The Life and Letters of David, Earl Beatty. Admiral of the Fleet, Viscount Borodale of Wexford, Baron Beatty of the North Sea and of Brooksby.
Hodder & Stoughton,, [1951]. 8vo., First Edition, with a portrait frontispiece, 22 sepia-toned plates and 12 diagrams (6 of Jutland) in the text; cloth gilt, gilt back, back a little dulled else a very good, clean copy. Good copy of the standard life. Albion, p.275; NMM II/1, 279.

Island Books
Professional sellerBook number: 3139
€ 14.00 [Appr.: US$ 14.54 | £UK 11.75 | JP¥ 2220]
Keywords: naval, ww1, wwi, great war, royal navy, battlecruisers, beatty, jutland, dogger bank, admirals, biography, letters, w.s. chalmers, naval, wwi, life, letters, david, earl, beatty