Kobayashi, Takayoshi (Ed.):
Nonlinear Optics of Organics and Semiconductors: Proceedings of the internat. Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, July 25 - 26, 1988. Springer Proceedings in Physics; Vol. 36.
Berlin, Springer., 1989. XI, 322 S., with figures, Hardcover. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas Haker
Professional sellerBook number: 835882
€ 25.90 [Appr.: US$ 28.61 | £UK 22 | JP¥ 4039]
Keywords: Organische Verbindungen ; Nichtlineare Optik ; Kongress ; Tokio ; Halbleiter ; Nichtlineare Optik ; Kongress ; Tokio, Physics, Astronomie, Chemie ISBN: 9783540510451