Hutziger, O. and H. Fiedler (Edts.):
Dioxin `90. Epri Seminar. Short Papers. Vol. I-IV. [4 Vols.]. (10th International Meeting). Vol. 1: Toxikology, Evironment, Food, Exposure-Risk. Vol. 2: Epri-Seminar, Analysis, QA/QC, Brominated Compounds, Short-Chain Aliphatics. Vol. 3: Combustion, Pulp & Paper, Chlorine & PVC, Soil Workshop, Remedial Action & Destruction, General Topics. Vol. 4: Miscellaneous Contibutions, Author Index, Keyword Index, Corrections, List of Particpants.
Bayreuth, Eco-Informa Press, 1990. 624, 452, 456, 512 S.; with figures and tables. Paperback Ex.-Libr., Very good condition. Free shipping within Germany. Shipping costs to EU-countries: 9.50 EUR, to non-EU-countries: 15.00 EUR.
Boeknummer: 833374
€ 24.40
Trefwoorden: Toxikologie, Umwelt, Lebensmittel, Expositionsrisiko, Chemie