Antiquariat Thomas Haker GmbH & Co. KG: Physik
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Faraday, Michael:
Experimental-Untersuchungen über Elektricität. XII. u. XIII. Reihe. (=Ostwalds Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschaften; 128). Herausgegeben von A. J. von Oettingen.
Leipzig, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, ohne Jahresang.. Unveränd. Nachdr. 133 S.; mit Abb. Hardcover Guter Zustand. Mit Besitzvermerk. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas HakerProfessional seller
Book number: 864498
€  11.50 [Appr.: US$ 11.86 | £UK 9.75 | JP¥ 1852]
Catalogue: Physik
Keywords: Naturwissenschaften, Elektriztität

Faradey, Michael:
Experimentaluntersuchungen über Elektrizität, I. bis XXIII. Reihe (in 7 Bänden). (= Ostwald`s Klassiker der exacten Wissenschaften, Nr. 81, 86, 87, 126, 128, 131, 134, 136, 140).
Leipzig: Geest & Portig, 1985-1988. Reprint der Originalausgabe. ca. 1200 Seiten. Softcover/Paperback. Mittelmässiger Zustand. Einbände mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren und unterschiedlich stark nachgedunkelt. Rücken der ersten vier Bände mit handschriftlichem Titel. Zwei Bände (1.-5. Reihe) mit Eintragungen. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas HakerProfessional seller
Book number: 785613
€  20.90 [Appr.: US$ 21.55 | £UK 17.75 | JP¥ 3367]
Catalogue: Physik

Farge, Yves / Fontana, Marco P.
Electronic and vibrational Properties of Point Defects in Ionic Crystalls.
North-Holland Publishing Company Amsterdam, 1979. 263 S. Hardcover/ Pappband Guter Zustand/ Good With figures. Ex-Library. Brownish paper. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas HakerProfessional seller
Book number: 517875
€  24.30 [Appr.: US$ 25.05 | £UK 20.75 | JP¥ 3914]
Catalogue: Physik
Keywords: Kernenergie Kernphysik Naturwissenschaften Ionenkristalle Nuclear Physics Energy Natural Science physical research physikalische Forschung ISBN: 0444852727

Fatuzzo, Ennio and Walter Merz:
Ferroelectricity. Selected Topics In Solid State Physics. Volume VII.
Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1967. 289 S. Bibliothekseinband Sehr guter Zustand. Bibliotheksexemplar. Englisch. Very good Condition. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas HakerProfessional seller
Book number: 540511
€  13.80 [Appr.: US$ 14.23 | £UK 11.75 | JP¥ 2223]
Catalogue: Physik

Fauvet, Frederic and Claude Mitschi (Edts.):
From Combinatorics to Dynamical Systems: Journées de Calcul Formel, Strasbourg, March 22-23, 2002. (=IRMA Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics; Vol. 3).
de Gruyter, 2003. Reprint. 252 S. Paperback Like new. Shrink wrapped. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas HakerProfessional seller
Book number: 817615
€  11.50 [Appr.: US$ 11.86 | £UK 9.75 | JP¥ 1852]
Catalogue: Physik
Keywords: Mathemtik, Physik, Dynamische Systeme ISBN: 9783110178753

Faye, H.:
Cours d`Astronomie de l`École polytechnique. Première et deuxième Partie.
Paris, Gauthier Villars, 1881 / 83. 374 / 464 S., numerous figures, 24 cm, Hardcover Satisfying condition. Pages soiled. Spine Leather (shows worn). Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas HakerProfessional seller
Book number: 560785
€  19.00 [Appr.: US$ 19.59 | £UK 16.25 | JP¥ 3060]
Catalogue: Physik
Keywords: Astrophysique

Fechner, Gustav Theodor:
Über die physikalische und philosophische Atomenlehre.
Leipzig ; Mendelssohn, 1855. 210 S. Halbleinen. Mittelmässiger bis guter Zustand. Bibliotheksexemplar mit Stempeln, entsprechenden Vermerken und Rückensignatur. Seiten mit mehreren, aber kaum sichtbaren Bleistiftanstreichungen. Seiten gewellt bzw. leicht knittrig, mit leichtem Wasserschaden. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas HakerProfessional seller
Book number: 790341
€  30.10 [Appr.: US$ 31.03 | £UK 25.5 | JP¥ 4848]
Catalogue: Physik
Keywords: Naturwissenschaften

Federhofer, Karl:
Prüfungs- und Übungsaufgaben aus der Mechanik des Punktes und des starren Körpers. 3 Teile + Lösungen [in 1 Bd]
Wien, Springer Vlg., 1950-1951. ca 300 S. Leinen Guter Zustand. Ehem.Bibl.-Ex. mit Stempeln und Rückenschild. Bibliothekseinband mit zusätzlichem Folienumschlag. Papier alterungsbedingt vergilbt, sauber. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas HakerProfessional seller
Book number: 859085
€  46.90 [Appr.: US$ 48.35 | £UK 39.75 | JP¥ 7555]
Catalogue: Physik
Keywords: Prüfungsaufgaben

Felcher, G. P. / You, H.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering SXNS-4. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, USA 25-30 June 1995.
North-Holland Publishing Company Amsterdam, 1996. 552 S. Hardcover/ Pappband Cover faded. Guter Zustand/ Good With figures and tables. Ex-Library. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas HakerProfessional seller
Book number: 516691
€  45.10 [Appr.: US$ 46.5 | £UK 38.25 | JP¥ 7265]
Catalogue: Physik
Keywords: Naturwissenschaften Neutronenstreuung Röntgenstreuung Kernphysik Nuclear Physics Natural Science

Feng, Zhe Chuan (Ed.):
Semiconductor Interfaces, Microstructures and Devices: Properties and Applications.
Bristol, Institute of Physics Publishing, 1993. 293 S.; Ill. Hardcover Ex.-Libr., Good condition. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas HakerProfessional seller
Book number: 834744
€  17.20 [Appr.: US$ 17.73 | £UK 14.75 | JP¥ 2771]
Catalogue: Physik
Keywords: Halbleiterphysik ISBN: 9780750301800

Ferrari, Aldo:
Mechanical Spectroscopy III.
Trans Tech, 1997. 152 S., Paperback. Very good. Shrink wrapped. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas HakerProfessional seller
Book number: 813467
€  21.60 [Appr.: US$ 22.27 | £UK 18.25 | JP¥ 3479]
Catalogue: Physik-Optik
Keywords: Physics ISBN: 9783908450245

Ferrari, Carlo :
Transonic Aerodynamics.
Academic Press New York, 1968. 653 S. Cloth Befriedigender Zustand/ satisfying. With ill. Ex-Library. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas HakerProfessional seller
Book number: 517064
€  20.70 [Appr.: US$ 21.34 | £UK 17.5 | JP¥ 3334]
Catalogue: Physik
Keywords: Aerodynamik Physics Technik Technique Ingenieurwesen Engineering Luftfahrt Aeronautic

Feuerbacher, B. et. al. (Eds.):
Photoemission and the Electronic Properties of Surfaces.
New York (USA), Wiley & Son, 1978. 540 S., numerous figures and tables. Hardcover Guter Zustand / good condition. Bibl.-Ex. / Ex.-libr. Stamped edges. Spine slightly damaged. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas HakerProfessional seller
Book number: 541891
€  5.10 [Appr.: US$ 5.26 | £UK 4.5 | JP¥ 821]
Catalogue: Physik
Keywords: Physics Electronics ISBN: 047199555x

Feynman, Richard et al:
The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Vol. I-III.
Reading, Addision-Wesley, 1963-1964. ca 1600 Softcover/Paperback. Good. Ex-library with stamps and label on spine. With cover foliation. Vol. 1: 7th printing 1972, paperback; vol. 2: 4th printing 1969, hardcover; vol. 3: 5th printing 1971, paperback. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas HakerProfessional seller
Book number: 866372
€  115.20 [Appr.: US$ 118.77 | £UK 97.5 | JP¥ 18556]
Catalogue: Physik

Feynman, Richard et al:
The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Vol. I-III.
Reading, Addision-Wesley, 1970. 5th/4th printing. ca 1600 Cloth. Acceptable. Covers show mild wear. Isolated penciled marginalia. Spine of vol. 3 slightly soiled. Volume 2 with water damage. Some pages at upper edge waterstained and slightly waved. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas HakerProfessional seller
Book number: 876621
€  95.00 [Appr.: US$ 97.94 | £UK 80.25 | JP¥ 15302]
Catalogue: Physik

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