Island Books: Naval0
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n.d.. Photographic print measuring 8 x 12 ins (approx. 20 x 30 cms) SIGNED ON OBVERSE BY CORRAN PURDON IN BLACK INK; A FINE COPY. The print is from the well-known original image of the famous lend-lease destroyer HMS CAMPBELTOWN wedged in the dry dock at St. Nazaire as part of Operation CHARIOT. Shortly after the picture was taken the timed charges aboard the vessel detonated, destroying the remains of the ship, causing significant enemy casualties and rendering the dock inoperable for the remainder of the war. Major General Corran Purdon had a military career worthy of a Hollywood film script. He volunteered for the Commandos and received the Military Cross for his part in raids on Norway and - perhaps the most daring raid of the war - on St Nazaire, where he was wounded and captured. After imprisonment at Spangenburg POW camp, he escaped and remained on the run for ten days before being recaptured and transferred to Oflag IVC at Colditz Castle, where his companions included Airey Neave and double amputee air ace Douglas Bader. He retired as General Officer Commanding Near East Land Forces in 1976 and subsequently served as deputy commissioner of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force between 1978 and 1981. With certificate of authenticity. VERY SCARCE.
Island BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 29176
GBP 168.00 [Appr.: EURO 201.5 US$ 211.36 | JP¥ 32202]
Catalogue: Naval0
Keywords: naval, ww2, wwii, saint nazaire, st nazaire, operation chariot, hms campbeltown, corran purdon, commando, signed

Kingfisher Railway Productions, Southampton,, [1986]. 4to., First Edition, with numerous photographs throughout and printed endpapers; red cloth, gilt back, a near fine copy in unclipped dustwrapper.
Island BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37644
GBP 9.00 [Appr.: EURO 11 US$ 11.32 | JP¥ 1725]
Catalogue: Naval0
Keywords: naval, maritime, red funnel, royal mail steam packet, iow, isle of wight, shipping lines, shipping line histories

Admiralty Handbook of Wireless Telegraphy. Vol I: Magnetism and Electricity; Vol. II: Wireless Telegraphy Theory. NEAR FINE SET
HMSO,, [1949-51]. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., with numerous illustrations and diagrams throughout; green cloth, backstrips lettered in black, a near fine set. First published in 1938 and reprinted in every year of the war to keep pace with the expanding fleet, the Admiralty Handbook of Wireless Telegraphy was the RN telegraphist's bible throughout WWII. It remains one the finest compact guides to both theory and practice, and in post-war years became a fundamental and much sought-after tool of the amateur radio community.
Island BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 41330
GBP 36.00 [Appr.: EURO 43.25 US$ 45.29 | JP¥ 6900]
Catalogue: Naval0
Keywords: naval, ww2, wwii, royal navy, admiralty, wt, wireless telegraphy, signals, naval communications, manuals

Battle Summary No. 11. The Passage of the Scharnhorst, Gneisenau and Prinz Eugen through the English Channel, 12th February 1942. ORIGINAL ADMIRALTY ASSESSMENT OF THE CHANNEL DASH: A RARE SURVIVAL
Tactical and Staff Duties Division, Admiralty,, 1948. 8vo., First Edition thus, 2 large folding plans; original printed wrappers, wire-stitched as issued, covers lightly age-faded at margins else a near fine copy. 'This book is for the use of persons in HM Service only and must not be shown or made available to the Press or the public'. THE OFFICIAL ADMIRALTY ASSESSMENT OF 'THE CHANNEL DASH' (German: Operation CERBERUS) which led to the astonishing escape of two German battlecruisers and one heavy cruiser under the noses of both the Royal Navy and RAF. Admiralty Battle Summaries were produced, as soon as tactically sensible after the actual event, for purposes of in-house tuition and education, and never made publicly available. EXTREMELY SCARCE.
Island BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 46494
GBP 420.00 [Appr.: EURO 503.75 US$ 528.39 | JP¥ 80506]
Catalogue: Naval0
Keywords: naval, ww2, wwii, admiralty, battle summaries, cerberus, operation cerberus, scharnhorst, gneisenau, prinz eugen, CHANNEL DASH

Invasion Europe. [comprising] Operation 'Neptune' Landings in Normandy June, 1944; The Campaign in North-West Europe June 1944-May 1945; Invasion of the South of France Operation 'Dragoon' 15th August 1944. FINE SET IN SLIP-CASE
HMSO,, [1994]. Together 5 vols., 8vo., First Editions, with 31 figures, and 30 folding maps and plans in separate wallets; navy cloth gilt, upper boards blocked in gilt, gilt backs [text volumes], original printed wrappers [map, diagram and errata wallets], a fine copy in the publisher's pictorial slip-case as issued. Admiralty Battle Summaries were written relatively soon after the events they describe (the last of the present collection was produced in 1952) and are based on official documentary material which did not become available to the public at large until 1968. They were written by authors who understood thoroughly their topics, as follows: Operation 'Neptune': Commander L.J. Pitrcairn-Jones; The Campaign in North-West Europe: Commander J.H. Lloyd-Owen; Operation 'Dragoon': Commander W.E.H. Westall. In due course, the volumes became basic reference sources for the authors of the Cabinet Office series of OFFICIAL HISTORIES OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR
Island BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 25604
GBP 130.00 [Appr.: EURO 156 US$ 163.55 | JP¥ 24918]
Catalogue: Naval0
Keywords: naval, ww2, wwii, royal navy, normandy, overlord, neptune, dragoon, north-west europe, admiralty, battle summaries

Manual of the Admiralty Gyro-Compass (Sperry Type) 1941. Admiralty Compass Department. [Second Impression].
HMSO,, 1943. Roy. 8vo., Second Impression, with 25 photographic plates and 28 folding plates on lighter stock (one poorly folded); cloth, gilt back, case mildly shaken (but binding entirely sound) else a good, clean copy. Sold from the library of the Military College of Science with its stamps on free endpapers. Publication code CD 210/41- June 1941. The 1941 edition replaced the previous issue of 1931.
Island BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 12487
GBP 18.00 [Appr.: EURO 21.75 US$ 22.65 | JP¥ 3450]
Catalogue: Naval0
Keywords: naval, ww2, royal navy, admiralty, gyro-compass, compass, sperry, navigation, manuals, admiralty, naval, wwii, manual, admiralty, gyro-compass, (sperry, type), 1941

Manual of Seamanship 1937. By Authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Volume One [only]. [Third Impression]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE 1941 REISSUE
HMSO,, 1941. 8vo., Third Impression, with 26 coloured plates, 15 plates in monochrome, very numerous illustrations and diagrams (many full-page) in the text and 2 large folding plans; original navy blue cloth, upper board blocked in blind, gilt back, a very good, bright, clean copy. With front and rear trade advertisement endpapers. The 1937 edition of the 'pusser's bible' was the first major revision since 1932. First issued in 1938, it was reprinted each year until 1943 (though curiously we have been unable to confirm a 1939 issue). All reprints are very slightly abridged (mostly in terms of illustration; in particular the expensive plate overlays of the first impression were quickly abandoned with the outbreak of hostilities). Well produced and exceptionally well illustrated, it was in common use with officers and ratings alike (unlike its sister the Manual of Navigation), and there is a fair argument for its being today the most evocative Royal Navy publication of the war years. Bright, firm copy of the standard WWII edition.
Island BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 45940
GBP 58.00 [Appr.: EURO 69.75 US$ 72.97 | JP¥ 11117]
Catalogue: Naval0
Keywords: naval, ww2, wwii, royal navy, admiralty, seamanship, manuals

Manual of Seamanship 1937. By Authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Volume One [only]. THE 1943 REISSUE IN FULL MOROCCO
HMSO,, 1943. 8vo., with 26 coloured plates, 15 plates in monochrome, very numerous illustrations and diagrams (many full-page) in the text and 2 large folding plans; handsomely bound in full navy crushed morocco, sides with gilt frame border, back with raised bands, second and fourth compartments lettered and ruled in gilt, all other compartments tooled in gilt with RN Crown, gilt top, hand-made endpapers, ribbon marker, custom-made slip-case, an elegant copy ideal as a gift or for presentation. With front and rear trade advertisement endpapers. The 1937 edition of the 'pusser's bible' was the first major revision since 1932. First issued in 1938, it was reprinted each year until 1943 (though curiously we have been unable to confirm a 1939 issue). All reprints are very slightly abridged (mostly in terms of illustration; in particular the expensive plate overlays of the first impression were quickly abandoned with the outbreak of hostilities). Well produced and exceptionally well illustrated, it was in common use with officers and ratings alike (unlike its sister the Manual of Navigation), and there is a fair argument for its being today the most evocative Royal Navy publication of the war years. AN ELEGANT COPY OF THE STANDARD WWII ISSUE.
Island BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 45941
GBP 324.00 [Appr.: EURO 388.5 US$ 407.62 | JP¥ 62104]
Catalogue: Naval0
Keywords: naval, ww2, wwii, royal navy, admiralty, seamanship, manuals

The Navy List, corrected to the 20th December 1831. [A List of the Officers of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines with the Dates of their Seniority].
John Murray,, [1832]. Sm. 8vo., title moderately browned, outer margins and fore-edges very lightly browned; handsomely bound in blue cloth, morocco back, leather label lettered in gilt, original wrapper preserved, an attractive copy ideal as a gift or for presentation. Scarce.
Island BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 10003
GBP 70.00 [Appr.: EURO 84 US$ 88.07 | JP¥ 13418]
Catalogue: Naval0
Keywords: naval, royal navy, royal marines, admiralty, navy list, nt14, admiralty, naval, to 1914, navy, list, corrected, 20th, december, 1831

Nominal List of Ships by Types, built for the Royal Navy, during the Period 3.9.39 - 2.9.45 shewing Programme Year and Date of Acceptance into HM Service. NEAR FINE COPY IN MODERN BOARDS
HMSO,, [1949]. Folio, First Edition; newly bound in modern navy boards, upper board blocked with RN Crown in gilt above printed paper label, primrose endpapers, ORIGINAL PRINTED WRAPPERS PRESERVED, a near fine copy. EXTREMELY SCARCE, ESPECIALLY IN THIS CONDITION.
Island BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 45014
GBP 224.00 [Appr.: EURO 268.75 US$ 281.81 | JP¥ 42936]
Catalogue: Naval0
Keywords: naval, ww2, wwii, royal navy, admiralty, nominal list of ships

Particulars of War Vessels and Aircraft (British Commonwealth of Nations). NEAR FINE COPY IN MODERN BOARDS
[HMSO],, [1939]. Folio, First Edition; newly bound in modern navy boards, upper board blocked with RN Crown in gilt above printed paper label, primrose endpapers, a near fine copy. 'Ships building or projected are omitted during Hostilities, 1939'. Comprehensive table arranged by warship type. EXTREMELY SCARCE, ESPECIALLY IN THIS CONDITION.
Island BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 45015
GBP 220.00 [Appr.: EURO 264 US$ 276.78 | JP¥ 42170]
Catalogue: Naval0
Keywords: naval, ww2, wwii, royal navy, admiralty, particulars of war vessels

Report of the Board of Enquiry appointed to enquire into the Circumstances in which the German Battle Cruisers SCHARNHORST and GNEISENAU and Cruiser PRINZ EUGEN proceeded from Brest to Germany on February 12 1942. BOARD OF ENQUIRY INTO THE CHANNEL DASH: A RARE SURVIVAL
HMSO,, 1946. 8vo., First Edition,; original printed wrappers, sewed as issued, wire-stitched as issued, a near fine copy in customer-made cloth portfolio with printed paper label. Cmd. 6775. 'Presented by the First Lord of the Admiralty and the Secretary of State for Air to Parliament by Command of His Majesty March, 1946'. THE FIRST OFFICIAL ADMIRALTY/AIR MINISTRY ASSESSMENT OF 'THE CHANNEL DASH' (German: Operation CERBERUS) which led to the astonishing escape of two German battlecruisers and one heavy cruiser under the noses of both the Royal Navy and RAF. It conclusions led to the later publication of Battle Summary 11 in 1948. EXTREMELY SCARCE.
Island BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 49397
GBP 390.00 [Appr.: EURO 467.75 US$ 490.65 | JP¥ 74755]
Catalogue: Naval0
Keywords: naval, ww2, wwii, admiralty, air ministry, cerberus, operation cerberus, scharnhorst, gneisenau, prinz eugen, channel dash

The Royal Navy and the Mediterranean Convoys. A Naval Staff History. With a Preface by Malcolm Llewellyn-Jones. [With a Foreword by Admiral Sir Jonathon Band].
Routledge,, [2007]. 4to., First Edition, with 11 coloured plans (8 double-page), 4 full-page diagrams and several illustrations and charts in the text; pictorial boards lettered in white, a fine copy. Naval Staff Histories were produced after WWII in order to provide as full an account of the various actions as was possible at the time. The audience was largely serving officers; some of the volumes were classified, not to restrict their distribution but to allow the writers to be as candid as possible. At this stage of history they represent a uniquely valuable resource. This volume contains Battle Summary 18 (Mediterranean Convoys 1941) and Battle Summary 32 (Malta Convoys 1942), completed by J. Owen and originally issued in 1944 and 1945 respectively. These summaries were combined and extensively revised by Pitcairn-Jones and re-issued in 1957 as Selected Convoys (Mediterranean) 1941-42. By this time Pitcairn-Jones had access to the full records including those captured from German and Italian forces.
Island BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 10297
GBP 112.00 [Appr.: EURO 134.5 US$ 140.9 | JP¥ 21468]
Catalogue: Naval0
Keywords: mstock, naval, ww2, wwii, royal navy, staff histories, mediterranean, convoys, gibraltar, malta, pedestal, admiralty

Royal Naval Handbook of Field Training 1934. Training and Staff Duties Division, Naval Staff, Admiralty. BR 159/34. BRIGHT COPY OF THE STANDARD WWII ISSUE
HMSO,, 1935. 8vo., with plates and numerous diagrams (one folding) in the text, free endpapers lightly browned; original blue cloth, upper board blocked in blind, gilt back, red sprinkled edges, boards lightly chafed and case a little shaken else a bright, clean copy. With trade advertisements (a number illustrated) at front and rear. Stationery code: 20-19-0-34. Unusually well-preserved (if shaken) copy of the standard WWII edition. VERY SCARCE.
Island BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 34130
GBP 45.00 [Appr.: EURO 54 US$ 56.61 | JP¥ 8626]
Catalogue: Naval0
Keywords: mstock, naval, ww2, royal navy, victualling, catering, provisions, manuals, admiralty, naval, manuals, royal, naval, handbook, field, training, 1934

A Seaman's Pocket-Book. June 1943. By Authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. SOLE WARTIME EDITION WITH SUPPLEMENT: NEAR FINE COPY IN ORIGINAL BOARDS
HMSO,, 1943. 8vo., First and Sole Edition, with 5 coloured plates and very numerous monochrome illustrations (many full-page) in the text; original boards printed in black, blue cloth back, a remarkably well-preserved, near fine copy. Publication code BR 827. With 2 pages of trade advertisements at front and BR 827a Supplement loosly inserted. Sole wartime edition of a deceptively detailed and compact guide aimed primarily at HO ratings that by now were forming an increasing proportion of ships' companies. SCARCE IN THIS CONDITION
Island BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 37773
GBP 46.00 [Appr.: EURO 55.25 US$ 57.87 | JP¥ 8817]
Catalogue: Naval0
Keywords: naval, ww2, royal navy, admiralty, seamanship, admiralty, naval, manuals, seaman's, pocket-book

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