Antiquariaat Goltzius: Portraits Portraits Portretten Portretten Predikanten Prenten Prints priesters
found: 3 books

Conradus, Abraham J. (ca. 1612-1661); Cralinge, Jan (c. 1630-c. 1670); Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669)
Portrait of Eleazar Swalmius, theologician and priest in Amsterdam, seated on a chair, right hand on his chest. On the left a bookcase. After a painted portrait by Rembrandt. Under the portrait a poem by Geldorpius. Not last state. Under the poem on the left: 'Rembrandt Pinxit'; 'A. Conradius Sculpsit'; 'Jan Craelinge Excudit' and 'H. GELDORPIUS'. Book nr. 59716; 59717; 59718 other version l Engraving with some etching; platemark: 300 x 214 mm; total: 323 x 232 mm; state: II/3; Hollstein (Conrad) 9.II PP01S
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 59578
€  172.50 [Appr.: US$ 178.19 | £UK 143.75 | JP¥ 26988]

Suyderhoef, Jonas (ca.1613-1686); Goos, Pieter (1616-1672) after Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669)
Portrait of Eleazar Swalmius, theologician and priest in Amsterdam, seated on a chair, right hand on his chest. On the left a bookcase. After a painted portrait by Rembrandt. Under the portrait a poem by Geldorpius. Under the poem on the left: 'Rembrandt Pinxit'; 'I.Suijderhoef Sculpsit'; 'P. Goos Excudit' and 'H. Geldorpius'. Book nr. 59578 other version l Engraving with some etching; trimmed on platemark: 328 x 259 mm; total: 333 x 260 mm; state: I/3; Hollstein (Suyderhoef), p. 252, nr. 120. On the verso unidentified collector's mark. PP01S
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 59716
€  345.00 [Appr.: US$ 356.38 | £UK 287.5 | JP¥ 53975]

Suyderhoef, Jonas (ca.1613-1686); Goos, Pieter (1616-1672) after Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669)
Portrait of Eleazar Swalmius, theologician and priest in Amsterdam, seated on a chair, right hand on his chest. On the left a bookcase. After a painted portrait by Rembrandt. Under the portrait a poem by Geldorpius. Under the poem on the left: 'Rembrandt Pinxit'; 'I.Suijderhoef Sculpsit'; 'P. Goos Excudit' and 'H. Geldorpius'; below in the center in brown ink '387'. Book nr. 59578 other version l Engraving with some etching; trimmed on platemark: 328 x 259 mm; total: 330 x 262 mm; state: I/3; Hollstein (Suyderhoef), p. 252, nr. 120. On the verso unidentified collector's mark. PP01S
Antiquariaat GoltziusProfessional seller
Book number: 59718
€  230.00 [Appr.: US$ 237.58 | £UK 191.75 | JP¥ 35984]

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