Centsprent: Zie hier, ô jonge jeugd! Des Waerelds eerste stand; Waarin de boosheid reeds vertoond de overhand. No. 26.
Catchpenny print. Children’s print showing several events from the book of Genesis, such as the creation of man, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, The Expulsion from the Garden of Eden, Noah’s Ark, the Tower of Babel, Abraham’s family moving to Canaan, Melchizedek blessing Abraham, Abraham and the three angels, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Loth and his daughters, and Abimelech and Sarah.Amsterdam, Wendel (1803 - 1845); via Erve H. Rynders, Amsterdam, whose address is mentioned on the print: ‘Te Amsterdam, by d’Erve H. Rynders, in de Tweede Tuindwarsstraat’ numbered ‘No. 26.’ in upper right corner. Later republished under the same number by Rynders under the title ‘Zie hier o jonge jeugd! Een Lusthof voor ‘t gemoed, Hoe zondig ‘t Aardryk is, God schiep ‘t alles goed.’ (De Meyer p. 281, Boerma p. 810). l 16 woodcut illustrations (each ca. 55 x 70 mm) on paper; hand coloured in orange and yellow; 2-line verses under each image with citations of the corresponding verses from Genesis; total: 330 x 420 mm; Pro Patria watermark, countermark: ‘GR’, with crown, encircled with branches, (Voorn 1960, nr. 140, pp. 136, 192); restorations on verso, slightly creased.De Meyer p. 338, Boerma p. 838 (Wendel 26).

Antiquariaat Goltzius
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