Diagnostical Procedures of Voice and Hearing - Dysphonia. Stimm- und Gehördiagnostik - Dysphonie. Reports prepared for the 12th Congress of Logopedica and Phoniatrics, Padova 1962. Separatus `Folia Phoniatrica`, vol.14, no.2-3, pp 81-264.
Basel, Karger, 1962. 183 S. Softcover/Paperback Good condition. Bumped corners. Articles in English or French. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Antiquariat Thomas Haker
Professional sellerBook number: 834276
€ 242.70 [Appr.: US$ 269.08 | £UK 205 | JP¥ 38297]
Keywords: Sonderdruck Logopädie Phoniatrie Logopedia Phoniatry