Art in Photography. With selected Examples of European and American work. (Essays : Artistic Photography in Great Britain. By Clive Holland. The Development of Photography in the United States. By Charles H. Caffin. Some Notes upon Pictorial School and Its Leaders in France. By Clive Holland. Pictorial Photography in Austria and Germany. By A. Horsley Hinton. Artistic Photography in Italy. By Dr. Enrico Thovez. Translated by Edgar Preston. Pictorial Photography in Belgium. By Clive Holland)..
London, Offices of 'The Studio' 1905. 4° 12 Bll. + 2 Taf., 34 Taf., 4 Bll., 24 Taf., 4 Bll., 16 Taf., 4 Bll., 17 Taf., 4 Bll., 9 Taf., 2 Bll., 9 Taf. Orig.-Brosch. Einband leicht lädiert. Gut erhalten. (1600 gr.).
Antiquariat und Buchhandlung Heiner Henke
Professional sellerBook number: 33733
€ 250.00 [Appr.: US$ 274.64 | £UK 210 | JP¥ 40669]