International School Seminar: Structure of Particles and Nuclei and Their Interactions (Tashkent, 6-13 October 1997). Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Institute of Nuclear Physics of Uzbek Academy of Sciences Tashkent. Intern. School Seminar).
Dubna, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 1998. 232 S.; Ill. Paperback Good condition. Cover slightly worn and with small tear. Otherwise very good condition. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas Haker
Professional sellerBook number: 817811
€ 17.50 [Appr.: US$ 19.33 | £UK 15 | JP¥ 2729]
Keywords: Atomphysik, Atome, Atomteilchen, Atomkerne ISBN: 5851655062