Book, English text.; Hardcover (cloth without slipcase. Pictorial boards on the slipcase.).; 27.5 x 36 cm.; ; 304 pages with black and white and a few colour illustrations.; Used with signs of wear on the slipcase, that has a stain on the top and tears on the bottom. The hardcover cloth show signs of wear on the interior, namely some signs of a few pages have been bent in the past. Good condition overall. "At long last the West is looking with interest and appreciation at Chinese furniture. In the past this furniture was sought out by a few pioneer collectors who lived in China during the first part of the 20th century. Fortunately many curators of the Oriental arts of American museums were well aware of the great beauty of this furniture. With knowledge and foresight they presented representative collections to the public. As a result many fine examples exist in the Nelson Gallery in Kansas City, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Honolulu Academy of Arts and the Cleveland Museum. The time is now ripe for more than a visual presentation of this important field of the Chinese decorative arts. It must be treated in the same fashion that specialists in European decorative arts have approached its Western counterparts. For this reason I have given detailed descriptions of intricate forms of joinery - so radically different from the European forms. It is the most minute of these details that places Chinese furniture in distinct and proper periods. Many conclusions are based on the change of seat styles during the Ming period. Naturally all extant examples dating from the Ming and Ch'ing periods were not produced on one locale. Therefore it will hereafter be as imporant to establish the are from which a piece came as to establish its date. Obtaining knowledge of the subtly different forms of joinery and seat construction was possible only with pieces completely under my control. Much of the pertinent information could be obtained only though the complete dismantling of many of the pieces illustrated. In many instances samples had to be taken of wood and other materials on order to arrive at the conclusions presented here. This will explain why so many pieces that I discuss are my property. It is to be hoped that in the future research and scientific excavations will further expand our knowledge of the history of Chinese furniture." introduction by Robert Hatfield Ellsworth, New Fairfield, January 1970. Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 983B
€  100.00 | CHF 94]
Katalog: Asian Art
Sonstige Stichworte: china,chinese furniture,ming Chinese Art

Later Chinese Painting and Calligraphy 1800-1950 (3 Volumes in Slipcase)
Random House, Inc. New York and Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto. 1987, 1st Edition. (ISBN: 0394554639). Hardcover. Book, English text with captions in Chinese.; Hardcover (cloth without dust jacket as issued, gilt top edges of the external text block). 3 volumes in slipcase.; 29 x 39.5 x 14 cm; 11 kg.; Used books with minor signs of wear on the exterior and interior. Tiny wear marks on the hardcover cloth front cover of volume 2 and 3. Overall in very good condition.; Comprise 3 volumes: Volume I: Text (281 pages), Volume 2: Painting (369 pages) and Volume III: Calligraphy (399 pages).; Research and translation by Keith Itoh and Lawrence Wu with Jean Schmitt and Caron Smith. Introductory commentary by James C. Y. Watt.; "The publication of this book is the culmination of decades of collecting and study by the author. Over the years, I have had the privilege of watching the collection grow and have enjoyed many evenings of viewing and discussion. I will remember the occasions when a new acquisition provoked both excitement and new insights into the work of an artist or the trend of an age. In forming this collection, Robert Ellsworth's unerring good taste and his early training in painting have stood him in a good stead; as the collection has grown, so have the understanding and perception of the collector. The outcome is much more than the accumulation of a large number of paintings and calligraphies. It is rather the revelation of the pattern of development of a whole era of artistic endeavor which has hitherto received scant attention from scholars and collectors. These volumes will thus serve both as a record of the collection and as a guide to the mainstream of the Chinese artistic tradition in the past two centuries." excerpt from the foreword by James C. Y. Watt, The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Very Good/No Jacket.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 639B
€  400.00 | CHF 376]
Katalog: Asian Art
Sonstige Stichworte: 0394554639 ink painting,chinese ming-ch'ing dynasties,calligraphy,history,20th century Collections and exhibitions Chinese Art

Wood from the Scholar's Table: Chinese Hardwood Carvings and Scholar's Articles
Gulliver Books Ltd and Altfield Gallery, Hong Kong. 1984, 1st Edition. Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text.; Hardcover (with dust jacket); 21 x 28 cm; 1 Kg.; 176 pages with colour illustrations throughout. 120 catalogue entries.;ISBN 962-7019-05-X; Used with signs of wear on the exterior and interior. The dust jacket is slightly faded on the spine, left side of the front cover and right side of the back cover. Bookseller sticker glued to the back of the rear cover. The dust jacket is now protected with a clearcover. Good condition overall.; Wood from the Scholar's Table is the most comprehensive discussion of Chinese scholar's wooden articles which has yet been undertaken. The pieces illustrated are drawn from Hong Kong collections and cover the broad spectrum of wood objects intended as scholarly accoutrements. All of the major categories of scholar's wooden articles are discussed, including brush pots, wrists rests, brush rests, water droppers, brush washers, seal chests, ink stone boxes and decorative carvings. The illustrated Ming and Ching pieces provide examples carved from each of the important Chinese furniture woods, including huang hua-li, tsu-tan, hongmu and ch'ih-chi mu. Some exceptional root carvings are also included. Some exceptional root carvings are also included. Wood from the Scholar's Table constitutes an invaluable general reference for the growing number of students and collectors of Chinese wood carvings. Those contributing to this volume, include Rebecca Rice Jones, formerly in charge of Chinese furniture at Sotheby's in New York, Robert and Alice Piccus, noted Hong Kong collectors of Chinese and Southeast Asian Art, Angus Forsyth, a Hong Kong solicitor and currently President of the Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong and David Halperin, and American attorney and owner of Altfield Gallery of Hong Kong. Good/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 941B
€  275.00 | CHF 258.5]
Katalog: Asian Art
Sonstige Stichworte: furniture,china,chinese hardwood carvings,reference Chinese Art

Chinese Decorative Art
Faber and Faber Limited, London. 1965, 1st Edition. Hardcover, with dust jacket. Book, English text; Hardcover (cloth with dust jacket); 16.5 x 24.5 cm; 0.830 Kg; 287 pages plus 2 fold outs with: Table of Bronze shapes and table of comparative dates. With 200 black-and-white illustrations throughout, including 8 in colour.; Used book. The dust jacket is chipped, has tears and is tapped in the rear. The dust jacket is now protected with a clearcover. The interior is in good condition, apart from the hinge that is slightly loose but not shaken. Good readable copy.; First english edition. Originally published in Germany under the title 'Chinesisches Kunstgewerbe'.; This copiously-illustrated standard wotk, now fully brought up-to-date from the second German edition of 1955, is the only existing book that conveniently covers the whole field of Chinese decorative arts in a single compact volume. After an introductory historical survey, the self-contained sections are arranged according to material - Ceramics, Metalwork, Mirrors, Jade, Ivory, Horn, etc. Glass, Lacquer, and Textiles. Special sections with tabular illustrations are devoted to Iconography, to the Marks used on pottery and porcelain, and to Relative Chronology. Dr Feddersen, himself a well-known scholar, here presents an accurate and up-to-date summary of the conclusions so far reached by international research in the very various fields covered, and not the least valuable part of the book is the full bibliography, including references to articles widely scattered in the specialized periodicals. For the student and collector alike the book will be an indispensable key to subjects not equally familiar. Fair/Dust Jacket Included.
Jorge Welsh Works of Art LdaProfessionelle Verkäufer
Buchzahl: 435B
€  20.00 | CHF 19]
Katalog: Asian Art
Sonstige Stichworte: china,ceramics,metalwork,mirrors,jade,ivory,horn,etc.,glass,lacquer,textiles Chinese Art

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