Numan, Hendrik (1736-1788)
Nieuw Jaars Courant [Wish card, New Year]
New year's wish card, woodcut and letterpress published in Amsterdam in 1782. On the top a collection of small views of spots of Amsterdam, from three different woodblocks; among these the Zuiderkerk, the Munt, the Royal palace, the Oudekerk, the Westerkerk, the Jan Roodenpoortstoren and the Haringpakkerstoren. Signed in the middle plate below, 'H. Numan' [see also Rijksprentkabinet RP-P-OB-86.807 for a later edition of the same blocks]. Titled above: 'NIEUW JAARS COURANT / Opgedraagen aan alle HEEREN, KOOPLIEDEN, BURGERS en INWOONERS der Stad AMSTERDAM, / door hunnen bereidwilligen Dienaar, den Ombrenger der Couranten en Dominees-Briefjes. / Op den eersten dag van het Jaar onzes Heeren, Anno 1782.... ' On the bottom the address of the publisher: 'Te Amsterdam by J.VERLEM, Boekenverkooper in de Gravestraat, en aanstaande Mey 1782, in de Warmoestraat, het derde Huys van de Pylsteeg' l Broadside sheet woodcut and letterpress on paper; total: 328 x 202 mm; signs of foldings, especially along the margins.

Antiquariaat Goltzius
Professional sellerBook number: 60862
€ 195.50 [Appr.: US$ 202.88 | £UK 163.5 | JP¥ 30812]