Historie van de Kettery der Beeldstormers, en van d'overbrenging des Keizerrijks op de Franschen
Amsterdam, Timotheus ten Hoorn, 1685, 4to., full parchment spitsel binding, [20]+412+[16] pp., smudged parchment, inside of the boards exposed, ruffled endpapers, waterstained and some sign of worming. Engraved titlepage, woodcut vignet on typographical titlepage, some decorative initials and head and tail pieces, with two fold out engravings (T. Doesburg) of which one is restored with paper strips, and four single page engravings (J. Harrewijn). l Concerns the history heresey and iconoclasm

Antiquariaat Goltzius
Professional sellerBook number: 69190
€ 747.50 [Appr.: US$ 776.59 | £UK 622.25 | JP¥ 118548]