Antiquariaat Goltzius: Portraits Portraits Portretten Portretten Prenten Prints prent
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Baillie, William (1723-1810) Captain after Mieris, Frans van I (1635-1681)
Fran.s Mieris. (portrait of Frans van Mieris I)
Portrait of Frans van Mieris (I) in profile, half lenght. Signed below the plate on the left: 'Mieris del.t' on the right:'WBaillie f'(W and B monogrammed) Inscribed on he bottom: RAN.S. MIERIS. / From a Drawing in he Collect.n of the Earl of Bute. / Pub. Jan.ry 1777' l Soft ground etching on paper; total: 295 x 209 mm. M 3644. PP01M (Mieris) / black folders A-D
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60004
€  115.00 [Appr.: US$ 120.71 | £UK 96 | JP¥ 18385]

Bary, Hendrik (1640-1707) after Collaert, Hans or Jan I (1525/30-1580)
Portrait of Gerard v. Wassenaer, jurist in Utrecht (portrait of Gerard van Wassenaer)
Bust portrait of Gerard van Wassenaer in an oval. Inscribed in the oval:'GERARDUS A WASSENAER J.V.D. ET CURIAE ULTRAJECTINAE, DUM VIVERET, ADVOCATUS, OBIIT. AC. CHRISTI 1664. AETAT 75.' On the bottom Latin text:'Hunc loquitur jam Fama Virum, quo jura loquente,.... Belgarum hic CRESCENS Papinianus erat. / L. v. P.' l Engraving and etching on paper, small margins; platemark: 249 x 153 mm; total: 255 x 158 mm; only state; Hollstein 79; W. 66; M. 5945. PP01W (Wassenaer) / black folders A-D
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60006
€  172.50 [Appr.: US$ 181.06 | £UK 144 | JP¥ 27578]

Baudous, Robert de (1574/75-after 1659)
[39] Cornelius Visscherus Goudan (Pictorum aliquot celebrium, præcipué Germaniæ Inferioris, effigies; series title)
Portrait of Cornelis Visscher in the act of drawing a self-portrait as calligrapher. 39th plate of the series. Signed on the top left: 'Hh form Cum privill.' Inscription on the bottom: 'CORNELIUS VISSHERUS, GOUDAN. / Postremos inter non est Vischerus habendus, / Austriaci, Auriaci clarus imaginibus. / Principis exemplar cum quaerant undique vestrum / Pictores : Magno magnus es Auriaco'. l Engraving trimmed to plate mark; total: 212 x 125 mm; pasted on 18th century print; Hollstein 161
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60120
€  97.75 [Appr.: US$ 102.6 | £UK 81.75 | JP¥ 15628]

Berg, Cornelis van den (1699-1774)
Self-portrait of the artist, bust in frontal view, his head slightly turned to left, wearing a buttoned shirt and a hat; second state with hatching in background. On the bottom of the portrait: 'CORNELIS VAN DEN BERG. / geb. te Haarlem 9 Jan. 1699. / door hem zelfs getekend en ge-etst. 1759'. Muller (II, nr. 354) l Etching on paper, trimmed on the platemark; total: 132 x 69 mm PP01B (Berg, Cornelis van den)
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 59650
€  109.25 [Appr.: US$ 114.67 | £UK 91.25 | JP¥ 17466]

Besseling, Albertus (1729-1753), after Lievens, Jan (1607-1674)
Dit is VONDEL met zijn rol; / Apelles trof Apol.
Portrait of Joost van den Vondel with a roll of paper in his hands, probably a reference to his writings. Signed on the bottom left:'J. Lievens pinx.' and on the right:'A. Besseling f. 1753'; lettered on the bottom:'Dit is VONDEL met zijn rol; / Apelles trof Apol./ H. en J. Besseling exc.' l Etching and engraving on paper with small margins; platemark: 187 x 136 mm, total: 192 x 139 mm. PP01V (Vondel)
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 59802
€  69.00 [Appr.: US$ 72.43 | £UK 57.75 | JP¥ 11031]

Bloteling, Abraham (1640-1690) after Vaillant, Bernard (1632-1698)
HIERONYMUS VAN BEVERNINGK (portrait of Hieronymus van Beverninck)
Portrait of Hieronymus van Beverninck (16414-1690) in an oval frame. Beverninck was mayor of Gouda and ambassador in England Inscribed on the oval frame:'NE TE QUAESI VERIS EXTRA'; on the pedestal on the plinth on bottom:'ILLUSTRIS ET GENEROSUS DOMINUS / D. HIERONYMUS VAN BEVERINGK / Teylingae Toparcha, Foederati Belgy Exthezaurarius, Lycaei Batavi Curator, in Consessu Celsorum et praepoten: / tium d:d: Ordinum Generalium Assessor, ad Tractatus pacis, [..] Neomagi instituti sunt, extra ordinem Legatus et Plenipotentiarius.'; signed on the bottom left:'B. Vaillant ad Vivum Pingebat et ex.' and right:'A. Blooteling sculp. 1679' l Engraving on paper with small margins; platemark: 350 x 265 mm; total: 358 x 273 mm; state IV/5, Hollstein 2, Wess 2, M 397. On the verso, bottom left in brown ink: 'N.:902' PP01B (Beverningk) / black folders A-D
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60022
€  201.25 [Appr.: US$ 211.24 | £UK 168 | JP¥ 32175]

Bloteling, Abraham (1640-1690) after Zijl, Gerard Pietersz. van (1607/08-1665)
Portrait of Govert Flinck (1615-1660)
Portrait of Govert Flinck (1615-1660) in profile with right arm resting on a support. He is holding a roll of paper. Inscribed on the bottom, in two columns a componiment by Vondel: 'Dus leefde Apelles FLINCK, te vroegh de stadt ontruckt, / Toen hy, behantvest van haere edele overheden, / Het heerlyck raethuis met historien zou kleeden, // Gelyckze Tacitus van outs heeft uitgedruckt, / Die Rome Strycken leert voort recht der Batavieren. / Bekranst dien schilderhelt met eeuwige laurieren. / J. v. Vondel.' Signed on the bottom left:'Gr. Zyll Pinx.' and on the right:'ABlotelingh sculp. et Excud.' (A and B monogrammed) l Engraving on paper with margins; platemark: 293 x 213 mm; total: 317 x 231 mm; state II/2, Hollstein 13, Wess 11, M 1666. PP01F (Flink) / black folders A-D
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60024
€  201.25 [Appr.: US$ 211.24 | £UK 168 | JP¥ 32175]

Bry, Jan Theodor de (1561-1623), after Boissard, Jean-Jacques (1528-1602)
DURNHOFERUS THEOLOGUS (Portrait of Lorenz Dürnhofer)
Portrait of theologian Lorenz Dürnhofer (1532-1594). Titled on the oval frame: 'DURNHOFERUS THEOLOGUS', inscribed in the bottom margin: 'Haec Durnhoferi facies Pegnesis & albis / Eloquium & mores obstupuere viri. L3'. l Engraving on paper, with small margins; platemark: 143 x 107 mm; total: 157 x 115 mm; a trace of stain on the left margin.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60030
€  103.50 [Appr.: US$ 108.64 | £UK 86.5 | JP¥ 16547]

Bry, Jan Theodor de (1561-1623), after Boissard, Robert (c.1570-1601)
IACOBUS LATOMUS THEOLOGUS (portrait of Jacob Masson)
Portrait of Jacob Masson(ca. 1475-1544), bust-length, facing the viewer with joined hands. In front of him an opened book. Under arch supported by pillars; illustration to Boissard's 'Icones Virorum Illustrium' (Frankfurt: De Bry, 1597-99), vol II (1598). Inscription on the arched top: 'IACOBUS LATOMUS THEOLOGUS.'; monogram on the right of Boissard; on the bottom right:'Nascitur/ Obij / An. 1520'; on the bottom:' Latomus artifici disponens singula dextera,/ Facundum soles aedificavit opus.' Inscribed wih pen '1470? - 1520'. Some pen inscription on the back. l Engraving on paper, broad margins; platemak: 140 x 107 mm; total: 187 x 147 mm; state I/2.
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 59668
€  103.50 [Appr.: US$ 108.64 | £UK 86.5 | JP¥ 16547]

Bry, Jan Theodor de (1561-1623), after Boissard, Robert (c.1570-1601)
IANUS DUZA... (portrait of Janus Dousa)
Portrait of Lord of Noordwyck Janus Dousa (Jan van der Does), bust-length, turned to the left with book in left hand, under arch supported by pillars; illustration to Boissard's 'Icones Virorum Illustrium' (Frankfurt: De Bry, 1597-99), vol. IV. Inscription on the arched top: 'IANUS DUZA Dominus a Nortwick Poeta et Orator.'; monogram on the right of Boissard; on the bottom left: 'Nasc. in / A°/ Ob / A°'; on the bottom: 'Nobilitas cuj doccta placet, cuj nobile Carmen / Jngenium Duza nobile semper amat'. l Engraving on paper, very small margins, pasted on another leaf; total: 145 x 111 mm; State I/2
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 59666
€  103.50 [Appr.: US$ 108.64 | £UK 86.5 | JP¥ 16547]

Bry, Jan Theodor de (1561-1623), after Boissard, Jean-Jacques (1528-1602)
Portrait of Johann Sebastian Pfauser, theologian. Signed with the artist's monogram within the image and titled at top: 'IO SEBASTIANUS PFAURSERUS D. MAXIMIL II ADIG ECCLESIAS', inscribed below: 'Nascitur ad Iacum / Bodamicu An 1520 / Obijt lauringa an / 1569' and in the margin: 'Cesare qui eoram spargebas verba salutis / Cesareo felix mumre Praesul eras'. l Engraving on paper, with margins; platemark: 138 x 105 mm; total: 170 x 130 mm
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60028
€  103.50 [Appr.: US$ 108.64 | £UK 86.5 | JP¥ 16547]

Dijck, Anthonie van (1599-1641) and Bolswert, Schelte Adamsz. (c. 1586-1659)
Portrait of Willem de Vos (fl. 1593-1629), history painter and portraitist, based in Antwerp, nephew and pupil of Maarten de Vos (1532-1603). Lettered below: 'GVGLIELMVS DE VOS. / ANTVERPIAE PICTOR HUMANARUM FIGURARUM.'; signed lower left: 'Ant. van Dyck fecit aqua forti.'; signed lower right: 'S. a Bolswert sculpsit'. Numbered on the top right corner in brown ink: '66' (possibly linked to British Museum exemplar 1863-5-9-883) l Very fine etching and engraving with broad margins; plate mark: 243 x 151 mm; total: 400 x 288 mm; state VII/7; Hollstein 14
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 59698
€  690.00 [Appr.: US$ 724.25 | £UK 575.75 | JP¥ 110313]

Dijck, Anthonie van (1599-1641) and Bolswert, Schelte Adamsz. (c. 1586-1659)
PAULUS DE VOS PICTOR. (portrait of Paulus de Vos)
Portrait of Paulus de Vos (1591-1678), painter of animals. Lettered under the portrait: 'PAULUS DE VOS PICTOR / VENATIONUM ANTVERPIAE' signed: 'Ant. van Dyck pinxit et / fecit aqua forti' and 'S. a Bolswert / sculpsit'. l Very fine etching, trimmed to plate mark; total: 237 x 153 mm; pasted on thick paper; state VIII/10; New Hollstein 13, Dutuit 15
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60050
€  230.00 [Appr.: US$ 241.42 | £UK 192 | JP¥ 36771]

Dupuis, Nicolas (1698-1771) after Visscher, Cornelis (1628/29-1658)
Portrait of the painter Philip Wouwerman in an elaborate frame including elements recalling subjects usually represented by the painter: horses, hunting scenes a palette with brushes and birds. Lettered in the bottom center: 'PHILIPPUS / WOUWERMAN PICTOR / BATAVUS', signed on the bottom left:'C. de Visscher delineavit' and on the right:'N. Dupuis Sculp.' and in the center:'a Paris chez Huquier vis a vis le grand Chatelet.' l Engraving on paper, trimmed to platemark; total: 424 x 285 mm. Th.B 10, p. 184, Le Blanc 34, Nagler 3 PP01W (Wouwerman) / in black folders A-D [Dupuis]
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 60052
€  172.50 [Appr.: US$ 181.06 | £UK 144 | JP¥ 27578]

Fokke, Simon (1712-1784), on a drawing by Schouman, Aert (1710-1792), after painting by Baen, Jan de (1633-1702)
Aftekening der Schilderye, op 't Stadhuis te Dordrecht geplaatst, ter gedagtenisse van de Overwinning by Chattam, in 't Jaar 1667, onder 't beleid van KORNELIS DE WIT. Rurwaard van Putten.
Glorification of Cornelis de Witt: the commander in armour, holding a commandostaf, is represented on the left, being crowned with laurel by flying putti while a Fame is blowing a trumpet. On the background the trip to Chatham (June 1667). On the left also a cornucopia with symbols of the prosperity of land and wealth. This illustration was used in Jan Wagenaar's "Vaderlandsche historie", published in Amsterdam between 1749-1759, in 21 volumes. This pint belongs to vol. XIII, p. 478. The original painting in the town hall of Dordrecht was destroyed in 1672, soon after the horrifying death of the de Witt brothes. Signed lower right corner: "S.Fokke fec"; on the left corner: "A. Schoumann del, naar 't Originele Model" l Etching on laid paper; tot.213 x 282 mm with margins, some damages along the margins. Signs of folding. PH4F
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 59602
€  63.25 [Appr.: US$ 66.39 | £UK 53 | JP¥ 10112]

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